Is that what they told Galileo? He was put under house arrest and forced to recant.
Galileo was denounced by the Church, but sentenced under secular law. He was denounced because he tried to use his discovery to denounce God, which was a wholly inappropriate use of it.
Keep in mind, his fellow scientists were just as adamant about his “wrongness” as religious leaders, because the belief in the centrality of the Earth was an almost universal norm in western science and philosophy. (I don’t know enough about Easter science at the time to know where Eastern cultures stood on the issue.)
Was it one man or two angels? Were there three women or was there only one woman there?
Did you even read my post?
It was two angels, who appeared as Men. There were three women, or more. Who knows, there could have been a dozen women, and a hundred men. The number isn’t the point.
By dwelling on tiny details like this you’re completely missing the point. Mary saw the angels as men, and so the Gospel written to those who were unfamiliar with the reality of angels just called the speaker a man to avoid confusion. The Gospel to the Jews, who were intimately familiar with angels, listed them more accurately as angels. Neither of these things is what’s important about that passage though. What’s important is that Christ was Risen, and that was the focus.
The same is true of the number of women. Consider accounts of events today. Some will list a number of people not mentioned in others. In this case, Mary was really the only key player who went to the tomb, at least as far as the proclamation of Christ’s resurrection is concerned. She was the only one that interacted with the angels (as far as we know), and as such was really the only one that bears noting. When the authors were recounting the Gospels, some of them chose to indicate that there were additional women with Mary, other’s didn’t. What’s important is that it was Mary who received the proclamation of the Resurrection, and it was Mary who told the disciples about it.
Tell me, do you dig into modern magazines and news accounts when some list additional information that others don’t feel is important to the message being conveyed? If not, I don’t understand why you would be doing that in this case, apart from an inordinate desire to find fault with The Bible. These were letters written to specific groups, for specific purposes, and were only later compiled into the Bible. Unfortunately, with this compilation, many people chose to ignore the original context in which these letters were written, and the people to whom, and circumstance in which, they were written. They are not intended to be moment by moment accounts of every last minute detail about every occurrence; they are instructional letters about Christ’s life and ministry.