Drug Resistant HIV Strain in NYC

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The virus was found in a New York City man in his mid-40’s who engaged in unprotected anal sex with other men on multiple occasions while he was using crystal methamphetamine. Health officials have long said that the drug’s stimulating effect and erasure of inhibitions contributes to sex marathons that have increased the spread of H.I.V

The man, whose name was not released to protect his privacy, is believed to have had unprotected sex with hundreds of partners, according to one person briefed on the case who insisted on anonymity because the investigation is continuing.

Some AIDS specialists outside New York City expressed skepticism about the alarm, believing that it might be an isolated case related to the patient’s immune system. But Dr. Frieden said the case heightened the importance of using condoms.

You gotta be kiddin’ me right!?!?

“This case is a wake-up call,” Dr. Frieden said. "First, it’s a wake-up call to men who have sex with men, particularly those who may use crystal methamphetamine. Not only are we seeing syphilis and a rare sexually transmitted disease - lymphogranuloma venereum - among these men. “Now we’ve identified this strain of H.I.V. that is difficult or impossible to treat and which appears to progress rapidly to AIDS.”

…and the best advice you came up with, Doc, is to offer these folks a condom and to send them back to the meth and anal sex??? Does it get any more vile than this? And who’s doing the greater harm…the meth-driven anal sex marathoner or the Dr. who knows the science and statistics and still won’t speak the truth?
Island Oak, do you think people using crystal methamphetamine are going to have an epiphany and realize they should abstain from risky behaviors such as anal sex and become chaste?
Island Oak, do you think people using crystal methamphetamine are going to have an epiphany and realize they should abstain from risky behaviors such as anal sex and become chaste?
No they will probably die very young. Meth has become an incredible scourge all over the country. When it combines with other risky behavior we will see devastating health consequences.

Frankly as with most diseases, it it only a matter of time before the virus morphs into something that is resistent to the current treatment protocols. The more effective treatments for HIV have made people complacent. Hopefully they will wake up.

Lisa N
Lily and Wolpertinger–as you slog through the marsh of your early morning thoughts, at the very least please recognize that my post was a reflection of utter frustration that the educated medical community offers no sterner warning to the public, given the gravity of the news announcement, other than to re-stock the condom drawer. I am not ignorant enough to believe that news of this sort automatically leads drug/sex addicts to an immediate epiphany. I also do not expect public officials to start spouting Catholic-friendly moral advice. However, I strongly believe that those armed with the education and information about the risks inherent in this type of behavior pattern should do better than to offer the false hope that a few millimeters of latex will offer adequate protection to any given actor or his myriad of partners from deadly disease.
And with this thoughtful contribution, another one goes on my ignore list.
Ignoring reality keeps one on the ignorant list.😉
Island Oak:
Lily and Wolpertinger–as you slog through the marsh of your early morning thoughts, at the very least please recognize that my post was a reflection of utter frustration that the educated medical community offers no sterner warning to the public, given the gravity of the news announcement, other than to re-stock the condom drawer. I am not ignorant enough to believe that news of this sort automatically leads drug/sex addicts to an immediate epiphany. I also do not expect public officials to start spouting Catholic-friendly moral advice. However, I strongly believe that those armed with the education and information about the risks inherent in this type of behavior pattern should do better than to offer the false hope that a few millimeters of latex will offer adequate protection to any given actor or his myriad of partners from deadly disease.
Precisely because what should be a PUBLIC HEALTH problem becomes a political football, complete with physicians saying well not to worry, it may be a false alarm or think about using a condom fellas, wink and nod.

Look at what various countries did during the SARS epidemic last year. They weren’t worried about being politically correct, they were worrying about the disease spreading and getting out of control. People were screened, people were quarantined, people were requested to provide lists of contacts. As a result it was literally nipped in the bud.

As someone who lived during the rise of AIDS in this country and who saw several friends die very painful and hideous deaths due to the disease, I am appalled that the response is well find a cure so we can keep on doing what we wanna do. Sheesh. You would never see that kind of a response on any other communicable disease.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Precisely because what should be a PUBLIC HEALTH problem becomes a political football, complete with physicians saying well not to worry, it may be a false alarm or think about using a condom fellas, wink and nod.

Look at what various countries did during the SARS epidemic last year. They weren’t worried about being politically correct, they were worrying about the disease spreading and getting out of control. People were screened, people were quarantined, people were requested to provide lists of contacts. As a result it was literally nipped in the bud.

As someone who lived during the rise of AIDS in this country and who saw several friends die very painful and hideous deaths due to the disease, I am appalled that the response is well find a cure so we can keep on doing what we wanna do. Sheesh. You would never see that kind of a response on any other communicable disease.

Lisa N
Sheesh is right. How does 3% of the population intimidate the rest of us from using common sense?
Sheesh is right. How does 3% of the population intimidate the rest of us from using common sense?
Because so many people have a pathological fear of being called bigoted or hateful if they speak up against the latest poster child of victimization. Look how the second someone brings up a medical reality, they are immediately called a homophobe or a bigot in an attempt to shut down the discussion.

