Droopy Drawers

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US politicians fed up with catching an eyeful of underwear want to fine those who won’t hitch up their trousers.
The Virginia state house has voted to outlaw the trend of wearing trousers so low that underwear hangs over the top.
Delegates said the habit, popular across the US and in other Western countries, was “coarsening” society.

But others hit back, urging legislators to remember their own “fashion follies” and saying the law would be used mostly against black people.

The house adopted the “droopy drawers” bill by a margin of 60-34."

"“Most of us would identify this as the coarsening of society,” said Delegate John Reid, a Republican. "

But Delegate Lionell Spruill, a Democrat, objected, calling it “a foolish bill”.

He asked fellow politicians to remember their own former fashion faux pas, including Afro haircuts, platform shoes and shiny polyester “shell suits”.

“Please, let these kids express themselves,” he urged, before warning there could be a sinister side to the bill.
“This is going to be a bill that targets blacks. You know who they are going to stop,” he said.

When I first saw this article on the news I thought they were talking about the crack that shows when portly men bend over, the all American hang-butt. Responsible men should be aware to cinch up their trousers and a fine to encourage such behaviour is good.

But on closer reading it appears to be aimed at the fashion statements kids make by wearing their trousers either down below their wastes or just below the belly button. For the women it seems to be a return of the ‘hip huggers’ of the '60s, which also caused some consternation. But I don’t think this particular fashion rates a fine, as long as it remains outside the definition of indecent exposure. Like women smoking cigars here in Boston a few years back, droopy draws will quickly lose its fashion statement.
This is a fad that, if ignored, will go the way of all fads.

I remember when all the Jr. High kids around here cut their hair as short as possible, now they are letting it grow out as long as they can get away with. The difference is 5 years.
I dunno about all this “going away” stuff–when I first saw the drooping pants dragging on the ground which kind of looked to me as a parent like a one year old with a dirty diaper, I said no kid will want to look like that and sure’nuf the fad is still in.
I dunno about all this “going away” stuff–when I first saw the drooping pants dragging on the ground which kind of looked to me as a parent like a one year old with a dirty diaper, I said no kid will want to look like that and sure’nuf the fad is still in.
The guys style (boxers showing) though stupid looking isn’t nearly as offensive to me. The super low rise jeans on young women that show they’re wearing a thong is disgusting.
Cops accually like the fad. Boys who wear their pants in such a manner can’t run as fast from the cops. IMO boys who do wear their pants like that are more likely to be trouble makers.

I too dont know about this going away stuff either. It has been in style for a long time and so has the low rise trend in girls jeans. Our 13 year old pesters us constantly about this. One day when I got so frustrated after her whining I finally said, “Girls who dress like that look like sluts!” Not a charitable moment, I know. She went on to say, “But I wouldn’t do that stuff!” My husband recognizing that I had reached my limit jumped in and sternly said, “But you would look like someone who would.” Silence! He then added, “the only people who should see that much of you are your mother, doctor, and husband.”

Let’s hear it for the feminist movement! We’ve come along way baby - yeah right!

Raise your standards ladies by raising the waistband on your pants!
US politicians fed up with catching an eyeful of underwear want to fine those who won’t hitch up their trousers.
The Virginia state house has voted to outlaw the trend of wearing trousers so low that underwear hangs over the top.
Delegates said the habit, popular across the US and in other Western countries, was “coarsening” society.
But others hit back, urging legislators to remember their own “fashion follies” and saying the law would be used mostly against black people.
& I feel they should & “latinos” as well. I’m Mexican/Mescalero Apache & it disgusts me to see guys with there pants down showing of their boxers. It’s low class & indecent.
The house adopted the “droopy drawers” bill by a margin of 60-34."

"“Most of us would identify this as the coarsening of society,” said Delegate John Reid, a Republican. "

But Delegate Lionell Spruill, a Democrat, objected, calling it “a foolish bill”.

He asked fellow politicians to remember their own former fashion faux pas, including Afro haircuts, platform shoes and shiny polyester “shell suits”.

“Please, let these kids express themselves,” he urged, before warning there could be a sinister side to the bill.
“This is going to be a bill that targets blacks. You know who they are going to stop,” he said.

[BBC NEWS | Americas | Fines for 'droopy drawers' backed ](BBC NEWS | Americas | Fines for 'droopy drawers' backed %20)
“Targets blacks”, what a crock. This “fashion” began with street gangs if you all didn’t know. Funny thing is that when these gangbanger wannabes don’t realize is that gangsters usually end up behind bars & in the prisons & jails in the US, if you show skin you are considered a prostitute & the advertisment is usually met with a soliciture or two.

