Doubting God's goodness

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No! lol… That is your choice totally. Choosing darkness rather than light is your choice. Such negativity
That’s a very normal emotional response, but it is an indefensible intellectual position which will destroy your soul if you let it. Make an act of trust in God and His Goodness and Love, and humble yourself before Him, asking for His help to understand sufficiently that this will not bother you anymore (though such worries will come occasionally - it is a normal thing in the spiritual life to worry over the relationship between God’s mercy and justice).

For one, God always gives us sufficient help to avoid contradicting His Will by sin - it is we who willfully resist that help. The road to virtue is indeed narrow - and it ends with dying on a cross. But we are free to walk it.

Second, evil is a deprivation of good, so, strictly speaking, it cannot “be created” - it inheres in things in a certain manner, but that is due to the things themselves (and secondary, accidental, indirect causes), not God’s creative action; God is the measure for goodness. He can create a thing, but He cannot do something poorly, or do evil.
I mean, since God created the universe, doesn’t that mean He also created the evil present within His creation?
God did not create evil, because evil is just the absence of good. A brilliant man who becomes evil, is missing something, he has lost something-- his morality, his ethics, his conscience.

We all have free will, and can choose good or evil. Without free will, we would just be robots, and our love for God would not be worth anything.
Was it not God who designed us with the capability of being weak in the first place?
Yes, if by weak you mean capable of sin (having free will), but the Holy Trinity also gave grace so that temptation could be overcome with willful cooperation. A person in a state of grace, by willfully cooperating with grace, can overcome temptation to mortal sin.
I just don’t think it was fair for God to design us this way;
Was it not God who designed us with the capability of being weak in the first place?
Are you really blaming God for everything we choose to do? He gave us free will, choices to choose what we do in our lives. And he gave it to all people, even those that will make the wrong choices. Our weakness is not the fault of God’s “design.”
I can trust God to forgive sins, but I can’t trust Him to prevent them.
Remember the last line of a common act of contrition! It’s “I firmly intend, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.”

His grace does save us from many occasions of sin! Without Him, we could do absolutely no good! Every good a result of His goodness.
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His grace does save us from many occasions of sin! Without Him, we could do absolutely no good! Every good a result of His goodness.
I didn’t say it didn’t. God saving us from many occasions of sin, doesn’t mean there will never be an occasion of sin, it means when we trust in Him, when we follow the Holy Spirit, we will be be saved from the many occasions of sin.
with the help of Thy grace , to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin.”
We are not alone, with Thy Grace, we are not alone.. we are not sinning no more or avoiding the near occasion of sin by ourselves.
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doubting God’s goodness, particularly when I think about how easily God allows us to fall into sin, even mortal sin
Hi there. I hope that some of my musings here may be beneficial to you. First of all, it is a controversial opinion to claim that one can “easily” fall into mortal sin. It’s not obvious that we can “fall” into it and even less obvious that we could easily do so.
…sexual sin…is considered a mortal sin really disturbs me on God’s part
Would it comfort you to know that many great thinkers in our tradition have considered lust to be the least of the deadly sins? Dante, in his Divine Comedy, advocates just that position in his sections on the inferno and also on purgatorio. I think most of us today readily acknowledge that this opinion is likely correct. That is, greed, envy, pride, wrath strike us as significantly worse than lust, since desire for conjugal love is a basic human appetite (like desiring yummy food).
If God wants us all to end up in heaven, why did He allow a type of sin so condemnable to be so instinctive?
There is something mysterious about being a human that we are always in a state of becoming. One could ask a similar question like, “if God wanted me to become an artist, why would it take so much work/effort to get the basic skills down?” “Why would some basic virtues actually require suffering (patience, fortitude) and all virtues require substantial work to habituate them within ourselves?” “Why is it so easy to overeat and gain weight, and so much effort to eat healthily and exercise?” “Why do I often just want to passively entertain myself with a film or tv series rather than put forth the effort to read a complex book?” And on and on and on it goes.

Why did God put us in a world wherein we have to strive and exert a lot of effort for everything? I don’t know, but it’s clear that that’s the world that all of humanity has before it. Those who never strive or exert themselves live terrible (and often short) lives. One either fights against/disregards the natural law or one places onself in conformity with it. But, there is no moving beyond or sidestepping the natural law. That would be tantamount to moving beyond gravity. It just isn’t possible. Newton’s second law makes getting rockets into space very difficult and complex. Can’t we just disregard the second law then? Nope. Can’t this be a world where everything is super easy and we rarely exert effort for good things in our lives? Nope.
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particularly when I think about how easily God allows us to fall into sin, even mortal sin.
This isn’t God’s fault. It’s the fault of the person committing the sin.

It doesn’t somehow make God bad because humans he created chose to reject his goodness and commit sins.
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