Could be logical. But it means nothing until God is defined in the first place.The belief of geocentric model is not a de fide belief. The belief of God being a supreme being of existence is a de fide belief.
And God being the supreme being is through divine revelation from the prophets and the apostles.
Is God a man?
Is God a woman?
Is God both?
Is God neither?
Does God have a big head?
Does God have a little head?
This could go on for infinity, as no one knows anything, thus anything can be true, if you have faith.
I was told to have faith in God, and I did, because I was told to. Then I grew up, and came to know that God is essential, to have created the DNA that created this network, as nothing comes from nothing, and we have hundreds of trillions of parts each.
However, if we are created in Gods image, then God is human, and we shall have his powers, once we understand his codes.
Go ahead recommend my house arrest to the elders, who still do not believe in Martians, as the Pope does.