Does God love me?

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I think we do have to persuade ourselves. Sometimes Faith is all we have. It is a temptation, do not give in to this feeling, My advice is to stay strong and pray everyday for as long as it takes.

Here is a link to a group I started if you are interested. It has some beautiful prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus love is beyond anything we can imagine. We need to remind ourselves of this everyday and stay strong in our Faith especially when we are tempted and feel unworthy.
This seems like a cart-before-the-horse issue. Why in the world would I spend my days writing and sending love notes to someone I had not met or serenading her from the courtyard below? Not only not walked and talked with her, but nor had she even come to the window. Maybe the first n number of days, as in some romance novel, but at some point it rings odd. Why would I keep thinking she was even still in the room, the window of which I stand outside serenading? Because some scholar or trained singer that has been standing there even longer than I have says she is?
Look at a crucifix.
That hardly resolves it. I can look at the tomb of the unknown soldier and reflect on the brave souls who died for the sake of our collective freedom, but it hardly follows that those soldiers gave any particular thought to ME.

Some of us have prayed to the crucifix for thousands and thousands of days and never once has it spoken a single word of consolation, nor blinked, nor wept, not even rustled its garment. How would talking to the Lincoln monument, to give another example, do a single thing to make me feel like Abe cared one whit about MY well-being?
The idea that we are persuading ourselves seems problematic if we want to hold to the claim that something is objectively true. Is faith a gift or something closer to an act of self-hypnosis?

It strikes me that neither Christ nor the disciples had to “persuade themselves” that God spoke after Jesus’ baptism. Nor did Christ “persuade himself” that angels consoled him in the garden.

Did Peter have to persuade himself that Christ walked on water or did Thomas persuade himself that there were holes in Christ’s hands?
I believe you understand that “we ought to persuade ourselves” is not literal, but rather a figure of speech, like “You ought to persuade yourself that if Jack were here today he would have done such and such because this is what Jack did when he was here.” In other words, it’s not so much ‘persuading’ but more ‘reminding’ yourself.
That hardly resolves it. I can look at the tomb of the unknown soldier and reflect on the brave souls who died for the sake of our collective freedom, but it hardly follows that those soldiers gave any particular thought to ME.
True, However, I believe the difference is that Christ was fully God and at the same time fully Man, He had two natures, fully divine and fully man, if He only had a human nature, I would agree with you, but rather it was His Divine nature that could see the past, present and future (you) and took on the weight of all of our sins (past, present and future) in the Garden of Gethsemane and then suffered unto death for us.
Some of us have prayed to the crucifix for thousands and thousands of days and never once has it spoken a single word of consolation, nor blinked, nor wept, not even rustled its garment.
I believe the looking at the Crucifix is to remind you of Christ’s Passion, to meditate on those powerful truths contained therein, however, if we have never studied or understood Christ’s Passion, than what is there to be reminded of but something which we don’t understand?

I believe these two book will help you greatly -

The Passion -
(Roman Catholic Imprimatur)

The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Anne Catherine Emmerich -
(Roman Catholic Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat)
How would talking to the Lincoln monument, to give another example, do a single thing to make me feel like Abe cared one whit about MY well-being?
It wouldn’t I believe, as it wouldn’t be about *‘Talking to the Lincoln Monument’ * (that would be fruitless as it’s talking to carved stone) it would be ‘Reflecting on the Life of Lincoln, reminding ourselves of the strength and passion to stand up for the right when everyone else was pushing for the wrong’

I don’t believe Lincoln at the time would have ever dreamed that he would have had a monument built after him, nor would he have ever imagined the fruits with which has been produced from his life.

I hope this has helped.

God Bless

Thank you for reading
Your logic escapes me.
“It is entirely possible that the force we call God is **not aware **of our existence…” implies that we are aware of the force called God whereas that force is not aware. Doesn’t that strike you as superiority?
“It is entirely possible that the force we call God is **not aware **of our existence…” implies that we are aware of the force called God whereas that force is not aware. Doesn’t that strike you as superiority?
Ahh, that makes a lot of sense, I was wondering what you were getting at in your previous post. 😃

God Bless

But you’ve created a paradox. How can I remind myself of something that I don’t think/feel/believe is true?

In the case of what Jack’s motives are or would be toward me, “reminding” myself of that would involve believing his motives had anything to do with me, personally, the last time he was here. What is more, the additional point of consideration gets at my example of the serenade: if I do not feel his love or hear his voice, why would I think he is “here” unless I felt his love?

