Does God Want Everyone to Be Catholic?

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I came across this article recently and wanted to get other viewpoints on it thanks.
The Lord doesn’t want us to be Anglican, Baptist, or Catholic, or with any other religious
tag. He wants us to be Christians, ‘blood - bought’, (Jesus sacrifice) immersed baptised,
(as with John Baptist), Filled with the Holy Spirit ( Acts 2:1), “one accord in one place”; with apostles/ prophets/ teachers/ pastors/ evangelists, as per Ephesians 4:11. With
elders (per city)/ deacons. ( as per 1Timothy 3: 1- 13.) He wants the life/ ministry of the (true) Church as per Bible, Acts to Revelation. What happened? Can we get back to that? What does God have to do to convince us?
You are playing with words…Catholic means Universal…so you are saying …everyone in heaven is part of the Universal Church ( Catholic Church )?

Then Moses, Adam & Eve, Abraham, the thief on the cross, etc. & all the faithful deceased Protestants are now Catholics in Heaven. 👍
Whoever we know is in Heaven is Catholic. The thief on the cross is St. Dismas btw.

faithful protestant? lol
By the way, Tim_D…your last line …"Not all Catholics go to heaven but everyone in heaven is Catholic, " is completely false.
            You're saying Noah, Moses, Abraham, St. Peter, all the apostles etc. are not in heaven because they weren't Catholic! :eek:
You do know that St. Peter was our first pope, right?
I bet if there is a god he doesn’t even seem to care about humans, let alone them being Catholic.
I bet if there is a god he doesn’t even seem to care about humans, let alone them being Catholic.
Thank you. Once again an atheist proves that they have no conception of God, Christ, the Church and salvation. It just proves to me one more time that atheism is the ultimate cop-out.
I came across this article recently and wanted to get other viewpoints on it thanks.
Bottom line, Martignoni says there are just 2 answers to the question

    • “Yes,” God wants everyone to be Catholic;
    • “No,” God does not want everyone to be Catholic.
    Just adding a few thoughts to the article

    If it is #2, then
    • why did Jesus establish a particular Church that He wants perfect unity in. PERFECT. John 17:20-23]
    • Why did He change Simon’s name to Rock and say He would build His Church on Rock, and give him the keys to the kingdom of God. Whatever He binds and looses on earth is done in heaven as well. Matthew 16:13-19]
    • why give Peter all that power if no one is to follow HIM. Jesus already settled such an argument of authority and who is the greatest among them, in Peter’s favor #[812 ( ] note:Lk22
    • if it doesn’t matter, why put these condemnations on people who divide from His Church He established. Galatians 5:19-21 “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are fornication, uncleanness, immodesty, luxury, Idolatry, witchcrafts, enmities, contentions, emulations, wraths, quarrels, dissensions, [διχοστασίας (] sects, Envies, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like. Of which I foretell you, as I have foretold to you, that they who do such things shall not obtain the kingdom of God”. THAT’S a trip to hell.
    • two 1st century ECF’s Ignatius and Polycarp, and both bishops and direct disciples of St John wrote that the Church is the Catholic Church. Ignatius writes about the consequences for dividing from the Catholic Church
    • Epistle to the Smyrnæans of which schismatics won’t be going to heaven Epistle to the Philadelphians (ch 3) . As an aside, where would Ignatius learn to teach that warning and corresponding consequence for one’s soul, for commiting and remaining in the sin of schism / division from the Catholic Church? Paul condemned division / dissention [διχοστασίας (] ]from the Church (Romans 16:17-20) , (Galatians 5:19-21 )and that came from Jesus who does NOT approve of division in His Church John 17:20-23 , and since the HS only teaches what comes from Jesus John 16:12-15 no one can say the HS inspired THEM to divide, nor all the division we see today in Christianity. There is no expiration date to that warning and condemnation.
    • St Polycarp, Bp Smyrna, disciple of St John called the Church the “Catholic Church” The Martyrdom of Polycarp
    • etc etc
    Thus #1 as Martignoni said, is correct.
I bet if there is a god he doesn’t even seem to care about humans, let alone them being Catholic.
I would like to put everything I own or could ever own on that bet. We have a God who not only cares, but who laid down his life for our sins, and left us the Catholic Church.
Thank you. Once again an atheist proves that they have no conception of God, Christ, the Church and salvation. It just proves to me one more time that atheism is the ultimate cop-out.
How is that? I have conception and understanding of them, why proudly and wrongly assume something about me and other atheists that are not true, we do understand religions well and most of us were religious once, we have conception of the beliefs, the claims and the excuses. I just don’t believe them to be true, my reply was to the original poster, I think if there is a god he doesn’t seem to care about humans, given the fact that his presence is like his absence and there is a lot of suffering in this world, creating the ability of pain, doesn’t seem that God is much concerned about humans in general, does he? let alone them being Catholic or atheist or Muslim?
How is that? I have conception and understanding of them, why proudly and wrongly assume something about me and other atheists that are not true, we do understand religions well and most of us were religious once, we have conception of the beliefs, the claims and the excuses. I just don’t believe them to be true, my reply was to the original poster, I think if there is a god he doesn’t seem to care about humans, given the fact that his presence is like his absence and there is a lot of suffering in this world, creating the ability of pain, doesn’t seem that God is much concerned about humans in general, does he? let alone them being Catholic or atheist or Muslim?
You prove the point again. God is not absent; He gave us the Church, the sacraments and His only begotten Son so that we all have a chance for salvation. If you think that a short time of suffering on Earth negates the “benefits” of salvation and being in the presence of God eternally, then you are seriously confused. God cares enough about you that He gives you the freedom to say “yes” or “no.” He isn’t a sugar daddy, which is what many atheist think that God should be.
He founded the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church for that very reason.

