Don't drink the Starbucks: supporters of homosexuality

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If you like Starbucks coffee, write to them and let them know what you think of their quotes. Tell them you are a regular customer and let them know what you do want to see. Get all of your friends to do the same. To me it seems like that might be more effective.
I have made the switch but a few weeks ago after a previous thread pointed out this Starbuck social engineering campaign, and the even more aggregious anti-life offense of this companies support Planned Parenthood. This was a personal decision that begins one cup of coffee at a time, one word of why to a fellow coffee drinker. I do have easy access to alternative coffee options, besides coffee does not fall under the “need” column for my existance if push comes to shove. It is all about my contribution to hopefully shaping market demand as a Christian.
You know, I often wonder:

If I were to thoroughly research the practices and supportive habits of each company I’ve ever bought from, and then boycott the ones I don’t agree with, would I be left with anything to buy?

The answer is most likely no. Nobody is perfect, and I’m sure that every company out there supports something I may disagree with.

So for me, boycotts are a waste. If I like a product, and it works for me, I buy it.

In regards to this particular thread, Starbucks has some pretty good coffee, from what I’ve tasted the few times I’ve tried it. I generally steer clear, due to price, but I was recently impressed by their pumpkin spice latte while grocery shopping, so it is my one “guilty pleasure”, so to speak, to enjoy while I shop each week. And I never even knew there were quotes on their cups, and I bet a good many others didn’t, either. I get it, drink it, and toss it. LOL
Gottle of Geer:
There is a strain in Catholicism - particularly in the US ? - that is prudish, judgemental, & narrow-minded. It’s the corruption of a good thing, repellent as it often is in itself.
And this opinion isn’t judgemental and narrow-minded?

True, if we had access to the inner workings of companies we might find so many to boycott that we would be left with none. But Starbucks is “in your face” with quotes on its cups. They are making a statement. And who’s to know if the cups are read by customers or not. The fact is, the quotes are there for a reason. It would cost less to make plain cups.
Well, as far as I’m concerned, the only thing Starbucks coffee is good for to begin with is to pour in your crankcase to make your engine run smoothly----the stuff is nasty, bitter slop that makes my heart race and gives me wicked indigestion. I drank a cup of it once when a friend and I went to Barnes & Noble (he bought), and I remember disliking it intensely. (Besides, I was just sleepy again in five or six days, so what was the point?)

However, if a company decides they want to put logos like this on their products, then I don’t need to buy from them. Simple as that. Granted, you can’t boycott every company that does things you disagree with; for example, it’s a little-known fact that most of the food products we eat in this country are produced by subsidiary companies owned by the tobacco industry. I don’t agree with smoking, but I don’t want to starve to death, either. However, Philip Morris doesn’t put logos on the sides of Philadelphia Cream Cheese saying, “Thank God I decided to smoke cigarettes, life’s too short”. It’s a matter of degree, a matter of “in-your-faceness”.

I haven’t bought anything from Disney for decades because of their blatantly pro-homosexual activity stance. My son has a lot of Disney videos and toys. I bought them at yard sales. I refuse to directly support a company that has such things as “Gay Days” at Disney World in Orlando, where innocent young children can see overt deviancy being practiced right in front of their eyes.
La Chiara:
Your point is valid–for you.

The original post refers to a message on a coffee cup that was promoting an actively homosexual lifestyle. I may not choose to stop buying Starbucks coffee at the supermarket. But then again, I might. If that had happened to me, I would have been offended that I was paying for a pricey cup of coffee and was being used as advertising (via the coffee cup) for an immoral message. And it doesn’t matter if no one saw the message. It IS the principle of the thing.:twocents:

I am glad she posted her experience. This is the second thread about Starbucks and their liberal causes. It does give me pause and causes me discomfort about drinking their coffee. In a similar way, I incorporated my feelings about Planned Parenthood, the Komen Breast Cancer campaign, NPR, and similar into my charitable giving choices and Ben & Jerry’s into my ice cream purchases.

(And I wouldn’t care what kind of health benefits Planned Parenthood provided their employees.:nope: )
For the record: I disagree with her, but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t post what she thinks. I’m not the Vatican. When I relate what my conscience tells me, don’t mean to imply that anyone else should take that as advice to ignore what their conscience tells them. It is right to share when you think you have something to say about a matter of general concern.

There are those in the Church with the authority to make binding pronouncements concerning the formation of conscience. I’m not one of them. I don’t expect any word from the Vatican or the USCCB on this, either, though. We are on more subtle ground here. Discussion is in order.

I can understand anyone who thinks that this action is a deal-breaker. Starbucks has crossed the line from welcoming all to publishing blunt approval of immoral behavior. Still, while Starbucks may be reaping financial gains from making homosexuals feel comfortable in their shops, I don’t think anyone is out there committing homosexual acts because Starbucks is promoting homosexuality. OTOH, I do think Starbucks is in a position to change the standard of how profitable and successful businesses treat their employees.