Still love. Some fathers would say that hell itself is the fire of God’s love and that it is torment to those who don’t want His love.
Tormenting your children forever and ever and loving them unconditionally sounds pretty friggin contradictory.
Tormenting your children forever and ever and loving them unconditionally sounds pretty friggin contradictory.
He doesn’t torment anyone. Now if you don’t want to have anything to do with God you can do that. You can ignore Him, pretend He doesn’t exist. But after Christ comes God will be all in all. We will be completely exposed before the Uncreated Light. There is nothing we can do to avoid it or pretend it doesn’t exist. Even if you don’t want His love, no matter how much you try to reject it it will still be there covering everything. Those who are in hell are tormenting themselves by continuing to fight and resist that love. But no matter what it’s still love.
But if we don’t see/feel his love now, why would we be able to see/feel it even better then?

What kind of father would show us a fuller picture of his love only AFTER it is too late for us to change?
But if we don’t see/feel his love now, why would we be able to see/feel it even better then?

What kind of father would show us a fuller picture of his love only AFTER it is too late for us to change?
God never does that. If you will accept His love He gives every opportunity for that to happen.
But if we don’t see/feel his love now, why would we be able to see/feel it even better then?

What kind of father would show us a fuller picture of his love only AFTER it is too late for us to change?
👍 No one is condemned for ignorance. In fact God condemns no one. Those who reject Him condemn themselves.
👍 No one is condemned for ignorance. In fact God condemns no one. Those who reject Him condemn themselves.
Revisionist bull Tony…that is a recent twist to the story invented to try and explain away how an omniscient god would create beings knowing that their fate was hell.
God never does that. If you will accept His love He gives every opportunity for that to happen.
Hmm. I have wept and prayed and done all I knew, but received only silence. Have spent my career in service to the Church. Not sure what it is that would better show openness than that.

If I have done those things and do not feel His love, then how will Hell be worse? What could make me feel less loved than being met with silence?
Seems to me you don’t understand what love is. When I think of love I see a mother caring for an infant child. That child has no way of knowing what love is. She spends her time feeding and holding that baby all the while giving her love to him. As the child grows he still may not know how much she loves him, this does not mean the love does not exist. Hopefully at some point the child will realize the love that exists between them and will return that love.

God always loves us. How can we know this? We know it because He sent His son to save us. We know Jesus loves us because He died on the cross for us. For me that is reason enough not to doubt His love for us.
Seems to me you don’t understand what love is. When I think of love I see a mother caring for an infant child. That child has no way of knowing what love is. She spends her time feeding and holding that baby all the while giving her love to him. As the child grows he still may not know how much she loves him, this does not mean the love does not exist. Hopefully at some point the child will realize the love that exists between them and will return that love.

God always loves us. How can we know this? We know it because He sent His son to save us. We know Jesus loves us because He died on the cross for us. For me that is reason enough not to doubt His love for us.
Interesting. What if we build on the analogy, though: the mother gave birth to us, but now when the child is hurt and cries she does not hold him, she does not talk to him when he asks her questions. How would that poor child feel like it was still loved? Surely hearing from the housekeeper or the gardener that his mother still loves him would hardly be sufficient…

How is the mother standing silent showing love? Would we really consider her a loving mother if she just reminded us that she gave birth to us whenever we ask her for help or comfort?

How can we reconcile these two paradigms?
He doesn’t torment anyone. Now if you don’t want to have anything to do with God you can do that. You can ignore Him, pretend He doesn’t exist. But after Christ comes God will be all in all. We will be completely exposed before the Uncreated Light. There is nothing we can do to avoid it or pretend it doesn’t exist. Even if you don’t want His love, no matter how much you try to reject it it will still be there covering everything. Those who are in hell are tormenting themselves by continuing to fight and resist that love. But no matter what it’s still love.
I’m not ignoring or pretending anything.
I’ve been given no reason to believe it.
God never does that. If you will accept His love He gives every opportunity for that to happen.
Your supposedly all-knowing god knows exactly what it would take to convince me, yet he is suspiciously absent in providing it.
👍 No one is condemned for ignorance. In fact God condemns no one. Those who reject Him condemn themselves.
False. You cannot knowingly ‘reject’ something that you don’t believe in.
And no one condemns themselves to hell, that is just bending over backwards to shift the blame.

If someone is pointing a gun at you and demands that you give them your money, and you refuse, and they shoot you, that’s murder not suicide.
I’m not ignoring or pretending anything.
I’ve been given no reason to believe it.
Yes you have. Look around you. Listen to the witnesses. If you want a hard heart my friend God will harden it. If you don’t show even a little willingness there is nothing God can do to convince you. You think we don’t understand you but we do. I know exactly why you reject God. But even though we are faithless God is faithful, always.
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