Does the world know you are Catholic?

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I would say yes. I’m pretty open about going to Mass, and I told some of my students that I’m Catholic during a lesson that touched upon world religions. I wear a Trinity knot necklace, and when anyone asks what is is, I tell them it represents the Christian God.
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Yes and no. It is a little confusing. They know I am something pretty Christian and anti-social in their book anyway. (I refer to non-religious acquaintances.)
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Most people here are Catholic anyway, so it is often taken for granted. 😀
It is either Atheist or Catholic, Protestants are very rare.
Apart from that, I think outside of my family nobody knows and cares about this at all.
I live in a deeply de-Christianized area. It has been this way for a sufficient amount of time that at least one generation has grown up completely ignorant of the outward signs of Catholicism.
This is true for me as well. While a fair amount of people know what the rosary beads are, many would not know the significance of the sacred heart pin. I often get comments from elderly mass-goers that “it’s great to see two young people wearing the pioneer pin!” (DW is also a member.)

I have had class-mates ask me what it means. I guess it’s a small opportunity to witness.

For those who don’t know what the Pioneer Assocation is, it’s a devotion to the sacred heart and a promise to abstain from alcohol as a sacrifice for those who are addicted.
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Most people who know me, know I’m a Catholic. Anyone who doesn’t know I’m Catholic probably doesn’t speak to me often. My friends know I’m Catholic. Many times I had to defend the faith, as well as the reason why I stay chaste. My family knows I’m super religious. I go to Mass almost every weekend (as well as confession; I sin a lot sadly :cry:) I help out at Church when I can. I love Jesus!
A lot of the people I know are Catholics also, so yes for them. But I don’t bring it up with people who don’t already know. I have seen that turn out badly too many times.
Most people who know me, know I’m a Catholic. Anyone who doesn’t know I’m Catholic probably doesn’t speak to me often. My friends know I’m Catholic. Many times I had to defend the faith, as well as the reason why I stay chaste. My family knows I’m super religious. I go to Mass almost every weekend (as well as confession; I sin a lot sadly :cry:) I help out at Church when I can. I love Jesus!
I love it when you said you sin a lot. By not being ashamed to admit that shows you are a good Catholic, but what so good about this is, sins do not anymore can defeat us because we have Jesus.

Your post reminds me of myself these few days. I have meant to go for Confession since last week but my iterinary did not allow me to have the time for that and I thought probably I did not try hard enough. I feel bad about it because I long for Confession and know the redemptive joy it brings. Missing it makes me sad.
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Your post reminds me of myself these few days. I have meant to go for Confession since last week but my iterinary did not allow me to have the time for that and I thought probably I did not try hard enough. I feel bad about it because I long for Confession and know the redemptive joy it brings. Missing it makes me sad.
I love Confession! It helps me after a long week. Also I love that im forgiven for the sins I commit. I just need to break free from destructive habits because I don’t want to offend God. I don’t like missing Confession either, it’s something I look forward too
was really surprised visiting America recently and seeing lovely statues of Our Lady on front lawns 🙂 I must admit
I have my “Mary Garden” only it is in the back lawn. 😎 There is to much shade out front to raise flowers, and the fact I have had smaller statues of various saints out front that were defaced as well as those disgusting Jack Chick comics suddenly appearing.
Okay, I know this is going to sound obnoxious.
Why do people hang a rosary around their mirror in the car? Do you need to use your rosary beads in the car? Do you ever use them, or are they there for a display? If you are going to use them, wouldn’t it be easier to just have them handy and not around the mirror? I don’t get it.
Ok,🙂 I have mine there to remind me who I am,and to let others know.I love getting waves from travellers with caravans ,other people with rosaries whom I don’t know…it’s a beautiful connection.I always carry a pair in my pocket or in the car as well.I say a prayer each time I glance at the crusefix on the beads on my mirror
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Because I believe it’s a small way to witness to the Gospel. it reminds people in an increasingly secular society of prayer and faith. Who knows, maybe it has a bigger impact than I know?

I am always encouraged when I see other drivers who have a rosary on their mirror, or a pro-life sticker on the bumper. It’s nice to know there are some other catholics out there.

It also reminds me to pray.

On a different level, I like to think Our Lady watches over me while I’m driving.

And as well, if I ever got in a serious accident, perhaps a first responder would see them and call for a priest to administer the last rites. 😉
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I remember years ago seeing a small business like card that was carried in a wallet that went something like this: “I am a Catholic please call a priest” There was more that I can not remember.
That’s pretty important,I guess there’s a medal form of that .I would like to find a card (or make one) for my purse and a medal on a chain .Have heard of it before and keep forgetting ,thanks for reminding me
That’s pretty important,I guess there’s a medal form of that .I would like to find a card (or make one) for my purse and a medal on a chain .Have heard of it before and keep forgetting ,thanks for reminding me
I think in many Catholic catalogues or Catholic gift websites you can order one of the cards to carry in your wallet or billfold or put on a keychain.
I just tell people I am Catholic and then they know. Words are usually a pretty good way of communicating your faith.
Yes, it says that on the back of my 4-way medal. However, the type is absolutely tiny.

Thanks for your responses about the rosaries! : )
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