So now you are an expert in Science and Mathematics all of a sudden. If light bends in the presence of a " mass, " then light must have some mass. Every thing that exists has some mass.If space didn’t curve then the bending of light near stars would be completely mysterious, since light has no mass.
But space (more correctly, spacetime) does curve in the presence of matter. Light follows the shortest path between two points in space. If the space is curved then the shortest path is also a curve. Simple.
The math is the reality. The math is built into GPS, and without it GPS would get positions wrong by many kilometers. See, for example, physicscentral.com/explore/writers/will.cfm
The curving of space-time in the presence of matter explains lots more, including why gravity can’t be shielded or reversed. It may seem weird at first, but God is not limited by what we think is weird.
Nope, photons are mass-less. Been proven down to itsy bitsy levels. See here.So now you are an expert in Science and Mathematics all of a sudden. If light bends in the presence of a " mass, " then light must have some mass. Every thing that exists has some mass.
Not sure what you mean by this. A logical argument has to be correctly formed just as a math theorem has to be correctly formed. Same difference.*Math is not the reality. Math works only when one side of an equation is equal to the other. *
Not sure what you mean by this. A logical argument must also abstract from reality. “Ball” is an abstraction of “baseball” and “football”. Abstracting is what humans do. Words are abstract symbols of concrete objects (or of other abstractions). English is no more concrete than Spanish or math. Shirley we can agree on this much?But in order to obtain this you have to abstract from reality, you have to leave part of reality behind.
If you look around the internet, you’ll find people who say the Earth can’t be curved either, Here’s some - theflatearthsociety.org/But you know everything, so why should I bother pointing that out. And how could space or time be curved? These are unfortunate euphamesims used to explain the mathematics.
Your book seems to be out of print. It sounds populist (today’s equivalent might be called Relativity for Dummies) and I couldn’t find anything about the author. Nothing wrong with any of that, but populist writers often try to avoid difficult concepts, so maybe that’s what he’s doing.There is a classic paper back on Relativity, Relativity for the Layman by James A. Coleman which says, pg 102, that light, composed of photons has mass. And on pg 114, he says, " When it ( light ) travels far away from any gravitational masses, it is not influenced by them; but in their vicinity the light is curved or bent toward the masses. For this reason, space itself is said to be ’ curved '; hence the orgin of such terms as space-curvature, or the curvature of space. Space should not be imagined to be curved in the ordinary sense of the word, but only in that it contains gravitational masses ( stars and other solar systems that may exist ) which cause light rays to be deflected in their vicinity. ( My copy is a 1962 edition, it is still in print in later editions ).
Now calm down, you’ll do yourself a mischief.But far be it from me to correct the great geniuses which worship at the feet of modern Cosmologists.
He discovered that space and time are not fixed, but relative. For instance, suppose you are in a rocket ship with a big clock on its side, and you make the ship go faster and faster. I am here on Earth looking at your ship through a telescope. You don’t notice any change in the rate of your clock. But as you go faster and faster, I see the clock slowing down. This is one of the cases where time passes at a different rate relative to different observers.From the point of view of Einstein, what is time?
Clever as always but not to be confused with truth. Guess you didn’t look too hard for the book. " Relativity For The Layman: A Simplified Account Of The History, Theory, And Proofs Of Relativity PaperbackNope, photons are mass-less. Been proven down to itsy bitsy levels. See here.
This is not expert stuff, I learned it in high school. Mind you, it was a European high school.
Light simply follows the shortest path, and so bends when space bends. Called the geodesic (named because a shortest path over the surface of the Earth also bends).
Not sure what you mean by this. A logical argument has to be correctly formed just as a math theorem has to be correctly formed. Same difference.
Not sure what you mean by this. A logical argument must also abstract from reality. “Ball” is an abstraction of “baseball” and “football”. Abstracting is what humans do. Words are abstract symbols of concrete objects (or of other abstractions). English is no more concrete than Spanish or math. Shirley we can agree on this much?
