simply being so easy to sin mortally. why did God make keeping his commandments so hard, so tedious?
You agree with me, you are saying, “Going after this pleasure is so easy; it is so much tedious work to be with God, so I prefer to spend eternity in the easy to attain pleasure I am seeking rather than doing the tedious work. If God had put ease and pleasure into keeping his commandments, I am sure I would do them. It is God’s fault, not mine.”
But then the pleasure ends because the pleasure of the sin lied to you - it did not last forever, you woke up and saw the failure. Adam and Eve “woke up” and realized they were naked rather than living joyously eternally thinking they were like God, knowing good and evil.
To end sin you simply do not do the “flesh’s forethought of planning how to satisfy your lusts” (Rom. 13), don’t entertain imaginings of how to get to the forbidden fruit. Instead, tell God you are hungry and then wait in hunger until he feeds you. Instead of imagining and planning how to get food by turning stones to bread in the desert, Jesus waited for life from his Father (and angels did arrive to help him).
It is our choice to commit the sin but it is not our choice to die after commiting it.
Actually, we want Time to Stop for Eternity when we sin, so that we can spend eternity in the pleasure of the sin.
Then we come to wake up from the deception, still alive in Time, but no more eternal pleasure from the sin. And there is emptiness: do we turn and return to God in contrition, or remain angry at God for our guilt - “I did it, but God, it is your fault!!!”