I really hope this bill passes & becomes law, enough is enough.
I fully support a 13 year-old boy’s right to walk around looking like a sloppy retard.
Believe it or not, this bill was introduced by a black Democrat from Norfolk after receiving numerous complaints by his constituents. It was killed yesterday in the Senate committee.

While I am aghast at the droopy pants fashion, I’m not sure legislative action was the way to go.
One time in a Taco Bell with my now 11-year-old daughter (she was 4 at the time), we were in line behind a scary looking gangbanger type. He had tattoes allover and scars to match. She walked right up to him and tapped him on the back and said, “Excuse me sir, your underpants are showing.”
Grandma here…I remember my brother wearing his Levis like that back in 1956. It was a punk thing, and bullies would “pants” them by yanking their drawers down.

For a “fad” it sure seems like it’s been around awhile this time. I remember punks walking by my house in the early 1990s like this. Seems like they’re all stuck in a rut. Guess they’ve hit bottom…
I fully support a 13 year-old boy’s right to walk around looking like a sloppy retard.
wonderful!!! :clapping:

My brother in law is 17 and dresses like that. I told him that the style was inspired by the prison system, from what I understand… That didn’t get to him much, but, when I told him that the prisoners like their “boys” to wear them loose so they are more “avaliable” to them. His expression changed a bit, and his pants have changed a bit too…
and some posters on this forum accuse britain/ europe of being a nanny state
Grandma here…I remember my brother wearing his Levis like that back in 1956. It was a punk thing, and bullies would “pants” them by yanking their drawers down.

For a “fad” it sure seems like it’s been around awhile this time. I remember punks walking by my house in the early 1990s like this. Seems like they’re all stuck in a rut. Guess they’ve hit bottom…
BHAHAHA! Hit bottom! I love it.

BTW in my day the sight of someone’s undies sticking out of the jeans gave a golden opportunity to provide the offender with a “wedgie” Maybe if “wedgies” came back we’d have fewer kids letting it all hang out.

Lisa N
I dunno about all this “going away” stuff–when I first saw the drooping pants dragging on the ground which kind of looked to me as a parent like a one year old with a dirty diaper, I said no kid will want to look like that and sure’nuf the fad is still in.

Fads do generally disappear from the mainstream but survive in little cliques. For example, I have been passing through Harvard Square in the “People’s Republic of Cambridge” since 1966. Today I can see representatives of Beatniks, Hippies, Disco, Punks, New Wave, New Age, Wicca, clean cut and fads I don’t recognize, all walking around the Harvard Square area, including the girls with low cut jeans showing off their thongs.

And here I am with my chinos, penny loafers, sweatshirt and regular boys haircut and army jacket.
I have always disliked fads. I was a “punk” back in my high school days in the 80’s, back when we thought it meant something. I was 1 of a small handful in my small town back then, & I still see kids today with mohawks & girls dreesed up in all black & they call themselves “gothic”. My girlfriends dressed “goth” before it was even named such. Today I see “punk” as a fad, it’s to mainstream, MTV ruined it.

I don’t like fads.

I hope the lowrider pants thing is outlawed.
As I get older, I find myself becoming bolder. LOL! If there is one instance where this droopy drawers phenomena really drive me nutty is when I am in a grocery store or a restaurant - actually now it has graduated to really any place of business, even the plumber! Think about it, or even observe the little seat draggers. How often do they reach down in the back of their pants to pull them? A LOT! And then they continue to stock food items on the shelves or serve or prepare our food. I let the mangement know my objection to the lack of a dress policy in their establishment. I think the more we make it known how offensive stuff like this is the less we will begin to see it. This and tongue piercings - what is it with food service personel and having their tongues pierced and then having a speech pattern that highlights it! I am, also, really done with the tarts who insist that we see the butterfly tattoos above the crack of their behinds and their thong underwear. A comedian once commented on how some gals are overweight for this trend and they look like one of those Pilsbury Pop’n Fresh biscuit cans popped open.

There’s a lot we need to pray and do penance for. Maybe we should bring back Rogation and Ember Days for chastity and modesty, the respect for human life, vocations, and moral restoration to our world. Meanwhile let’s lift these Guardian Angels and saints up in prayer - trying to pull up those waist bands can get fatiguing!
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