If you look around the internet, you’ll find people who say the Earth can’t be curved either, Here’s some - theflatearthsociety.org/
Neither God nor nature are limited by what bewilders flat earthers and fellow travelers.
Space-time is curved in the presence of matter (note, not in the presence of light). It’s been tested many many times. No other explanation passes the tests. It is also most beautiful (and while not a clincher, truth is beauty and beauty is truth is a pretty good maxim).
Your book seems to be out of print. It sounds populist (today’s equivalent might be called Relativity for Dummies) and I couldn’t find anything about the author. Nothing wrong with any of that, but populist writers often try to avoid difficult concepts, so maybe that’s what he’s doing.
But it sounds from your quote like he’s making it more complicated. Before Einstein no one could explain how gravity tugs on things. How could the Sun possibly reach out across millions of kilometers and tug at the Earth? Einstein realized it curves the space, and the Earth just follows a geodesic through that space. Problem solved.
I have an even older book, first published 1923, called The Principle Of Relativity by a guy named Albert Einstein. And my book is still in print.
Now calm down, you’ll do yourself a mischief.
That is the property of geometry. Everything is locally flat but not globally.Space does not curve, that is a mathematical equation, it is not reality. The reality is that it is light that bends because of the effects of gravity. Nothing mysterious about that.
If space didn’t curve then the bending of light near stars would be completely mysterious, since light has no mass.
But space (more correctly, spacetime) does curve in the presence of matter. Light follows the shortest path between two points in space. If the space is curved then the shortest path is also a curve. Simple.
The math is the reality. The math is built into GPS, and without it GPS would get positions wrong by many kilometers. See, for example, physicscentral.com/explore/writers/will.cfm
The curving of space-time in the presence of matter explains lots more, including why gravity can’t be shielded or reversed. It may seem weird at first, but God is not limited by what we think is weird.
You can read more here.Did not comprehend!
Where is tijme?
What is essence of time?
Where is time for Einstein?
What is the essence of time for Einstein?
I don’t think anyone has a definite definition of time. To me it is the measure of duration, measuring how long a thing exists. Or you can look at it as a measure of the passage from the beginning of one moment to its end. Or you can look at it as the flow of continuous moments. But however you look at it, it does not bend, for there is nothing there which can bend. Basically it is a concept, it is not a thing. You can bend a stick, you cannot bend a measure of successive moments.Might there be an individual that can simply say what time is?
I cannot understand the article about time.
Given that, by your own admission, you have never successfully taken courses in quantum mechanics and General Relativity at college level, don’t you think you should be a little less dogmatic. The photon is massless.So now you are an expert in Science and Mathematics all of a sudden. If light bends in the presence of a " mass, " then light must have some mass. Every thing that exists has some mass.
Maths is not the reality but maths is the description of reality. Let me turn your question round: why shouldn’t space be curved? The description of space-time curvature is not meant to be a “euphamism” (sic) but a description of reality, and one that has passed every test so far.Math is not the reality. Math works only when one side of an equation is equal to the other. But in order to obtain this you have to abstract from reality, you have to leave part of reality behind. But you know everything, so why should I bother pointing that out. And how could space or time be curved? These are unfortunate euphamesims used to explain the mathematics.
There is a classic paper back on Relativity, Relativity for the Layman by James A. Coleman which says, pg 102, that light, composed of photons has mass. And on pg 114, he says, " When it ( light ) travels far away from any gravitational masses, it is not influenced by them; but in their vicinity the light is curved or bent toward the masses. For this reason, space itself is said to be ’ curved '; hence the orgin of such terms as space-curvature, or the curvature of space. Space should not be imagined to be curved in the ordinary sense of the word, but only in that it contains gravitational masses ( stars and other solar systems that may exist ) which cause light rays to be deflected in their vicinity. ( My copy is a 1962 edition, it is still in print in later editions ). You shouldn’t rely entirely on a single book written by a non-Relativity theorist for laymen to give you the facts about General Relativity so that you can be dogmatic about it. It is possible that Coleman was talking about a concept which was common in the 50s and 60s called “relativistic mass” which arises from the fact that a photon carries energy and momentum. But that concept is now thought to be confusing (as it has confused you). The problem with the relativistic mass is that it is not invariant under boosts. The accepted meaning of mass is ‘rest mass’ which is invariant and is zero for the photon. The photon is massless and its apparent deflection around massive bodies is caused, according to GR, by the curvature of space-time in the vicinity of massive bodies, since photons follow the geodesic.
