Protestants don’t think logically on the notion of sola scriptura when they insist Moses did not receive oral tradition as part of his divine revleation.
The burning bush says I am to God of of your fathers Abraham, Issac and Jacob? If Moses didn’t receive these stories through oral tradtion how in ther word could he have a reference point to what God was talking about? Remeber Moses wrote the Torah there was no written revelation on Adam, Noah and Abraham covenants these were oral traditions until Moses wrote them down. There was no Bible during most of the ministry of Moses certainly not while he was in Egypt he was kinda busy with the Pahroah the plagues, and getting his people out of Egypt.
According to Judaic tradtion none of these fathers wrote the Torah until Moses wrote what already was apart of his peoples tradtion.
So was it for the New Testament the stories were told first as tradtion and later written. Oral tradition was the primary way to teach the faith in Judaism and early Christianity.
IF you beleive the history of revelation given to you by a protestant Moses would have told God what the heck are you talking about write these stories down then I will beleive them!
The burning bush says I am to God of of your fathers Abraham, Issac and Jacob? If Moses didn’t receive these stories through oral tradtion how in ther word could he have a reference point to what God was talking about? Remeber Moses wrote the Torah there was no written revelation on Adam, Noah and Abraham covenants these were oral traditions until Moses wrote them down. There was no Bible during most of the ministry of Moses certainly not while he was in Egypt he was kinda busy with the Pahroah the plagues, and getting his people out of Egypt.
According to Judaic tradtion none of these fathers wrote the Torah until Moses wrote what already was apart of his peoples tradtion.
So was it for the New Testament the stories were told first as tradtion and later written. Oral tradition was the primary way to teach the faith in Judaism and early Christianity.
IF you beleive the history of revelation given to you by a protestant Moses would have told God what the heck are you talking about write these stories down then I will beleive them!