The lesson might be that when advocating for your opinion, do enough research up front to make sure your chosen authorities/spirits are credible or it will rebound on you.My, my, comptemptuous as well. Well, every dog to his bone. I can’t judge his " theory " since those things are admittely beyond my kin. But he had a PhD in Astrophysics and was employed in the field for some time. And since I don’t understand the physics and math of the various modes of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, I acknowledge that they work, but reject the various interpretations offered as to their reliability as an explanation of the nature of things like space, time, light, and gravity. And since I don’t follow anyone’s parade, it makes no difference to me what the religion, ethnicity, etc. of the one making the interpretations.
Contrary to your rash judgment (to which you are so often prone ) I did not cite him as an authority figure but as a qualified kindred spirit. And speaking of authority figures, you yourself often make use of them. So, good for the goose but not the gander?
But advocacy isn’t appropriate to some subjects. In science the final arbiter is always the empirical evidence. If a theory doesn’t agree with experiment, it goes in the trash, no matter whether Einstein or the Queen of Sheba herself said it.
You are free to believe in the Queen’s theory if you wish, you can shout it from the rooftops, you can advocate it and get the whole world on her side, but it still won’t be true. If people want to believe things which have be ruled out by evidence, even after that’s been explained to them, then let them, in science they are free to believe whatever they want, because what they believe can’t change the truth of the evidence.
So when we refer to Einstein or Newton, it should just be taken as referring back to a source, never that it must be believed because a famous guy said it.