Drawn to Catholicism...but have reservations.

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MaryLynne: These two councils gave us the Nicene creed, which Catholics recite at Mass every Sunday. Just as a nitpick, this is not ncessarily true. Here in Canada, we recite the Apostle’s Creed at every Mass…the Nicene Creed is used only on special occasions (I think during the Easter Vigil we use it, for example).

Serafin: I’ll get back to you again, a little busy at the moment. Though for now, I invite you to read the first couple verses of Mat. 23. The Pharisees did have binding and loosing authority, and now the bishops to in their stead. We can defy authority, but only when the authorities instruct us to do something contrary to the Divine Law, normally, we must submit. (Paul told us to do such, even though the emperor was Nero, at least during part of his ministry).
Hi twf…here in America, we recite the Nicene Creed every Sunday, and have ever since I can remember…
sorry I didn’t specify that there can be no error on ‘faith and morals’ …not on whether the earth was flat or round. Peace.
Peace to you:

On paper that sounds wonderful…ideally there should not be! In practice and the living out of the faith I am not sure that I can make that statement. Christians even Bishops and Popes in diverse periods of history have adhered to things that to our eyes would classify as errors in the application of the faith and less than moral.


Christians even Bishops and Popes in diverse periods of history have adhered to things that to our eyes would classify as errors in the application of the faith and less than moral.
were these diverse things issues of faith and/or morals in their TEACHINGS (not in what they practice, but what they preach)?
Council of Ephesus
**"**Philip the presbyter and legate of the Apostolic See said: ‘There is no doubt, and in fact it has been known in all ages, that the holy and most blessed Peter, prince and head of the apostles, pillar of the faith, and foundation of the Catholic Church, received the keys of the kingdom from our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the human race, and that to him was given the power of loosing and binding sins: who down even to today and forever both lives and judges in his successors. The holy and most blessed pope Celestine, according to due order, is his successor and holds his place, and us he sent to supply his place in this holy synod’" (Acts of the Council, session 3 [A.D. 431]). **


Thankyou for the quote.


Mary Lynne,

Good to see another Tarheel around here! Thanks for the link to the spero forums. There seems to be some informative stuff over there; I’ll definitely check it out.

In Christ,

Hey, I’m just north of Winston-Salem, and I root for Wake Forest. But do I qualify as a Tarheel nonetheless? 👋

BTW, have you been to Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Cary? I understand it’s awesome.

ZT 😃
Hey, I’m just north of Winston-Salem, and I root for Wake Forest. But do I qualify as a Tarheel nonetheless? 👋

BTW, have you been to Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Cary? I understand it’s awesome.

ZT 😃

I’d have to agree that all North Carolinians qualify as Tarheels (everyone except the Dukies, that is 😛 )! Unfortunately, I haven’t been to the chuch in Cary. I didn’t have a car up at school last year, so my church-going optiions were limited by a lack of transportation. I plan on bringing one up this semester, however, so I’ll be sure to check it out!

God bless,

They are not part of the Catholic Church. The Old Catholics could not abide by the decrees of Vatican I. I have no clue who the Christian Catholic Church are, but if they deny infallibility, they are also heretics who incur automatic excommunication, no matter what they call themselves.

Rome has recognized the validity of apostolic succession in the orders and the validity of sacraments on the part of the Old Catholics of the Utrecht Confession and the Polish National Catholic Church, which derived its episcopal succession from the Utrecht OCs. (The validity of orders and sacraments of the US-based OC Churches has not been examined or passed upon, but most will have problems since they did not maintain communion with the European OCs and their lines of succession are dependent on less certain consecrators.)

The Christian Catholic Church is a name actually used by a couple of different entities. One, also known as Zionites, probably never had any claim to use of the name Catholic and would be ulikely to have any claim to apostolic succession. The other, primarily a Canadian entity in origin, had OC roots thru the so-called Vilatte line but further devolved into a couple of different entities, one of which IIRC can best be described as gnostic and the other of which is now an integral unit of the Internal Council of Community Churches, an unusual and loosely confederated group of Churches and religious institutions that are mainly Protestant in origin - of all the OC-type groups that look to Vilatte for their origins, it’s probably the least “Catholic” at this point.

Many years,

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