Does God exist inside of human DNA

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I get the impression the real purpose of this thread (and a few others) is to bait people to argue against radical skepticism.

But que sçay-je?

Yet, it’s fun. And, it’s sticking up for the teachings of the Church Jesus left us… 😉
Yet, it’s fun. And, it’s sticking up for the teachings of the Church Jesus left us… 😉
As long as you are enjoying yourself :).

I’m not Catholic, but I have noticed quite a few opportunities to apply some of the teachings of the CCC in this thread.
I get the impression the real purpose of this thread (and a few others) is to bait people to argue against radical skepticism.

But que sçay-je?

Pardon my mistakes. Sent from my mobile device.
Interesting. What is radical skepticism?
Interesting. What is radical skepticism?
Radical Skepticism is an epidemiological position that I would summarize as “knowledge is most likely impossible.” While skeptics are known for being slow to believe/accept a proposition without further substantiation of that proposition radical skeptics will always question any information that is used to substantiate a claim and generally have no epistemology methods to share that would assist in providing satisfying/convincing information. There’s some intersection between the hard solipsism, the brain in the vat thought experiment, and radical skepticism.

I’ve never met a person that approaches life with the position of a radical skeptic, only people that have taken the position in discussion and debate.
Radical Skepticism is an epidemiological position that I would summarize as “knowledge is most likely impossible.” While skeptics are known for being slow to believe/accept a proposition without further substantiation of that proposition radical skeptics will always question any information that is used to substantiate a claim and generally have no epistemology methods to share that would assist in providing satisfying/convincing information. There’s some intersection between the hard solipsism, the brain in the vat thought experiment, and radical skepticism.

I’ve never met a person that approaches life with the position of a radical skeptic, only people that have taken the position in discussion and debate.
Well, that would sum up DNARose for sure. I would also add that he or she is an extreme materialist too, who thinks that anything that is not made of matter does not exist.
Scientifically-speaking, God does not exist inside DNA:

Nature Education

"DNA Is a Structure That Encodes Biological Information .

"What do a human, a rose, and a bacterium have in common? Each of these things — along with every other organism on Earth — contains the molecular instructions for life, called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. Encoded within this DNA are the directions for traits as diverse as the color of a person’s eyes, the scent of a rose, and the way in which bacteria infect a lung cell.

"DNA is found in nearly all living cells. However, its exact location within a cell depends on whether that cell possesses a special membrane-bound organelle called a nucleus. Organisms composed of cells that contain nuclei are classified as eukaryotes, whereas organisms composed of cells that lack nuclei are classified as prokaryotes. In eukaryotes, DNA is housed within the nucleus, but in prokaryotes, DNA is located directly within the cellular cytoplasm, as there is no nucleus available.

“But what, exactly, is DNA? In short, DNA is a complex molecule that consists of many components, a portion of which are passed from parent organisms to their offspring during the process of reproduction. Although each organism’s DNA is unique, all DNA is composed of the same nitrogen-based molecules. So how does DNA differ from organism to organism? It is simply the order in which these smaller molecules are arranged that differs among individuals. In turn, this pattern of arrangement ultimately determines each organism’s unique characteristics, thanks to another set of molecules that “read” the pattern and stimulate the chemical and physical processes it calls for.”

. . .]🙂
I would also add that he or she is an extreme materialist too, who thinks that anything that is not made of matter does not exist.
The closest thing to a theistic view that I can identify that might be compatible with the proposition that “God exists inside of human DNA” might be Pantheism (which sees the universe as the manifestation of God) or perhaps even Panentheism (God interpenetrates the universe). While the closest that I can identify they may not be completely compatible with the proposition.

If Human DNA were being identified as one of the places where God existed but open to others than it may be compatible with the above views. If the proposition is intended to express that God exclusively exists within DNA and nowhere else then it doesn’t quite match any theological position that I am able to identify.
Where did the people who first wrote your ideas get their information, about what God is.

There is no evidence that human DNA is the same today, as it was half a million years ago, where did you get this information from?

Does everyone here just make up stuff on the go?

Is that what God is?
They get it from Philosophy, from Revelation, and from the Catholic Church whom the Holy Spirit guides in all Truths connected to morality and faith. I addressed this on another thread. And where did you ever get the idea that God exists inside human DNA?
And what exactly do you mean by that?

The closest thing to a theistic view that I can identify that might be compatible with the proposition that “God exists inside of human DNA” might be Pantheism (which sees the universe as the manifestation of God) or perhaps even Panentheism (God interpenetrates the universe). While the closest that I can identify they may not be completely compatible with the proposition.

If Human DNA were being identified as one of the places where God existed but open to others than it may be compatible with the above views. If the proposition is intended to express that God exclusively exists within DNA and nowhere else then it doesn’t quite match any theological position that I am able to identify.
A thinking homo-sapien learns science since the below mentioned is what is taught in elementary schools these days. Children (religious and non-religious) most definately wouldn’t identify with what you just wrote above. People have to use some common sense or otherwise we will have a group of idiots and not future scientists.
Scientifically-speaking, God does not exist inside DNA:

Nature Education

"DNA Is a Structure That Encodes Biological Information .

