If you are a human being, and not a “hominid”, then He did “poof” the most important component of you into existence: your immortal soul. The human person (unlike every other creation of God) is “made in the image and likeness of God” for a reason: the human vocation - calling - the very reason why God made you and me - is for eternal, intimate, supernatural communion in divine love with Him (God the Holy Trinity) and with all other human persons in Him.God works through natural processes. He didn’t “poof” me into existence.
There is a “quantum leap” accomplished in the creation of man, the immediate supernatural creation of a completely human personal soul - which gave uniquely human life to the body formed from “the mud” as one poster posted. The soul cannot “evolve”. Neither can there be a spiritual entity that is “a part-human soul” - partially human and partially nonhuman. This radical, discontinuous distinction of man, separating him from all else, is essential to our understanding of who we are - who each of us is - and by the way imposes the issue of morality upon and into any philosophy of our being.
To the extent that evolutionists negate/deny/erase the essential place of morality from the question of human origins - to that extent they are workers in the city of man, busy with eliminating God from the picture, and thus dehumanizing man and mankind.