For me, it is most important to find the companies who do the best job of making their own actions moral, which starts with whether their employees can support themselves on their wages but would also include how they treat their vendors and customers and how they procure their wares. It is not that what they tolerate, promote, or discourage in others is of no concern, just that it is not my primary concern.

Of course, in spite of fears to the contrary, nobody ever died from lack of lattes. So if your conscience responds to this, boycott away. But if you keep drinking coffee elsewhere, I urge you to pay the little extra it costs to go to places that do their moral best, including treating their employees more humanely. That’s my take on it.
Does anyone know if Burger King supports homosexuality? That king in their commercials looks VERY gay! 😃
I have had my share of coffee from Starbucks, as well as Coffee People, and Dutch Brothers, and Peet.

Never seen a Starbucks cup with any quotes on it, let alone the quotes within this thread.

I am wondering if this is another one of those urban myths which spring up and take on a life of their own.

Has anyone personally read any quotes on a cup of Starbucks? Or is this all “a friend of a friend said a friend of theirs…”?
La Chiara:
Your point is valid–for you.

… I may not choose to stop buying Starbucks coffee at the supermarket. But then again, I might.
You’ll buy their coffee, just as long as it isn’t in their cup??? Hmm…what is wrong with this picture?
~ Kathy ~
Hey Kathy, I am up for a cup of coffee. I think the whole Starbucks thing is getting out of hand - AGAIN.
I said this on the last thread & I’ll say it again. Are you going to stop and ask people wherever you plan to spend money what they do & don’t support? I wonder what you’d end up limited to.
I had coffee from Starbucks today & that does not mean that I support homosexuality or Planned Parenthood. And to be honest, I have a member of my family who is gay & is choosing to live with another man. I do not boycott my time with him! I love him, just not what he does. And I in no way support it.
otm, I have seen the quotes on the cups. The only ones I have seen, though, have to do with our education system. Not a thing about being gay & loving it.
Here we go again… Coffee and Donuts anyone??

~ Kathy ~
count me in for a dounut! 😉 When will people realize to be a homosexual is not a sin only the “act” and “impure thoughts”. My daughter has a wonderful very Catholic friend of hers who is homosexual, but he lives a Celibate life, because he is smart enough to know that to act upon it is a Sin. He is one of the kindest people I have ever known. He is very engrossed in his career and when he goes out its always with a group of friends, male and female, married and singles.
Hey Kathy, I am up for a cup of coffee. I think the whole Starbucks thing is getting out of hand - AGAIN.
I said this on the last thread & I’ll say it again. Are you going to stop and ask people wherever you plan to spend money what they do & don’t support? I wonder what you’d end up limited to.
I had coffee from Starbucks today & that does not mean that I support homosexuality or Planned Parenthood. And to be honest, I have a member of my family who is gay & is choosing to live with another man. I do not boycott my time with him! I love him, just not what he does. And I in no way support it.
Personally, I think it’s funny. Because if you stop to think, all this fussing is getting Starbucks EXACTLY what they want…notoriety. So , while you are all sitting using your microsoft supported computers, talking on your verizon supported phones while they support Planned Parenthood ( as does Starbucks), I’ll be sitting and sipping my Starbucks and enjoying it all.

~ Kathy ~ 👋
No, it’s not an urban myth. If you read my first post, it was on the cup I was drinking out of it. I quoted it word for word, coma for coma.

I don’t drink coffee usually, so this was a shock. I just thought I’d post it.
And this opinion isn’t judgemental and narrow-minded?

True, if we had access to the inner workings of companies we might find so many to boycott that we would be left with none. But Starbucks is “in your face” with quotes on its cups. They are making a statement. And who’s to know if the cups are read by customers or not. The fact is, the quotes are there for a reason. It would cost less to make plain cups.
In a society that celebrates violence in rap music, that follows the whim of every deviant personality in Hollywood more than read the bible, it is not strange to me that so many have lost a sense of outrage.

As Bishop Sheen said:

Our country is not nearly so over run with the bigoted, as it is over run with the broadminded.
I don’t see this as the end of the world. I mean, I don’t really like the message being conveyed, but I don’t see why I should get upset about some expressing his thoughts on the side of a coffee cup.

But I don’t even like coffee, so I’m pretty sure I’ll never being going to Starbucks.
This is often how this type of thing starts, we get slowly used to the “gay is ok” thing, slowly, we think, hey, I’m not ok with it but if it works for you, who am I to say differently, pretty soon we say, I’m not ok with abortion but who am I to say that you should not have one? It starts very small, we get comfortable and that is the gay agenda in America, start slow, don’t scare them, and pretty soon its the Norm, well, for me its not o.k. and I am not o.k, with the homosexual agenda, anything that promotes gay sex is disgusting in my opinion, why can’t they just as well say, " I’m gay but I will live my life celibate so I can be pleasing unto God" no, sadly we are not going to see that on a cup of coffee.
What I’m reading is more than just about a cup of coffee, people are slowly saying, well, I might not like it and I’m not ok with it but I can’t stop it, so, its ok, that is sad 😦
Thank you Kamz, I agree!

You should love the sinner, not the sin. But you should also teach them how not to sin.
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