Drug Resistant HIV Strain in NYC

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I am appalled that they are not releasing his name to protect his privacy when hundreds are affected. When you practice license, you lose some rights because those rights hurt other people’s rights.
I truly think this is one of the most disgraceful results of homosexual activism. STDs that were really under control are now epidemic–and I am talking those also associated with heterosexual sex. Unfortunately many of these diseases are silent and women particularly are at risk as they may not even know they have HPV (causes cervical cancer) or one of the old standbys gonnorhea or syph that may cause sterility among other problems.

STDs are a public health problem but they have been politicized. Look at this man who may have infected hundreds with a particularly virulent strain of HIV. All of the focus is on his rights and none on the rights of the public or his unfortunate partners. (Although realistically he may have had a lot of anonymous encounters via “clubs” or bathhouses and thus may not be able to name partners if he wished to do so). What other communicable fatal disease allows the carrier to remain anonymous and protected?

Lisa N

(Click to read entire article)

Still looking for ways to eat their cake and have it too.

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February 15, 2005

Gays Debate Radical Steps to Curb Unsafe Sex

http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/dropcap/a.giffter all the thousands of AIDS deaths and all the years of “Safe Sex Is Hot Sex” prevention messages, it has come down to this: many gay men who know the rules of engagement in the age of AIDS are not using condoms. As news of a potentially virulent strain of H.I.V. settles in, gay activists and AIDS prevention workers say they are dismayed and angry that the 25-year-old battle against the disease might have to begin all over again.

Condan that is a fabulous article. Thanks for posting it. Did anyone else notice the resistence to treating HIV as a public health issue was strongest from the NAMBLA representative? Not only do they want to prey upon youngsters but they don’t want them to have protection against deadly diseases? Is there any question this is an organization that promotes evildoing?

Larry Kramer was the playwright I mentioned on another thread. As the writer of Telltale Heart he was an early activist for HIV research and cure. But he is now saying that the homosexual population is “murdering each other” and he is right.

The addition of meth makes it even more likely that the disease will spread as meth users are not known for their good judgement.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
I truly think this is one of the most disgraceful results of homosexual activism. STDs that were really under control are now epidemic–and I am talking those also associated with heterosexual sex. Unfortunately many of these diseases are silent and women particularly are at risk as they may not even know they have HPV (causes cervical cancer) or one of the old standbys gonnorhea or syph that may cause sterility among other problems.

STDs are a public health problem but they have been politicized. Look at this man who may have infected hundreds with a particularly virulent strain of HIV. All of the focus is on his rights and none on the rights of the public or his unfortunate partners. (Although realistically he may have had a lot of anonymous encounters via “clubs” or bathhouses and thus may not be able to name partners if he wished to do so). What other communicable fatal disease allows the carrier to remain anonymous and protected?

Lisa N
And I believe HPV only requires skin to skin contact, meaning any contraceptive methods or otherwise are of no benefit. This is an epidemic of young women and (like you said) hurting them for the rest of their lives.
And I believe HPV only requires skin to skin contact, meaning any contraceptive methods or otherwise are of no benefit. This is an epidemic of young women and (like you said) hurting them for the rest of their lives.
Yes apparently HPV is really becoming a serious epidemic. No symptoms for most people. Even the old diseases like gonnorhea and syphallis are getting more common and more resistent to drug treatment. I don’t know if there IS a treatment for HPV but women who have been exposed need to be particularly careful about having regular pap tests.

I am sure the old requirement that you get a VD test prior to marriage did catch a lot of these cases before they could cause further damage to the person. It’s sad that disease control and public health take a back seat to someone’s right to have sex with no consequences. At least though based on Condan’s article it appears SOME elements in the homosexual community are taking responsibility.

LIsa N
It’s not just an HIV problem it’s a METH problem too. I swear meth is at the bottom of a lot of the insanity. I tried it once in 1968 and after a terrific high I got so edgy I wanted to kill the chattering hippie who had given it to me. At least I understand now–just think how attractive meth would be to gays: It helps you lose weight, enables you to stay up to all hours, makes you real outgoing, makes you disregard normal inhibitions, makes you think everything is swell and nothing’s going to go wrong. Then a few hours later you’re crashing, cursing, driving too fast, flipping off cars. I’m beginning to think a lot more people are doing this drug than we realize. There are sure enough meth labs around my state.

