We have to try to stay prepared. We know not the hour or the date.
Really? You think that you’d be less stressed, knowing that you were gonna die in a day, or in a year, or in five years? That sounds infinitely more stressful!I think we should have that choice as it makes life less stressful
No free will is not with regard to all things but with regard to cooperation or non-cooperation with grace given. Each moment is to be lived morally as though it was the last moment, for a person cannot presume salvation.Death for the majority of us is not a choice, we are I think effectively made to die, effectively forced to have our soul removed from our bodies. I was having this conversation with my father the other day about how if someone dies after committing mortal sin and they go to hell they essentially did not choose to die in mortal sin as in reality they did not choose to die at all! my father was also puzzled and said that there are some things that are beyond human understanding, what do you say?
2092 There are two kinds of presumption . Either man presumes upon his own capacities, (hoping to be able to save himself without help from on high), or he presumes upon God’s almighty power or his mercy (hoping to obtain his forgiveness without conversion and glory without merit).
I believe the standard Catholic answer would be that without free will, we cannot actually love God, and that God made us to love him (as well as to be loved by him).I would ask where in the Bible does it say that God cares about your free will? I thought we were the creature and he was the creator.
hit by a meteor?What about a person who has just sinned and is suddenly…
I have no words to properly respond to this. At least none that would not risk a suspension.we should have the choice about the scheduling of our death
It’s called suicide, and it is VERY problematic. Not least because you have no idea what God’s full plan is for your life, regarding both your own salvation and the salvation of the whole world.What I am arguing for is the motion that we should have the choice about the scheduling of our death
To encourage us to always be ready, and not put it off for weeks and months and years and decades like we would surely do otherwise. Keep death before you always.what I would like to know is why God makes us die even if we are not ready? we should only die if we are ready to die otherwise we should never die.
So by your logic only the good should die at all, much less young. Is that really where you want to go with this?No but he should not separate their souls when they are in a state of mortal sin i