As for the claim that space or space-time is not actually curved, well, that is simply false according to GR. The foundational concept of GR is the curvature of space-time by the presence of mass-energy; in other words that space is not necesssarily Euclidean. These concepts are built into the basis of General Relativity, the Einstein field equations. In the tensor form of the Einstein field equations, the Einstein tensor, containing the Ricci curvature tensor and the metric tensor, describe the interactions of matter-energy and space-time and are profoundly non-Euclidean; ie they are built on a manifold which is non-Euclidean, ie not flat.
Now of course you can disagree with the idea that space-time can be curved, you can throw your hands in the air and protest loudly that the idea is contrary to common sense, although that would amount to no more than an argument from personal incredulity. But what you shouldn’t do is to claim that GR’s claim that space is curved is some sort of mathematical “euphemism” - GR specifically says that space in the presence of mass-energy is not Euclidean.
To repeat, they don’t.To repeat. Photons have mass, if they didn’t light couldn’t bend.
Physics has shown definitively, both theoretically and empirically that common sense is a very poor guide to discerning nature on the smallest and the largest scales. Nothing says that the world has to fit our preconceived notions or our common sense - it doesn’t care what you think it should be - it is what is.I knew that just from common sense, but it was good to see a scientist confirm what I knew instinctively ( philosophy does wonders for one’s common sense, it puts your feet on the ground and keeps one from being carried away by the Pied Piepers of modern Cosomology).
You’ve got this back to front. It’s the maths that explains what the theory means in reality - that is the only language in which the theory is fully expressed. Any attempt to “translate” it into words is bound to come up short. But this book that you have that you think should “translate” the mathematics consists, in my version, of re-prints of the original seminal papers by Lorentz, Minkowski, Weyl and Einstein himself. Are you sure that’s the book you have, and if so, are you in a position to understand the maths?And yes, I have Einstein’s little book, have had it for years. The trouble with it is that he was unable to " translate " the mathematics in an understandable way. He was unable to explain what it meant in reality.
Speak for yourself. Physicists, including me, are very clear that photons are massless and space-time is non-Euclidean in the presence of mass-energy. That’s what the theory says and that’s what the experiments confirm.Everyone is still confused about whether photons have mass and whether space and time bend.
NoSo does a photon have mass?
In other words, “ignore the physics, all of it, theoretical and empirical, because I have a feeling in my bones and I just know that I’m right and they are all wrong.” That’s not how science works. Photons are not matter - perhaps they are in your private definition, but they are not matter as far as physicists are concerned.Well, unless you want to do away with gravity, which some say is what Einsteine did, then a photon must have mass. But the question is even more basic than that. Everything in the universe is composed of matter and matter has mass, even if it is but a wave or a photon. If it is real, it is matter. If it is matter, it has mass. Are you all ready to do away with gravity? I’m not, I see no need. Astrophysicists, and physicists can do all the theorizing they want, but I refuse to let them do away with the very nature of things.
Ah yes, that electrical engineer, who wasn’t a physicist. Great inventor but not a scientist and a bit of a crackpot in later life.Here is an interesting question on the " curature " of space and time. " Does space curve?