Anyone see “Killing Zoe”? That film pretty much nailed it.
It’s not just an HIV problem it’s a METH problem too. I swear meth is at the bottom of a lot of the insanity. I tried it once in 1968 and after a terrific high I got so edgy I wanted to kill the chattering hippie who had given it to me. At least I understand now–just think how attractive meth would be to gays: It helps you lose weight, enables you to stay up to all hours, makes you real outgoing, makes you disregard normal inhibitions, makes you think everything is swell and nothing’s going to go wrong. Then a few hours later you’re crashing, cursing, driving too fast, flipping off cars. I’m sure it’s at the root of many stupid and senselessly violent crimes.

Anyone see “Killing Zoe”? That film pretty much nailed it.
Lisa N:
Yes apparently HPV is really becoming a serious epidemic. No symptoms for most people. Even the old diseases like gonnorhea and syphallis are getting more common and more resistent to drug treatment. I don’t know if there IS a treatment for HPV but women who have been exposed need to be particularly careful about having regular pap tests.

LIsa N
The first treatment for HPV break outs is a topical cream, if that doesn’t work they freeze it off like a regular wart. Soemthing like 75-85% of all sexually active males between 18 and 35 have some form of HPV, but only 40-45% have a visible outbreak. The rest are just carriers.
The first treatment for HPV break outs is a topical cream, if that doesn’t work they freeze it off like a regular wart. Soemthing like 75-85% of all sexually active males between 18 and 35 have some form of HPV, but only 40-45% have a visible outbreak. The rest are just carriers.
Unfortunately you can’t be treated if you don’t know you have the disease. My understanding is that women are almost ALWAYS asymptomatic. If a great majority of sexually active men have/carry the virus, the chances of getting infected are pretty high. Thus without some kind of contact report, there is often no way that the women will even know they are infected unless they end up with cervical cancer.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Unfortunately you can’t be treated if you don’t know you have the disease.
Bingo. There is no blood test for HPV, only a visual.
Lisa N:
My understanding is that women are almost ALWAYS asymptomatic.
I belive it is a 50/50 split.
Lisa N:
If a great majority of sexually active men have/carry the virus, the chances of getting infected are pretty high. Thus without some kind of contact report, there is often no way that the women will even know they are infected unless they end up with cervical cancer.

Lisa N
Alot of the time it shows up on the pap smear before it turns into cervical cancer.
Lisa N:
Condan that is a fabulous article. Thanks for posting it. Did anyone else notice the resistence to treating HIV as a public health issue was strongest from the NAMBLA representative? Not only do they want to prey upon youngsters but they don’t want them to have protection against deadly diseases? Is there any question this is an organization that promotes evildoing?

Larry Kramer was the playwright I mentioned on another thread. As the writer of Telltale Heart he was an early activist for HIV research and cure. But he is now saying that the homosexual population is “murdering each other” and he is right.

The addition of meth makes it even more likely that the disease will spread as meth users are not known for their good judgement.

Lisa N
Meth also has a side effect not previously mentioned, one that lends itself to the gay lifestyle. Ah…how can I put this… Well, if it were Cialis, it would come with a warning about getting medical attention after 4 hours. Unlike Cialis, however, this “long lasting” side effect is ALWAYS the case. Its part of the high. It allows gays to have multiple partners in one night for as long as the “high” lasts (pun intended). This fact, coupled with the sexual practices of gays, is what is fueling this renewed epidemic.

The really sick part is that no one wants to face reality. They all just want to dance around the truth and pretend that being gay is just like being left-handed and that we are to accept all people no matter what their behavior is.

To which I reply: when shrimps whistle!
Meth also has a side effect not previously mentioned, one that lends itself to the gay lifestyle. Ah…how can I put this… Well, if it were Cialis, it would come with a warning about getting medical attention after 4 hours. Unlike Cialis, however, this “long lasting” side effect is ALWAYS the case. Its part of the high. It allows gays to have multiple partners in one night for as long as the “high” lasts (pun intended). This fact, coupled with the sexual practices of gays, is what is fueling this renewed epidemic.

The really sick part is that no one wants to face reality. They all just want to dance around the truth and pretend that being gay is just like being left-handed and that we are to accept all people no matter what their behavior is.

To which I reply: when shrimps whistle!
Heavens, I knew meth had side effects, but not that one! The article indicated 25% of homosexual men had tried meth. This doesn’t bode well for restricting the spread of the disease.

