To quote White again, and to bother Coach a little more, p(name removed by moderator)oint when you think Sola Scriptura “became true” in the history of the Church. You’ve defended White on this point, and said I should not be holding this bag or whatever, and that I have totally misunderstood the awesome logical Protestant evangelical or fundamentalist position.
I’ve quoted White before on this, here it is again:
“…the doctrine [of sola scriptura] speaks of a rule of faith that exists. What do I mean by this? …You will never find anyone saying, ‘During times of enscripturation – that is, when new revelation was being given – sola scriptura was operational.’
Protestants do not assert that sola scriptura is a valid concept during times of revelation. How could it be, since the rule of faith to which it points was at that very time coming into being?
One must have an existing rule of faith to say it is ‘sufficient.’ It is a canard to point to times of revelation and say, ‘See, sola scriptura doesn’t work there!’ Of course it doesn’t. Who said it did?” (White 1997 article on Steve Ray and Bereans)
And in his 1997 debate with Gerry Matatics on sola scriptura:
Matatics: “Did the people of Jesus’ day practice sola scriptura, the hearers of Our Lord?” and “Did the apostles practice sola scriptura?”
White: “NO.” (see video clip above)
In summary: If sola scriptura is not a valid concept during times of revelation, when did it become valid? If sola scriptura was not taught by Jesus nor His Apostles as White admits, then who was the first to teach it? Which Father, bishop, or saint of the early Church would you point to? Who taught it first?
Did St. Clement of Rome (c. 96 AD) first teach sola scriptura?
Did St. Ignatius of Antioch (c. 110 AD) first teach sola scriptura?
Did St. Irenaeus of Lyons (c. 180 AD) first teach sola scriptura?
We know it wasn’t taught by Jesus or His apostles since White has already admitted that. We can also be sure that 2 Timothy 3:15-17 does not teach sola scriptura nor that Scripture is “sufficient” according to that text since the rule of faith at that point was coming into being. And one must have an existing rule of faith to say it is “sufficient.” Exactly what White says above.
I am defining sola scriptura of course as “Scripture is the only infallible rule of faith.” Don’t worry about the NT canon as such, but just the concept of “Scripture” (whatever it was at whatever point) being “the only infallible rule of faith.” Who taught it first?
Answer when you have time, and it appears from your other massive threads you do have a lot of time.
Phil P