Does God exist?

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…which would lend credence to Seeker’s false notion that our God is also an invention and therefore our God does not exist…
Oh it’s so sickening, when atheists involve one in endless discussions in which they want to prove that God doesn’t exist, even though their own existence arouse from God - for no-one is out of himself.

But it hardly ever is of any use and it turns every time out as waist of time to discuss with atheists. They never think a second about what you had said nor what’s taught in the scriptures. They simply try by all means to resist.

Of course believe never can be proved. But all the same disbelieve ever could be proved as right.
So - it’s a waist of time to talk to most of them, unless they are open minded - those you hardly find.
It’s useless.

Still I wonder what a lot of energy they mobilise to fight against God, whom they all will see one day. And I wonder; WHO fights with them?

If it wouldn’t be so sad, it would be fun to see them then at this moment before the Allmights God Creator of heaven and earth, whom this little thing tried to make inexistant by his words 😃 or :eek: (or rather not think about it)

By the way; what’s the real plural for forum – in German its Foren 😃
CatsandDogs - well if you consider divine revelation to be more than schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder or any other psychological disorder. And that the actually person saying so is actually right…

Then thats it. That is all the evidence you need. Incorrect as I may believe you are. You are right in your own mind.

What would it take to show to you that divine revelation is only a psychological disorder or simply incorrect correlative data recognition?

For me i would believe divine revelation to be truly divine if it told us something useful that we are yet to understand and know. Not in some cryptic allegorical way that can be used to describe various events. But something precise and then repeatable.
Good question for those who have doubts.
As believers our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. He comes to live with you when you come to faith. Jn.14;16-27
Rev.3:20 reads “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”
Isn’t this wonderful. 😃 Have you invited Jesus into your heart.

God bless you,

For me i would believe divine revelation to be truly divine if it told us something useful that we are yet to understand and know. Not in some cryptic allegorical way that can be used to describe various events. But something precise and then repeatable.

told us something useful that we are yet to understand and know

How about “Love one another”? That’s something useful that the world still does not not seem to understand and know. And this is increasingly the case as the world turns away from God and what God is trying to tell us through his son Jesus Christ.

I don’t hear atheists telling us anything except to turn away from the one who told us to love one another.

The plural for forum in my Random House Dictions is forums or fora, with forums given as the first (probably because the most common) use.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay,… CHUCK! 🙂
**I know that’s off topic, but let me still mention, Yes in German is Ja (just one a) 🙂
and yes in English is yeah as I pickt it up in a Birmingham/UK factory back in 1959
chuck by the way means “Ansaugvorrichtung” in German.
(not ment seriously - though true)

And thanks Charlemagne for telling me the plural of Forum is forums - just add an S (even as English is so easy - I don’t speak it - why don’t you simply speak German?)

Yes “our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit”
let’s be aware, that the Holy Spirit is God Himself. It’s the spirit of God. In fact more than we all ever can seize.
ist to little to outline the Holy Spirit in simple terms of our language. We can’t and won’t ever be able to.
But yes - lets be “childish” in this way, for if we not are like these children…
The question DOES GOD EXIST is no question to them
it’s a simple YES
Originally Posted by CatsAndDogs View Post
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay,… CHUCK!

I know that’s off topic, but let me still mention, Yes in German is Ja (just one a) and yes in English is yeah as I pickt it up in a Birmingham/UK factory back in 1959

chuck by the way means “Ansaugvorrichtung” in German.
(not ment seriously - though true)
🙂 (I love “fun with language” opportunities!)

“Yay!” isn’t a version of “yes” (although, now that I think about it, it might BE!). It’s like “hoorah” or “yippy” or “wahoo” or “huzzah” (from the olde Elizabethan English “Renaissance Faire” days).

I’m not sure what reaction I’d get if I called “Chuck” (the nickname for “Charles” or “Charle”) Ansaugvorrichtung?

ESPECIALLY considering it’s meaning: Ansaugvorrichtung

It might be humorous, though? 🙂
🙂 (I love “fun with language” opportunities!)Ansaugvorrichtung
It might be humorous, though? 🙂
**There it told me, “We’ll use your suggestion to improve translation quality in future updates to our system.” And I added “Elephant trunk (humorously spoken)”
I wonder if they will delete. (They anyway miss-spelled Ansaugvorrichtung in two instead of one word). I myself prefer this translater

Now I wonder why seeker777, who wrote:
Your passive aggressive insults are unneccesary, but I understand that it is not personal, rather it is your insecurities rising to the surface.<
didn’t go on. Atheists always try to load their insecurity on us, as they are very yellous on our security.
Still. Hopefully our friend finally understood that believe also is a matter of high reason. Dump minds won’t ever be able to believe.
Once “seeker777” or any atheist, have finally found the courage and spirit to admit (might be the wrong word) to Jesus; with all their spirit read Jesus’ word and history in the New Testament, - if they do that open hearted, then quite often they suddenly have the epiphany that there is the one and only truth.
And seeker777; in that case, and een more so as you call yourself SEEKER, in that moment, when you found, you’d be more important than the lot of us, for we are told in MT 18,13 – heavens are happier about that one who found back, than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.
For keep in mind: What, when it’s true what you denied, after all?! What will you tell Jesus who is God and the truth and the life and the one and only way??? I DIDN’T KNOW won’t be a true excuse - for you knew but denied.
Originally Posted by CatsAndDogs View Post
(I love “fun with language” opportunities!)Ansaugvorrichtung
It might be humorous, though?

There it told me, “We’ll use your suggestion to improve translation quality in future updates to our system.” And I added “Elephant trunk (humorously spoken)”

I wonder if they will delete. (They anyway miss-spelled Ansaugvorrichtung in two instead of one word). I myself prefer this translater…ht&s=dict&l=en
Due to my stupidity in most everything german, I can’t quite figure out what a “chuck” (“Ansaugvorrichtung”) does, or is.

What does it do? I know this is off topic, but you’ve got my curiousity up. 🙂
Please stay on topic, everyone. Take private discussions to the Clubhouse or PM one another. Thank you all.
Please stay on topic, everyone. Take private discussions to the Clubhouse or PM one another. Thank you all.
Right Chief! Will do.

So, are we done with this thread, then?

I think I’ll wait for “catholic1seeks” (the OP) to restart this puppy, if he/she so chooses.
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