As I get older, I find myself becoming bolder. LOL! If there is one instance where this droopy drawers phenomena really drive me nutty is when I am in a grocery store or a restaurant - actually now it has graduated to really any place of business, even the plumber! Think about it, or even observe the little seat draggers. How often do they reach down in the back of their pants to pull them? A LOT! And then they continue to stock food items on the shelves or serve or prepare our food. I let the mangement know my objection to the lack of a dress policy in their establishment. I think the more we make it known how offensive stuff like this is the less we will begin to see it. This and tongue piercings - what is it with food service personel and having their tongues pierced and then having a speech pattern that highlights it! I am, also, really done with the tarts who insist that we see the butterfly tattoos above the crack of their behinds and their thong underwear. A comedian once commented on how some gals are overweight for this trend and they look like one of those Pilsbury Pop’n Fresh biscuit cans popped open.
There’s a lot we need to pray and do penance for. Maybe we should bring back Rogation and Ember Days for chastity and modesty, the respect for human life, vocations, and moral restoration to our world. Meanwhile let’s lift these Guardian Angels and saints up in prayer - trying to pull up those waist bands can get fatiguing!