"What do a human, a rose, and a bacterium have in common? Each of these things — along with every other organism on Earth — contains the molecular instructions for life, called deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. Encoded within this DNA are the directions for traits as diverse as the color of a person’s eyes, the scent of a rose, and the way in which bacteria infect a lung cell.

"DNA is found in nearly all living cells. However, its exact location within a cell depends on whether that cell possesses a special membrane-bound organelle called a nucleus. Organisms composed of cells that contain nuclei are classified as eukaryotes, whereas organisms composed of cells that lack nuclei are classified as prokaryotes. In eukaryotes, DNA is housed within the nucleus, but in prokaryotes, DNA is located directly within the cellular cytoplasm, as there is no nucleus available.

“But what, exactly, is DNA? In short, DNA is a complex molecule that consists of many components, a portion of which are passed from parent organisms to their offspring during the process of reproduction. Although each organism’s DNA is unique, all DNA is composed of the same nitrogen-based molecules. So how does DNA differ from organism to organism? It is simply the order in which these smaller molecules are arranged that differs among individuals. In turn, this pattern of arrangement ultimately determines each organism’s unique characteristics, thanks to another set of molecules that “read” the pattern and stimulate the chemical and physical processes it calls for.”

. . .]🙂
A thinking homo-sapien learns science since the below mentioned is what is taught in elementary schools these days. Children (religious and non-religious) most definately wouldn’t identify with what you just wrote above. People have to use some common sense or otherwise we will have a group of idiots and not future scientists.
I’m not quite sure what it is you are trying to communicate to me.Could you reword your message? I’m don’t know the relevance that my comments on other theological positions that might see DNA as being God have to do with the popularity of such positions among children.
I’m not quite sure what it is you are trying to communicate to me.Could you reword your message? I’m don’t know the relevance that my comments on other theological positions that might see DNA as being God have to do with the popularity of such positions among children.
My previous message is plain and clear so you might like to reconsider changing your user name since it doesn’t appear to be factual.😃 My last post is objective and factual too. I don’t have the time to continue onward with this topic. 🙂
They get it from Philosophy, from Revelation, and from the Catholic Church whom the Holy Spirit guides in all Truths connected to morality and faith. I addressed this on another thread. And where did you ever get the idea that God exists inside human DNA?
And what exactly do you mean by that?

Well first of all, I never said that God exist inside of DNA, what I said was, and I quote.

Does God exist inside of human DNA

Genesis 1:27New King James Version

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Does this bible passage, mean the same thing today, as it did 500, 1000, or 2000 years ago? I doubt it, because now we know that our image comes from our DNA, and that DNA controls every aspect of what we are. So if we are created in the DNA image of God, we should be able to be God. Would God create something that was ignorant and useless, or would he recreate the knowledge of himself in order to give us the ability to rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

So does DNA hold the image of God?

So do you understand the difference, between a question, and a statement of fact? And, the idea, comes from the book of Genesis, so the idea comes from the bible…

I do presume that everyone, knows that the bible clearly states, that man was created in the image of God…
Well first of all, I never said that God exist inside of DNA, what I said was, and I quote.

Does God exist inside of human DNA

Genesis 1:27New King James Version

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Does this bible passage, mean the same thing today, as it did 500, 1000, or 2000 years ago? I doubt it, because now we know that our image comes from our DNA, and that DNA controls every aspect of what we are. So if we are created in the DNA image of God, we should be able to be God. Would God create something that was ignorant and useless, or would he recreate the knowledge of himself in order to give us the ability to rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

So does DNA hold the image of God?

So do you understand the difference, between a question, and a statement of fact? And, the idea, comes from the book of Genesis, so the idea comes from the bible…

I do presume that everyone, knows that the bible clearly states, that man was created in the image of God…
Okay, I’m almost afraid to answer you, but here goes again:

Image or likeness of God doesn’t mean that mankind resembles God in the sense of God having flesh and blood, because God is pure spirit and exists without a body. The likeness is in the immaterial part of man, we are set apart from the animal world, fit for dominion over the earth and can communicate with our Maker. It is a likeness mentally and morally, not materially.

We were made out of the dust of the earth: the primordial soup of DNA. But our bodies will die and return to the earth: ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Most bones just turn back into the earth over time, unless they are preserved somehow.

Yes God surely created DNA, just as he created life. However, our souls are not made out of DNA.
Okay, I’m almost afraid to answer you, but here goes again:

Image or likeness of God doesn’t mean that mankind resembles God in the sense of God having flesh and blood, because God is pure spirit and exists without a body. The likeness is in the immaterial part of man, we are set apart from the animal world, fit for dominion over the earth and can communicate with our Maker. It is a likeness mentally and morally, not materially.

