Don't drink the Starbucks: supporters of homosexuality

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Does anyone know if Burger King supports homosexuality? That king in their commercials looks VERY gay! 😃
At what point was it decided that homosexuality is based on looks?

I fail to see how objecting to giving our money to a company that promotes homosexualtiy is a lack of loving our fellow man.
well because u dont have to say that they promote gays do u that has nothing to do with it love
**Bottom line…$$$$$$$$$$

Making a Million Over Coffee

By John Reeves (TMF Bane)
May 11, 2005

Maybe it was my Catholic upbringing or maybe it was my no-nonsense parents. But I have always been more of a rule follower than a rule breaker. Read more…
jay 2:
well because u dont have to say that they promote gays do u that has nothing to do with it love
I suppose that we could just ignore it and call it love when we only show up at the funeral home, psychiatric ward, detox center, … where those living the gay lifestyle are statistically more at risk for comorbid mental and physical health problems. :hmmm:
well u cant really say that just because u dont like them then keep that to ur self am a roman catholic and i take people for there soul not there life style
jay 2:
well u cant really say that just because u dont like them then keep that to ur self am a roman catholic and i take people for there soul not there life style
As a Roman Catholic, then you should know that the soul and lifestyle choices that we make are intricately intertwined and connected. If you don’t believe me, then wait until you check out of this world and have a review of your lifestyle choices. I believe that you are seriously confusing “like” with “love”. I advocate for the primacy of the latter in the RC sense of the word.

"And the King will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’ " Matthew 25:40

Then he will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of theleast of these, you did it not to me.’ " Matthew 25:45

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matt. 10:28
yea well what ever but all this hate in the world in doing no one any good and we should all respect people of any race or what ever as god says we are made in the image of him
jay 2:
yea well what ever but all this hate in the world in doing no one any good and we should all respect people of any race or what ever as god says we are made in the image of him
Who said anything about race?

And if I have to respect homoesexuals who engage in that lifestyle, do I also have to respect men and women who hook up for one night stands? Do I also have to respect married couples who enjoy the “swinging” lifestyle - (having sex at parties with multiply partners). Do I also have to respect sibblings who choose to have sex with each other? How about men who have multiple wives… do I respect them? How about people who like to have sex with animals… do they merit my respect? Do they merit yours?

Sorry. There are some people I just can’t respect.
jay 2:
yea well what ever but all this hate in the world in doing no one any good and we should all respect people of any race or what ever as god says we are made in the image of him
Are you saying there is no right or wrong? Are you saying that all sexual behaviors are OK becuase we were all made in God’s image? If so you should be aware that you are in direct confilct with the Teachings of the Catholic Church.
carol marie:
Who said anything about race?

And if I have to respect homoesexuals who engage in that lifestyle, do I also have to respect men and women who hook up for one night stands? Do I also have to respect married couples who enjoy the “swinging” lifestyle - (having sex at parties with multiply partners). Do I also have to respect sibblings who choose to have sex with each other? How about men who have multiple wives… do I respect them? How about people who like to have sex with animals… do they merit my respect? Do they merit yours?

Sorry. There are some people I just can’t respect.
what gives u the right to judge others ur not perfect only the almight has the right to do that so are u sinnless no ur not i dont agree with what they do but i respect them all the same
Are you saying there is no right or wrong? Are you saying that all sexual behaviors are OK becuase we were all made in God’s image? If so you should be aware that you are in direct confilct with the Teachings of the Catholic Church.
iam aware of what my church says but like i said are u sinless no so dont think ur better than anyone else
jay 2:
what gives u the right to judge others ur not perfect only the almight has the right to do that so are u sinnless no ur not i dont agree with what they do but i respect them all the same
iam aware of what my church says but like i said are u sinless no so dont think ur better than anyone else
Yes, we are all sinners in the eyes of God (the condition of original sin) and fall short of the glory of God (the effect of original sin). Yes, only God is good. Yes, one is only saved from death and damnation through joning and staying connected (“clinging”) to Jesus Christ who came to offer each person salvation and is the only entry point (“gateway”) to heaven. Yes, as Christians we are always called to recognize the God given dignity of each person (creature) made in the image and likeness of Christ.

To the extent that you are saying as Christians we must “love the sinner and hate the sin” I can agree. But, as I pointed out to you previously (you did not respond), you seem to have a serious misunderstanding or likely lack of life experience in what it means to “love the sinner”, as evident in your presentation of lumping together “love the the sinner and respect the sin” distorted version of Christ’s command to “love to one another as I have loved you”.

If one were to take your “loving the sinner” and “judge not” version/approach to bringing the truth and love of Jesus Christ to others ensnared/enslaved in terrible bondage to a sinful habit/lifestyle, those poor lost souls would be left to their own self-destructive devises (vices) and demise. That is a cruel and empty offering of acceptance/like/love/judge not/respect … Why would you passively leave someone who is enslaved and dying in sin (mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually) all alone on the road that leads to personal and eternal destruction? …with friends like this, who needs enemies. It takes courage and often stepping beyond one’s comfort zones to love as Jesus loves in this fallen world of ours.
jay 2:
iam aware of what my church says but like i said are u sinless no so dont think ur better than anyone else
When crowds were going to stone the adultress, Jesus said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” This recognizes that we all are sinners.

But then Jesus didn’t say to the woman, “Go back and continue living your sinful lifestyle” and He didn’t keep silent out of charity. He did the charitable, loving thing: He reprimanded the woman by saying, “Go and sin no more.”

Jesus set the example. We don’t keep quiet when we see sin, particularly sin that is on public display and can lead others astray. For the sake of others, and for the sake of the community, we must speak up. We must try to act as Jesus did.
jay 2:
what gives u the right to judge others ur not perfect only the almight has the right to do that so are u sinnless no ur not i dont agree with what they do but i respect them all the same
We are called to judge actions and words. As Christ said by their fruit you will know them. That is a call to judge. No one is judging anyone’s soul or final eternal destination, but certainly we must judge if conduct is good or evil.
I hate Starbucks coffe…YUCK!..Too strong…even the MILD brew is too strong!


(Are they gay?)
u are fight over a CUP of coffee get over it do u people have nothing better to do with ur day
jay 2:
u are fight over a CUP of coffee get over it do u people have nothing better to do with ur day
This post sounds like a last ditch effort …are you running out of ideas for your argument?
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