Scott Waddell:
Hmmm… don’t for get that as a Random feature of the GS that AntiCathBot would even state that they can trace back to one of the churches mentioned in the book of RevelationsActually, there are rumors of Easter eggs like a minigame called Canon Cannon where the player must shoot down papal bulls, encyclicals, deutercanonical scriptures, and council decrees before they reach the faithful. You win by holding them off until the year 1517 when God creates ex nihilo a completed KJV and drops it directly into the hands of the Reformers.
Or the Geneology Simulator which invents a string of evidence to show that your denomination can trace its origins back to the 1st century. Great for people tired of their arguments being obliterated by the mere fact of the Catholic Church’s existence for 1500 years prior to the Reformers.