“I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. Of properties, we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved, is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view” – Nikola Tesla
Yep, I’ll argue with him. He was demonstrably wrong about many things. For example he claimed that it would be impossible to split the atom and impossible to get energy from doing so. He was opposed to relativity, but in a crackpottery way - his criticisms simply don’t stand up in the light of experiment. He was also a bit of a self-publicist - he claimed to have a theory of gravity that explained observations better than GR - he never published such a thing and no sign of such a theory has ever been found in his papers or elsewhere. We can only assume that the theory he said he had was a figment of his imagination.Anybody want to argue with a man who was in Einstein’s class? Well, read the article for yourselves and there are others similar to it.
Nope.So the curvature of space is a fiction.
I don’t think that you have a good feel for maths.It is one of those things that happen when you have to have a mathematical equation which balances.
Not so. GR claims to be a full description of how matter and energy interact gravitationally with space and time, and includes non-Euclidean space-time as a fundamental feature. And it passes every test, even rather esoteric and non-intuituive ones such as gravitational lensing and frame-dragging to a high degree of accuracy. So why should anyone believe your description for physical reality, which is based entirely on your feeling, prejudice and incredulity. We learned a long time ago that propositions about nature, in the absence of careful observation, which used to be made by philosophers, are worthless. You are entitled to think what you like, as you are entitled to believe that the moon is made of green cheese, but what you think instinctively carries no weight in science, which is the project that actually tells us about how the world works.You have abstracted from nature and allowed a distorted explanation of nature to take its place. Space does not bend, and neither does time. These are matematical metaphores to be applied in a limited way to get a desired result. It is not nature.
No, I don’t understand the math. And you do? Good for you. Then you should know that it abstracts from the nature of reality, it does not reveal its natureTo repeat, they don’t.
Physics has shown definitively, both theoretically and empirically that common sense is a very poor guide to discerning nature on the smallest and the largest scales. Nothing says that the world has to fit our preconceived notions or our common sense - it doesn’t care what you think it should be - it is what is.
You’ve got this back to front. It’s the maths that explains what the theory means in reality - that is the only language in which the theory is fully expressed. Any attempt to “translate” it into words is bound to come up short. But this book that you have that you think should “translate” the mathematics consists, in my version, of re-prints of the original seminal papers by Lorentz, Minkowski, Weyl and Einstein himself. Are you sure that’s the book you have, and if so, are you in a position to understand the maths?
Again, why should common folk believe those who reject God and redicule anyone who disagrees with them. Science is no monolithic in the explanation of reality. It has its uses of course but it should refrain for making philosophical statments like space and time are curved or that photons are nothing and thus have no massSpeak for yourself. Physicists, including me, are very clear that photons are massless and space-time is non-Euclidean in the presence of mass-energy. That’s what the theory says and that’s what the experiments confirm.
In other words, “ignore the physics, all of it, theoretical and empirical, because I have a feeling in my bones and I just know that I’m right and they are all wrong.” That’s not how science works. Photons are not matter - perhaps they are in your private definition, but they are not matter as far as physicists are concerned.
Ah yes, that electrical engineer, who wasn’t a physicist. Great inventor but not a scientist and a bit of a crackpot in later life.
Yep, I’ll argue with him. He was demonstrably wrong about many things. For example he claimed that it would be impossible to split the atom and impossible to get energy from doing so. He was opposed to relativity, but in a crackpottery way - his criticisms simply don’t stand up in the light of experiment. He was also a bit of a self-publicist - he claimed to have a theory of gravity that explained observations better than GR - he never published such a thing and no sign of such a theory has ever been found in his papers or elsewhere. We can only assume that the theory he said he had was a figment of his imagination.
But there’s a deeper problem with the way you are arguing which would be the case even if Tesla had good grounds for criticising GR instead of no grounds at all - you are treating science like theology and you are arguing like a theologian. In science we have no holy men and no sacred books. It really doesn’t matter who said what when. All that matters is what the theory claims (and the theory is expressed in mathematics) and whether the theory matches observations. If doesn’t it, it gets modified or thrown out; if it does it gets tentatively accepted. You can’t prove anything about the nature of reality by quoting Nikola Tesla, or Albert Einstein or anyone else. The only valid arguments about scientific matters are rooted in whether observations match theory. No-one, except creationists, geocentrists, electric universe proponents and others such rely on “quotations” from famous physicists to make their points.
