By “our country” I assume you mean the United States. Apologies if you are not from the US. If I have followed correctly, @Polak is from Poland and living in the UK. Again, apologies if I am wrong. Of course, both abortion and gay marriage are illegal in Poland. In the UK, the man principally responsible for the partial decriminalization of abortion was David Steel, a Presbyterian (indeed, his father was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, and Steel himself was Lord High Commissioner to the Assembly). The man principally responsible for introducing gay marriage in the UK was David Cameron, an Anglican. In general, the person most closely associated with the liberalization of many aspects of life in the UK was Roy Jenkins, an atheist, though culturally Protestant (I think specifically Anglican, though I may be wrong about that). For balance, one of the two architects of the legislation that partially decriminalized male homosexuality in England and Wales was Leo Abse, a Jew. The other was the 8th earl of Arran, who I assume must have been Anglican, as he was Irish nobility and related to a bishop of Oxford.Abortion isn’t legal in our country because Jews rejected Christ. Gay marriage isn’t legal in our country because Jews rejected Christ.