Frankly I’ve been called worse things and the truth is generally a pretty good defense.
Lisa N
Lisa N:
Precisely because what should be a PUBLIC HEALTH problem becomes a political football, complete with physicians saying well not to worry, it may be a false alarm or think about using a condom fellas, wink and nod.

Look at what various countries did during the SARS epidemic last year. They weren’t worried about being politically correct, they were worrying about the disease spreading and getting out of control. People were screened, people were quarantined, people were requested to provide lists of contacts. As a result it was literally nipped in the bud…Lisa N
Lisa…you nailed it. I guess in theory the approach is similar to other political hot button issues that arise from the exercise of individual sexual “rights” like birth control, abortion, etc. However, when the exercise on one person’s “right” threatens the well-being of so many it’s time to limit the conduct or at the very least attach some meaningful consequesnces for recklessness.
Island Oak, do you think people using crystal methamphetamine are going to have an epiphany and realize they should abstain from risky behaviors such as anal sex and become chaste?
Probably not but that doesn’t negate the fact that a clear statement has to come from the medical community:

** Anal sex is hazardous to your health.** (and gross too)
Lisa N:
Because so many people have a pathological fear of being called bigoted or hateful if they speak up against the latest poster child of victimization. Look how the second someone brings up a medical reality, they are immediately called a homophobe or a bigot in an attempt to shut down the discussion.

Frankly I’ve been called worse things and the truth is generally a pretty good defense.
Lisa N
Someone once remarked about this fear (I forget who) of “not being perceived as sufficiently progressive”, and how much evil takes root because of it. Calling it pathological is right on the money.
Probably not but that doesn’t negate the fact that a clear statement has to come from the medical community:

Anal sex is hazardous to your health. (and gross too)
AMEN to that!!! Unfortunately GLAAD does not see this!
Island Oak:
Lisa…you nailed it. I guess in theory the approach is similar to other political hot button issues that arise from the exercise of individual sexual “rights” like birth control, abortion, etc. However, when the exercise on one person’s “right” threatens the well-being of so many it’s time to limit the conduct or at the very least attach some meaningful consequesnces for recklessness.
Absolutely true. I remember when I was in high school what were known as “venereal diseases” WERE considered a public health issue and dealt with accordingly. Men who were diagnosed with gonorrhea or syphillis were reported to public health, contacted and their partners named. The partners were then contacted and the disease was treated. Of COURSE it was probably embarrassing and of COURSE it would be unpleasant for a man to explain why he came down with VD. OTOH the public good,not to mention the benefit of his partners overrode his embarrassment or his “privacy.” I mean how can you give someone what could be a fatal disease and they have no right to know and seek treatment? Tell me how that makes sense.

I also remember when getting married I had to have a VD test to get a license. Unfortunately the homosexual activists at the time that AIDS was first spreading wildly, were able to shut down the reporting process. As a result what might have been a disease contained in some areas has spread across our country. The cost in lives and dollars is huge. And all because some guy wants to protect his ‘privacy.’ Note the reference to the man in the article who’d had hundreds of partners but HE is being protected. Apparently the public, not to mention the partners of this man, are not worthy of protection.

Lisa N
There are people in the world that do very strange things, we have to pray for all sinners and for their conversion.
Island Oak, do you think people using crystal methamphetamine are going to have an epiphany and realize they should abstain from risky behaviors such as anal sex and become chaste?
They certainly aren’t going to reach for the condom and, even if they do, won’t work every time.
Lisa N:
Precisely because what should be a PUBLIC HEALTH problem becomes a political football, complete with physicians saying well not to worry, it may be a false alarm or think about using a condom fellas, wink and nod.

Look at what various countries did during the SARS epidemic last year. They weren’t worried about being politically correct, they were worrying about the disease spreading and getting out of control. People were screened, people were quarantined, people were requested to provide lists of contacts. As a result it was literally nipped in the bud.

As someone who lived during the rise of AIDS in this country and who saw several friends die very painful and hideous deaths due to the disease, I am appalled that the response is well find a cure so we can keep on doing what we wanna do. Sheesh. You would never see that kind of a response on any other communicable disease.

Lisa N
I am appalled that they are not releasing his name to protect his privacy when hundreds are affected. When you practice license, you lose some rights because those rights hurt other people’s rights.
Lisa N:
Because so many people have a pathological fear of being called bigoted or hateful if they speak up against the latest poster child of victimization. Look how the second someone brings up a medical reality, they are immediately called a homophobe or a bigot in an attempt to shut down the discussion.

Frankly I’ve been called worse things and the truth is generally a pretty good defense.
Lisa N
It doesn’t help when pastors actively promote calling people fundamentalists, bigots, narrow-minded, incompetent, and archaic when they hold that some things (moral and doctrinal truths) are just plainly true.

This relativsim is a religion and something very sinister is behind it - sucking in the unaware.
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