I don’t even know where to start with what you said. It’s a whole lot of things I couldn’t agree less with but can’t find a starting point to address.
I can understand! And compassionately so. There is a profound (and increasing) separation among men today, which makes understanding, mutuality, common purpose, even compromise increasing difficult - and headed toward, and presently not far from, impossible.
In this election cycle in the U.S., this fundamental separation is demonstrated in the political sphere by the failure to find compromise between the (mostly “conservative”) Republicans and the (mostly “liberal” - now “progressive” blending into “socialist” and sneaking toward “communist”) Democrats. But what compromise can there be between the belief that “every life is sacred, from conception to natural death” and “abortion is the right of the woman at any time for any cause or for no reason at all”? Can the baby be divided, with half embraced and nurtured, and the other half dismembered in the womb? To hear the horror of the insanity of these times, Democrat Speaker Pelosi (a self-described “Catholic”) declared “abortion is sacred ground!” God help us.
The ultimate insight into the dividing line that cuts across humanity was written by Augustine, describing the “two cities” that men choose between - and must choose between - and ultimately do choose between: the City of God, OR the city of man.
To paraphrase his words , citizens of the one city love God even to the contempt of self; citizens of the other love self even to the contempt of God. That sounds stark, even brutal at first, but he saw and understands it well.
The reason evolution is so repulsive to me, is that it is one step further in the progress of man toward marginalizing God, making Him irrelevant, with the goal of complete erasure of all thought and any need of Him. It is a cornerstone of the goal of building the city of man, a godless utopia exalting man to the contempt of God.