I truly think this is one of the most disgraceful results of homosexual activism. STDs that were really under control are now epidemic–and I am talking those also associated with heterosexual sex. Unfortunately many of these diseases are silent and women particularly are at risk as they may not even know they have HPV (causes cervical cancer) or one of the old standbys gonnorhea or syph that may cause sterility among other problems.I am appalled that they are not releasing his name to protect his privacy when hundreds are affected. When you practice license, you lose some rights because those rights hurt other people’s rights.
STDs are a public health problem but they have been politicized. Look at this man who may have infected hundreds with a particularly virulent strain of HIV. All of the focus is on his rights and none on the rights of the public or his unfortunate partners. (Although realistically he may have had a lot of anonymous encounters via “clubs” or bathhouses and thus may not be able to name partners if he wished to do so). What other communicable fatal disease allows the carrier to remain anonymous and protected?
Lisa N