Francis Cardinal George made a public comment several years ago about the fact that he was sick and tired of the nitpicking that was going on in the general area of rubrics.The last Pope called the homosexual agenda a new ideology of evil. I missed what he said about health insurance co pays for workers of large corps in the USA.
In the comment he took shots at both the liberals and the conservatives; of the liberals he said that (and I paraphrase) they were knowledgeable about the social Gospel, but ignored the moral dimensions of the Gospel, in particualr sexual morality.
Of the conservatives, he said that they were strong about the moral Gospel and life issues, and all but ignored the teachings of the social Gospel.
Perhaps if you were to review the social encyclicals of the last century, and the comments and writings by both John Paul 2, and Benedict 16th about economics, and in particualr capitalism, you would be able to understand the basis for issues such as health insurance; co-pays or otherwise.
Or you could do as others have, and dismiss them as nothing more than warmed over Marxism.
It never ceases to amaze me that some people who are as vocal as they are over morality, and in particualr, sexual morality, and how thoroughly they understand the Church’s teachings in this area, can be so abysmally ignorant of the Church’s social teachings.
But then, I truly should not be amazed, as it seems those who are most knowledgeable about the Church’s social teachings seem to exhibit the sexual morality of a wild libertine.
Would that both sides could understand what Christ teaches in toto.