Does God suffer from Loneliness?

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The beauty of the Catholic Faith is that it is not Unitarian, that is, believes in one God who is one person. We are Trinitarian. If God were unitarian, then I think we could come into the question of was God lonely, or even was God always love if there was a time when it was just the one person. But in the true doctrine, we see that God has always existed as one Being in three Persons. The Father generates the Son, and the love between the two spirates the Holy Spirit. And since they are all God and co-eternal, then this has happened eternally in the past. So God is never lonely. He is Tri-une. The Father always has the Son, the Son always has the Father, and the Holy Spirit is that love in person. Its beautiful!
This implies God is incomplete.
I don’t understand how at all Bill’s post would imply God is incomplete. If God made creatures to glorify Him, meaning that is their ultimate meaning in life, to glorify God, that doesn’t imply at all that God was incomplete. There is no logical deduction into that. In the eternal past, God ordained to create the material universe, for His pleasure and glory. But that doesn’t necessitate that God didn’t have pleasure or glory before that. Since God is Tri-une, He always has pleasure and glory, the Father in the Son, and the Son in the Father, through the Holy Spirit,
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Try studying the concept of perichoresis. Our desire for relationships (and therefore, the feeling of loneliness when deprived thereof) is the result of being created in the image of a God who experiences eternal relationship. He created us not out of a lack on His part, but so that we may experience that relationship.
WHY does God need someone to glorify him?
Where did Bill say that God needed someone to glorify Him? I think he would agree that the Triune God needs no one to glorify Him.
In other words, if you believe God is perfect in every way, then you cannot claim God created man to glorify and serve him.
This assertion has no basis. And the logical deduction used for it is faulty. God is perfect even if He creates man to glorify Him. Merely because He creates man to glorify Himself does not imply something lacking or imperfect in God. Using that kind of faulty reasoning, one could say that God created humans with no purpose. But we know He did make humans with a reason, that is, to glorify Him, to reflect the Image of God to the universe. None of this implies anything lacking in God.

God Bless
If God doesnt need anyone, how did he understand that it would not be good for Adam to be alone? Where did He garner that insight? From being alone himself and understanding that it is not good?
If we are made in His image, and He is a trinity, then that would explain the need for others
Did God create us because He was lonely for companionship?
How about…
God Created us out of Love… For He IS so wonderful - He naturally Wills to Share Him with us…
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God is not experiential. He doesn’t need to go through things to learn things. It’s as if you think that Being made in the image of God means that everything we are God is. That’s not correct.
Your argument again is just assertions. Like I said before, the logical deductions you are making have no relation. Omniscience doesn’t negate omnipotence. There is no necessity for that. You need to prove assertions not just state them and assume they will stand. Your whole argument doesn’t make sense
Now this is a great philosphy thread! Thanks for posting in this discussion everyone.
Omnipotence does not mean able to change anything. Omnipotence means having unlimited power. Doesn’t mean that one can do something that logical impossible. Like God can’t make a square circle. A square circle is logically impossible.
So the issues about Gods omniscience would maybe be a fact if one, we define omnipotence wrong, as you did. And second, if we forget about God’s providence. Nothing is outside of God’s control, including the future.
Lastly, I wouldn’t argue that for God to be perfect it means he cannot change, that doesn’t require that. God being absolutely simple would require it. But I don’t see the connection of God changing after He creates all things, for God is outside of space and time, and time is required for change, therefore God being outside of time means he didn’t change
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My understanding is that God our Creator Who is Love, created us with love when He created time, and certainly wants us back, which is why He came to earth, died for us, and rose from the dead…

So we can see and have hope for SOME of what awaits us in Heaven if we’re obedient to Him. Not feeling physical pain anymore and being able to walk through locked doors like a spirit, but still eat food with a body, are some of those things.

And since He created feelings and emotions and also cried here on earth as a Man, we can know He DOES have compassion and cares. He is our God, Who became vulnerable like us, and cried alone at Gethsemane.

He was consoled by His angels who STILL serve Him!

but still He knew He had to go through with it so that Heaven would be open again. All of which proves to me anyway that He definitely wants us all back.
That is a fascinating point-that He wants us back!

To me, that would indicate that he was lonely for the ones He created and needed to create a way back.

To me, this indicates that God is indeed emotional and that it was not Just that when Jesus was here, it was His flesh that made him weep in the garden.

Remember in Genesis when He assessed His creation and saw that it was good.

Isnt satisfaction an emotion?
It makes me emotional to think about how dependent we really are on him! And it makes complete sense in all forms of logic and rational thought. The perfect way to explain the universe and all that is in it!
Yes… Via the Lens of God via FAITH - we see “Reality” …

You’re exactly right. For those who don’t have the lens to see it, they never will. They’ll always just see “matter” and follow their lower faculties. But divine revelation, divine reason from God’s perspective fixes this, by his grace!


We can/should still try to steer those to JESUS
  • via suggesting to them to get to Know Him… via, e.g., His Gospel.
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The Midrash (in Judaism) teaches that G-d benefits from our righteousness and good deeds, as well as our atonement. This implies that G-d does, in a sense, “need” us to strengthen His holiness. On the other hand, it does not mean that G-d is deficient in any way and needs us because He is lonely for companionship, but we are His ethical (and legal) partners by means of our behavior and for the purpose of repairing His creation. This is a difficult concept to grasp, particularly for those not well-versed in Jewish teaching, and it is typical of the inherent contradictions found within Judaism that most Jews themselves are comfortable with.
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God was never alone. God exists as a Trinity… a community of three divine persons…co-eternal.
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