Little children are utterly dependent on their fathers for their well-being, there is nothing wrong with us acknowledging God as “Father on Whom we are utterly dependent,” especially when we truly are His little children as we should be (if we wish to enter Heaven). You are judging God by human standard sis all I am saying, which means you are understanding Him the way you understand good humans. My lesson to you is that God is not a good human but a good and perfect God, Who knows more and is more loving and more good than any good human … He is not to be understood as human beings are understood–for He is Perfect, Spirit and Divinity! God bless you.Why is attempting to reconcile conflicting models of our understanding of God seen as “judging” God for you? I’m working to fit discordant pieces of our intellectual puzzle together. Judging someone indicates that I am claiming they do or do not measure up to some standard. If you are right and the utter dependency is the more accurate part of our attempt to fit our limited intellects to him, let’s kick away the pretense of applying human concepts like “father” to him at all, since the term seems to be strained by more misfits than fits.