I found the testimony of St. Ignatius compelling, since he actually knew St. John the Apostle and learned his orthodoxy directly from him. When he states the Church in Rome presides, I doubt he was interjecting something new. Centuries later (cf. Ephesus, Chalcedon), it becomes ever more clear what “presides” meant in the intervening centuries. St. Irenaeus (AD 189) tells us it meant that “all the faithful of the world” must agree with the Church of Rome. If one does not maintain unity with the Chair of Peter, they have broken communion with the orthodox tradition, according to St. Irenaeus. Nobody disputed this position then. I don’t understand why an orthodox Christian would dispute this position now.
God bless,
I went about studying the matter for myself. When I read the letter from Anatolius to Pope Leo I (which CCEL suspiciously summarizes without actually showing the content), it seemed clear to me that the Eastern Bishops used to believe the Roman Pontiff had jurisdictional authority over the universal Church, thereby truly presiding as St. Ignatius of Antioch asserted in AD 110.The problem at this juncture is identifying just who the heretic and schismatics are? Us poor Protestants are so confused with the competing claims between you and the Orthodox! Its kind of like a divorced couple each claiming an intact home and custody of the kids.
I found the testimony of St. Ignatius compelling, since he actually knew St. John the Apostle and learned his orthodoxy directly from him. When he states the Church in Rome presides, I doubt he was interjecting something new. Centuries later (cf. Ephesus, Chalcedon), it becomes ever more clear what “presides” meant in the intervening centuries. St. Irenaeus (AD 189) tells us it meant that “all the faithful of the world” must agree with the Church of Rome. If one does not maintain unity with the Chair of Peter, they have broken communion with the orthodox tradition, according to St. Irenaeus. Nobody disputed this position then. I don’t understand why an orthodox Christian would dispute this position now.
God bless,