Of course He wants everyone to be Catholic.👍
Does God Want Everyone to Be Catholic?
I believe you mean Roman Catholic. But to answer your question…No. The RCC cut herself off from the root way back in 1054 and has since wondered off into scholasticism, legalism and subsequently gave birth to Protestantism; which itself has spawned a resurgence in atheism.
I believe you mean Roman Catholic.
All rites within the Catholic Church, is the Catholic Church. Each rite is 100% Catholic, because they are fully and completely united to the chair of Peter. If one is not united to Peter and those united to him, they aren’t Catholic, nor are they in extension the Catholic Church
But to answer your question…No. The RCC cut herself off from the root way back in 1054
Have you ever examined that yourself, to see if it is true?

Historically speaking

I’ve asked this question dozens of times over the years, but no answer yet. Some say the answer has been given many times. When I ask them to post it, they say look it up you’ll find it. IOW They have no answer or they would post it immediately.

Here’s the question

**When in history, in writing, properly referenced, do we first see the name "Orthodox Church"?
and has since wondered off into scholasticism,
This is an old argument that one of your own bishops, Bp Ware, answered in his book “Orthodox Church”, as it relates to the anti scholasticism within Orthodoxy under Islam.

The Church under Islam
From :
legalism and subsequently gave birth to Protestantism; which itself has spawned a resurgence in atheism.
There was an argument that broke out among the apostles, over who is the greatest among THEM. Yep that really happened. And guess who got them into that argument. Jesus said it was Satan. And how did Jesus settle their argument?

#[812 (

That is the Catholic Church. With Peter as the leader. Pope Francis is 266th successor to Peter
Someone once asked me if God was happy with me, and didn’t know anything about my disbelief, I told that person to ask God instead, how would I know. 😃
Now if you want to know whether God wants everyone to be Catholic, why not ask him? 😛
Someone once asked me if God was happy with me, and didn’t know anything about my disbelief, I told that person to ask God instead, how would I know. 😃
Now if you want to know whether God wants everyone to be Catholic, why not ask him? 😛
God already told us in his Bible, that he founded a Church, one Church. 😃
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