We were made out of the dust of the earth: the primordial soup of DNA. But our bodies will die and return to the earth: ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Most bones just turn back into the earth over time, unless they are preserved somehow.

Yes God surely created DNA, just as he created life. However, our souls are not made out of DNA.
Ah Christine, the primordial soup, refers to life from a warm pond, with no need for God, I really think that you are mistaken, and need to Google what primordial soup means, because it is a main concept of atheism.
Ah Christine, the primordial soup, refers to life from a warm pond, with no need for God, I really think that you are mistaken, and need to Google what primordial soup means, because it is a main concept of atheism.
Oh no, God made the primordial soup. Then he divided everthing up and in order made the bacteria, plants, animals and lastly, his masterpiece: man. It’s all in the Bible, although it says it happened in 6 days, we Catholics don’t believe that.
Oh no, God made the primordial soup. Then he divided everthing up and in order made the bacteria, plants, animals and lastly, his masterpiece: man. It’s all in the Bible, although it says it happened in 6 days, we Catholics don’t believe that.
Is the primordial soup in the bible? Because it is a big part of the atheist bible.


It is often said that all the conditions for the first production of a living organism are now present, which could ever have been present.— But if (& oh what a big if) we could conceive in some warm little pond with all sorts of ammonia & phosphoric salts,—light, heat, electricity &c present, that a protein compound was chemically formed, ready to undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter wd be instantly devoured, or absorbed, which would not have been the case before living creatures were formed.

Letter to J. D. Hooker, 1 Feb [1871]

The warm pond contained the primordial soup.
Well first of all, I never said that God exist inside of DNA, what I said was, and I quote.

Does God exist inside of human DNA

Genesis 1:27New King James Version

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Does this bible passage, mean the same thing today, as it did 500, 1000, or 2000 years ago? I doubt it, because now we know that our image comes from our DNA, and that DNA controls every aspect of what we are. So if we are created in the DNA image of God, we should be able to be God. Would God create something that was ignorant and useless, or would he recreate the knowledge of himself in order to give us the ability to rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

So does DNA hold the image of God?

So do you understand the difference, between a question, and a statement of fact? And, the idea, comes from the book of Genesis, so the idea comes from the bible…

I do presume that everyone, knows that the bible clearly states, that man was created in the image of God…
This is a direct challenge to all readers of this amazing thread.🙂

The challenge is to apply some logic to post 110, that is, using the Deductive Method of Reasoning. As we all know, usually some Inductive Reasoning will be appropriate at certain points.

It is not necessary for DNA Rose to participate in this discussion.

From post 110.
"Genesis 1:27New King James Version

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."

The first axiom should be about God, since we are logically starting the book of Genesis at Genesis 1: 1.

Thoughts, questions, laughter. 🙂
Is the primordial soup in the bible? Because it is a big part of the atheist bible.
It’s implied: First it was all darkness, then there was light, then the waters were divided, land formed, and then life, and then higher life forms. Catholics do not reject science. We believe that the world is very ancient and God created it over vast periods of time, (which to him are just minutes, since he is outside time).
This is a direct challenge to all readers of this amazing thread.🙂

The challenge is to apply some logic to post 110, that is, using the Deductive Method of Reasoning. As we all know, usually some Inductive Reasoning will be appropriate at certain points.

It is not necessary for DNA Rose to participate in this discussion.

From post 110.
"Genesis 1:27New King James Version

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."

The first axiom should be about God, since we are logically starting the book of Genesis at Genesis 1: 1.

Thoughts, questions, laughter. 🙂
🙂 But DNARose is all over the place. It’s hard to know where he is coming from except that he likes the idea of DNA being the stuff that God is made of.
It’s implied: First it was all darkness, then there was light, then the waters were divided, land formed, and then life, and then higher life forms. Catholics do not reject science. We believe that the world is very ancient and God created it over vast periods of time, (which to him are just minutes, since he is outside time).
So as I said, the primordial soup is not in the bible, unless of course you are reading the atheist bible.

“Primordial soup” is a term introduced by the Soviet biologist Alexander Oparin. In 1924, he proposed a theory of the origin of life on Earth through the transformation, during the gradual chemical evolution of molecules that contain carbon in the primordial soup.

Biochemist Robert Shapiro has summarized the “primordial soup” theory of Oparin and Haldane in its “mature form” as follows:[1]
1.Early Earth had a chemically reducing atmosphere.
2.This atmosphere, exposed to energy in various forms, produced simple organic compounds (“monomers”).
3.These compounds accumulated in a “soup”, which may have been concentrated at various locations (shorelines, oceanic vents etc.).
4.By further transformation, more complex organic polymers – and ultimately life – developed in the soup.

God is not involved in the primordial soup theory Christine, so if you really believe in God, then, you really need to stop…
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