I do not speak of “fairness”, re-read my response.YOU sir (or madam) are totally insane if you honestly think that.
You speak of “fairness”…so…does an eleven year old American Catholic, for example, who dies get held accountable for his inaction on making abortion illegal again? What about a 15 year old? 18? When Catholics ask themselves these questions the whole concept of mortal sin and its punishment becomes ridiculous.
I stated that GOD does not operate under any rules of fairness, as HE is GOD, and fairness is a human concept.
The church has declared that the age of reason is seven (7). GOD knows the hearts of all of us when we die regardless of our age of death we can all rest in the comfort that HE alone will judge us for what we have done and for what we have failed to do. Do not trouble yourself with examples that would test GOD for HE is beyond all the examples you can imagine, but rather look to yourself and what you have done or failed to do and know that GOD will judge you correctly in the truth of your actions and life.