Lisa N
Bingo. There is no blood test for HPV, only a visual.

I belive it is a 50/50 split.

Alot of the time it shows up on the pap smear before it turns into cervical cancer.
HPV is unfortunately blown off as not being very serious. If a woman doesn’t get regular pap tests, she might not know that she has abnormal cell growth that will develop into cervical cancer. A friendly acquaintance had been married fifteen years and quit having paps every year as she’d had clean tests for some time. She got cervical cancer and it spread through her reproductive tract. She is a young woman with a husband and small son. Somehow she must have been infected years before and never knew.

But the point is why not REPORT this disease and let people know they’ve been exposed? We have to quit being so politically correct just because these diseases might be spread through sexual contact.

Lisa N
And so it goes…

S.D. man could have aggressive HIV strain

Unidentified resident, rare N.Y. case linked

By Cheryl Clark


February 15, 2005

LENNY IGNELZI / Associated Press​
San Diego County public health officer Dr. Nancy Bowen yesterday urged people who think they might be infected with HIV to get tested.

An unidentified San Diego resident may be infected with the same rare, aggressive and highly drug-resistant strain of HIV found last week in a New York City man who has rapidly become ill with AIDS, health officials said yesterday.

“(The local person’s) HIV has a similar molecular makeup as the patient in New York City,” said Dr. Nancy Bowen, the San Diego County public health officer who held a press conference about the finding yesterday afternoon in San Diego.

Click the link below for the entire article.


Just as an aside, does anyone else have a problem with anonymous testing? Is that crazy or what??? If its anonymous, why the heck test?
And so it goes…

S.D. man could have aggressive HIV strain

Unidentified resident, rare N.Y. case linked

By Cheryl Clark


February 15, 2005

LENNY IGNELZI / Associated Press​
San Diego County public health officer Dr. Nancy Bowen yesterday urged people who think they might be infected with HIV to get tested.

An unidentified San Diego resident may be infected with the same rare, aggressive and highly drug-resistant strain of HIV found last week in a New York City man who has rapidly become ill with AIDS, health officials said yesterday.

“(The local person’s) HIV has a similar molecular makeup as the patient in New York City,” said Dr. Nancy Bowen, the San Diego County public health officer who held a press conference about the finding yesterday afternoon in San Diego.

Click the link below for the entire article.


Just as an aside, does anyone else have a problem with anonymous testing? Is that crazy or what??? If its anonymous, why the heck test?
Does that mean they drop off their blood and don’t come back for results? Or do they somehow get the results anonymously and then must be trusted to contact partners? They will never get a handle on the disease if they keep trying to protect the guilty.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Does that mean they drop off their blood and don’t come back for results? Or do they somehow get the results anonymously and then must be trusted to contact partners? They will never get a handle on the disease if they keep trying to protect the guilty.

Lisa N
I gotta say, this is utterly ridiculous. In reality, we have a national security and a global security issue at stake here, yet authority figures cannot make someone get an HIV test. Total irresponsibility on the part of government, much of which has lost the desire to protect the common good.

Individual rights, huh? The right to kill at will? I don’t imagine that meth users ONLY have sex with meth users or that they don’t have heterosexual sex either.

Lisa N:
But the point is why not REPORT this disease and let people know they’ve been exposed? We have to quit being so politically correct just because these diseases might be spread through sexual contact.

Lisa N
Do you mean report the disease once someone has an identifiable outbreak?
Do you mean report the disease once someone has an identifiable outbreak?
I suggest treating this STD like we used to treat “VD” when I was in high school. Someone is diagnosed and the physician reports it to public health. Public health contacts the infected person and requests that they report their sexual partners who are then notified and given the opportunity for testing or at least warned of the potential that they have been infected.

This is precisely what happened to a close relative of mine who happened to be dating a man who was not faithful to her. He was diagnosed with gonnorhea. She was contacted by public health, tested, confirmed that she was indeed infected and she was treated. This not only helped stop the further spread of the disease but allowed her to be treated before there were serious consequences. I do not know if the model can be followed with HPV because it can be difficult to diagnose. But I do think we need to consider the old public health model and at least make an attempt to stop the epidemic of these STDs

Lisa N


Great points. I heard a prominent physician say that until we start treating HIV/AIDS as a medical crisis and not as a political issue, we will be fruitless in controlling its spread and in finding a cure.
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