E5 men/women how many are out there?

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Thanks for spreading the word regarding E5! I just signed up myself. By the way, I DO plan on telling my wife so that I don’t miss any of my favorite meals 😉
Below is the recipe I like to use on the fast. (I sent this to e5.org, but they haven’t seen fit to share the idea of a recipe exchange yet)

Each month my bride makes this simple recipe for my fast. The best part is, on those occasions when she is unable to bake for me, it is easy enough for me to make it myself. And it uses ingredients that many men already have around the home. 😛


3 c. flour
3 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 (12 oz) can of beer

Combine flour, sugar, and baking powder into large bowl.
Add beer and mix thoroughly into a sticky dough.
Divide into a greased muffin tin.
Bake in an UNpreheated 350 degree oven for 1 hour.
Yield: 12 muffins.

(I’m told this can also be baked as a loaf, but I like the muffin tin to help me ration out my fast)

Anyone else have bread recipes?
Anyone else have bread recipes?
I actually have an easier time eating nothing, but drinking water. I’m not sure why…

When I read about the E5 men and women, I had to see what it was all about and I checked out the website. I could not believe how sweet men can be to their wives. I was completely touched. Even though my husband is not an E5 men, maybe someday, at the least he is a Knight of Columbus, I decided to sign up. I read how men fast for sometimes even other women especially those who are especially in need. I really appreciate men like this. I feel like I have a bunch of generous brothers and even sisters whom I just want to thank. Thank you E5 men and women out there.
I started during Lent. I also was suprised at how it benefited me and teh way I viewed my wife. It is very humbling for me (I need it!). My wife knows, and while we don’t really talk about it,it does enhance our marriage- something is different, stronger- love I guess.

My bible study group (men’s) promoted this- 6 of us joined. It does help toknow others are doing this with you. Good idea for a thread!
I read over the E5 site, and what a wonderful thing this is! I joined as an E5 woman. I am considering the sisterhood for my future (in a few years), so I would appreciate your prayers for that if you are an E5 man.

God bless,

P.S. tee eff em, I said a prayer for you and your wife. I hope things go well with her health, and God bless you.
P.S. tee eff em, I said a prayer for you and your wife. I hope things go well with her health, and God bless you.
Thank you.

After bed-resting for a week or two, she did have surgery for a lumbar fusion this past Thursday. We are not out of the woods yet, but hopeful.

…And here I am, almost out of June, and yet to fast for this month. Thank you all and this thread for the kick in the pants to remember to fast this week! 😛

(Funny aside: When our pastor came around to annoint her on Thursday morning, he made a remark along the lines of “You didn’t get an annointing before your last surgery – No wonder it didn’t take! 😛 Why didn’t I annoint you?”
My bride reminded him: “I was emergency hospitalized on Easter Sunday morning”
"Ooooooooooooh… :o "
:rotfl: )
There are some things…crosses…that are so deep that no one knows about them but you and God - and that can be a very lonely feeling.

There’s something in my life that I can’t talk over with anyone. Oh, my confessor knows, and he gives me the standard, quite correct advice. My heart - and I believe God, in my prayers - tells me something else. Well, crosses really are between you and God, and sometimes we just can’t lighten them by telling someone else all the details…

Enter E5 men. A little brochure fell out of a book I ordered from a Catholic publisher, I remembered having heard about it before, and I signed up as an E5 woman because there just isn’t anyone I can tell about this who would pray about it. Nobody who knows either believes me or takes it seriously or else they think, ‘That was long ago…’ (like my confessor) and it’s not an issue anymore.

But it is an issue…God knows, I know…but who will pray for me in this?

Answer: All those anonymous E5 men. It touches my heart more deeply than I can say. I’m not completely alone in this…

Any woman with ANY issue, pain, problem, sorrow related to a man or men in any way - sign up for E5 men to fast for you.

I haven’t seen any change in my situation (it’s been three months since I signed up). But just knowing there are men out there good enough to fast for the sake of women who need men to love them as Christ loved the Church is oh-so-healing.

God bless you all, E5 men!
I am an e5 man

(But am transferring my fast to another day this month – The bride I fast for was emergency hospitalized yesterday, and I could not properly dispose myself to fast today. I humbly ask you other e5’s to add her to your prayers. Thanks)
Your bride is in my prayers. God bless and keep you both healthy and holy.
I’m an E5 woman. (: Thanks, you guys!
I am too! It’s something that has brought my husband and I much closer together…one my sons is as well and they are expecting their third child in Sept… BTW I have a first class relic of Gemma.🙂
Thank you.

After bed-resting for a week or two, she did have surgery for a lumbar fusion this past Thursday. We are not out of the woods yet, but hopeful.
I’m praying for you and your bride. May God keep you both healthy and holy.
I heard about this back when Bud McFarlane still did the Catholicity newletter. It sounds like a good idea, and if I ever end up married, I’ll have to give it a thought.

Not to hijack the thread, but does anyone know what’s up with the Bud and Bai McFarlane divorce?
I am an e5 woman too. Thank you, gentlemen, for your prayers. I always try to remember you in my prayers, and yours have brought such blessings in my life.

I highly encourage anybody interested to join.
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