Nope. I don’t think that you have a good feel for maths.Not so. GR claims to be a full description of how matter and energy interact gravitationally with space and time, and includes non-Euclidean space-time as a fundamental feature. And it passes every test, even rather esoteric and non-intuituive ones such as gravitational lensing and frame-dragging to a high degree of accuracy. So why should anyone believe your description for physical reality, which is based entirely on your feeling, prejudice and incredulity. We learned a long time ago that propositions about nature, in the absence of careful observation, which used to be made by philosophers, are worthless. You are entitled to think what you like, as you are entitled to believe that the moon is made of green cheese, but what you think instinctively carries no weight in science, which is the project that actually tells us about how the world works.
It appears to me that you are the dogmatic one. Why not look up Nature and Motion in the Middle Ages by Fr. John A. Weisheipl? He will explain better than I what Nature is and how physical theories and mathematics abstracts from nature and thus does not reveal the nature of things. I also recommend From a Realist Point of View ( both editions ) by William A. Wallace. They will give you much to think about and perhaps you will see that philosophy does have a valid point of view just as much as science.Given that, by your own admission, you have never successfully taken courses in quantum mechanics and General Relativity at college level, don’t you think you should be a little less dogmatic. The photon is massless.
Indeed, it is a euphamism, it certainly isn’t reality. It has important uses, I don’t deny that, but it is not reality.Maths is not the reality but maths is the description of reality. Let me turn your question round: why shouldn’t space be curved? The description of space-time curvature is not meant to be a “euphamism” (sic) but a description of reality, and one that has passed every test so far.
If it doesn’t have mass then it isn’t real. But since science has demonstrated that it exists, it must, necessarily, have mass. It may be difficult to measure, but it must be so.You shouldn’t rely entirely on a single book written by a non-Relativity theorist for laymen to give you the facts about General Relativity so that you can be dogmatic about it. It is possible that Coleman was talking about a concept which was common in the 50s and 60s called “relativistic mass” which arises from the fact that a photon carries energy and momentum. But that concept is now thought to be confusing (as it has confused you). The problem with the relativistic mass is that it is not invariant under boosts. The accepted meaning of mass is ‘rest mass’ which is invariant and is zero for the photon. The photon is massless and its apparent deflection around massive bodies is caused, according to GR, by the curvature of space-time in the vicinity of massive bodies, since photons follow the geodesic.
Space is not curved, neither is time. Time, as such, is not a real nature, it is a measure. How can a measure curve. What you are talking about are points on a graph. That is not reality. That is a technical convenience, use because of its utility, a euphamism - but a useful one. And how can space be curved. Actually it is not a nature either, it is that in which real natures exist. Take away real natures and space vanishes.As for the claim that space or space-time is not actually curved, well, that is simply false according to GR. The foundational concept of GR is the curvature of space-time by the presence of mass-energy; in other words that space is not necesssarily Euclidean. These concepts are built into the basis of General Relativity, the Einstein field equations. In the tensor form of the Einstein field equations, the Einstein tensor, containing the Ricci curvature tensor and the metric tensor, describe the interactions of matter-energy and space-time and are profoundly non-Euclidean; ie they are built on a manifold which is non-Euclidean, ie not flat.
You are beginning to sound like InnocenteNow of course you can disagree with the idea that space-time can be curved, you can throw your hands in the air and protest loudly that the idea is contrary to common sense, although that would amount to no more than an argument from personal incredulity. But what you shouldn’t do is to claim that GR’s claim that space is curved is some sort of mathematical “euphemism” - GR specifically says that space in the presence of mass-energy is not Euclidean.