Does God Give Catholics The Right to Disagree With The Roman Catholic Church?

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The question is way to vague and imprecise for an intelligent answer, especially a binary answer like that.
Okay, yes, but why this specific question? What inspired you to ask?
I was easily able to answer the question.; do you want to know why?
What subject? You’re being very vague, and I’m just trying to see why you’re asking questions like this and the one before it.
And why are you interested in this? Do you think it’s a common opinion among users of CAF that the Church can be disagreed with and entail no consequences?
This is what I am try to find out; if only everyone who is Catholic would vote on this poll.
Was there any particular event that inspired you to ask this question?
How does The Church define “right”, as you used it in your title?
The Catholic Church inspired me to ask this question.
What event caused you to assume that the forum had a large population of those who actively disagree with Church teaching and think the Church gives them right to do so?
What do you mean by “the right to disagree?” Does it mean God prohibits disagreement but does not prevent it? Does it mean God allows disagreement but it is a sin against God? Does it mean that God makes us incapable of disagreement?

And by disagreement with the Catholic Church, do you mean formal heresy, or disagreement over faith and morals, or over liturgical matters, or over the finances of the Vatican, or over the practices of diocesan tribunals, or over the selection of bishops?
You have the right to disagree of course, and God gives us that right I guess. But what I don’t really get is why call yourself Catholic? If you don’t think the body and blood is really there, or that the pope isn’t legit, than why are you wasting your time?

And to be clear, I agree that the pope is the leader and in the “real presence”. I’m using those to make the point.
I never said I assumed that; that is what this poll is for, to find out the answer.
I never said I assumed that; that is what this poll is for, to find out the answer.
Why would the question be necessary at all? Why not simply assume everyone is in accordance with the Church, then find out through experience? You’re the only person I remember ever asking a question like this.
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