Easter - pagan holiday?

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Fr Ambrose:

However the term for Pascha was not named from this doubtful Goddess. Instead it is most likely that Easter (Pascha) comes from the Saxon month of Eostre (April) which was used for the spring period.

In other words, the term ‘Easter’ no more honours Eostre than a ‘Wednesday Night Service’ at your local Protestant church honours Odin (Wednesday=Woden’s Day).

In England itself, this is the type of theoretical issue Anglo-Saxonists enjoy arguing. There appears to have been a very strong cultural bias among the Anglo-Saxons against other languages. While their Latin missionaries and then their own churchmen obviously knew and used Latin, there was remarkably
little borrowing from Latin into English at this time. In almost every instance, the English Church took existing English words to express ecclesiastical terms (thus “sanctus” was translated by “haelig” [holy, healthy, whole] and Old English uses haelige John not St. John, “haeliged” [hallowed] rather than sanctified, etc) rather than simply borrowing the Latin. The modern
preponderance of Latin loan words for ecclesiastical terms is a product of the post 1066 Norman invasion. In addition to Latin books, Old English had the most active vernacular literature (primarily Christian) of any Western area prior to the millennium. There is an extant translation of the gospel of John which is the oldest translation of the Bible into a western vernacular with
the exception of Bishop Wulfilas Arian translations into Gothic (itself another Germanic language).

Pagan origins of Easter:

Many, perhaps most, Pagan religions in the Mediterranean area had a major seasonal day of religious celebration at or following the Spring Equinox. Cybele, the Phrygian fertility goddess, had a fictional consort who was believed to have been born via a virgin birth. He was Attis, who was believed to have died and been resurrected each year during the period MAR-22 to MAR-25. “About 200 B.C. mystery cults began to appear in Rome just as they had earlier in Greece. Most notable was the Cybele cult centered on Vatican hill …Associated with the Cybele cult was that of her lover, Attis ([the older Tammuz, Osiris, Dionysus, or Orpheus under a new name). He was a god of ever-reviving vegetation. Born of a virgin, he died and was reborn annually. The festival began as a day of blood on Black Friday and culminated after three days in a day of rejoicing over the resurrection.3

Wherever Christian worship of Jesus and Pagan worship of Attis were active in the same geographical area in ancient times, Christians “used to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus on the same date; and pagans and Christians used to quarrel bitterly about which of their gods was the true prototype and which the imitation.”

Many religious historians believe that the death and resurrection legends were first associated with Attis, many centuries before the birth of Jesus. They were simply grafted onto stories of Jesus’ life in order to make Christian theology more acceptable to Pagans. Others suggest that many of the events in Jesus’ life that were recorded in the gospels were lifted from the life of Krishna, the second person of the Hindu Trinity. Ancient Christians had an alternate explanation; they claimed that Satan had created counterfeit deities in advance of the coming of Christ in order to confuse humanity. 4 Modern-day Christians generally regard the Attis legend as being a Pagan myth of little value. They regard Jesus’ death and resurrection account as being true, and unrelated to the earlier tradition.

Wiccans and other modern-day Neopagans continue to celebrate the Spring Equinox as one of their 8 yearly Sabbats (holy days of celebration). Near the Mediterranean, this is a time of sprouting of the summer’s crop; farther north, it is the time for seeding. Their rituals at the Spring Equinox are related primarily to the fertility of the crops and to the balance of the day and night times. Where Wiccans can safely celebrate the Sabbat out of doors without threat of religious persecution, they often incorporate a bonfire into their rituals, jumping over the dying embers is believed to assure fertility of people and crops.*
The spring equinox is a natural phenomenon. There is nothing at all wrong with having a Christian feast associated with it. I don’t know if it was a pagan feast or not. If it was, then I’m glad that Christianity reclaimed it. Why not?
Passover is celebrated in conjunction with the equinox…so I suppose that you suggest that the Jews were wrong as well…they celebrated the new moon and the harvest and it’s all right there in the OT. Or are you anti–Semetic as well as antiCatholic?
How so. Give us clear and precise examples of how Catholic dogma displays paganism, and please cite the Code of Canon Law or the Catechism please, instead of your own or anyone else’s opinion.
For those that have ears let them hear.

Clear examples:
Holy Thursday was on Passover. Good Friday the first day of unleavened bread, Resurrection Sunday on The Feast of FirstFruits.
Passover, feasts of unleavened bread and firstfruits were God ordained times.
The early church moved the celebration of these ‘holydays’ to a different time. The time they chose happedned to be a time that was associated with a pagan festival. The spring equinox festivals of the pagans celibrated fertility. Rabbits and eggs were symbols used. Rabbits and eggs are not part of any Christian doctrine i know of. However how many "so called’ Christian homes (not only Catholic) celebrate Easter with rabbits and eggs.
The spring equinox is a natural phenomenon. There is nothing at all wrong with having a Christian feast associated with it. I don’t know if it was a pagan feast or not. If it was, then I’m glad that Christianity reclaimed it. Why not?
Read Genesis thru 2Chronicles. Then reread it.
God continually warns against mixing of the holy with the profane.
Church Militant:
Passover is celebrated in conjunction with the equinox…so I suppose that you suggest that the Jews were wrong as well…they celebrated the new moon and the harvest and it’s all right there in the OT. Or are you anti–Semetic as well as antiCatholic?
Im neither. I hope that the church reclaims its Hebriac roots, instead of its pagan roots. My beef with Catholicism is its compromise with paganism and the world system.
The New Moon festivals and Firstfruit festivals are God appointed times.Pagan festivals are not.
I don’t see how celebrating any Christian feast on any day of the year is mixing the holy with the profane. The Church doesn’t celebrate pagan feasts. For that matter, it doesn’t celebrate the Old Testament feasts.

If you don’t think we should have Easter eggs, well, OK. Easter eggs are profane? So are Christmas trees, I suppose. But none of that bothers me in the slightest, because I have Christian reasons to celebrate.
I don’t see how celebrating any Christian feast on any day of the year is mixing the holy with the profane. The Church doesn’t celebrate pagan feasts. For that matter, it doesn’t celebrate the Old Testament feasts.

If you don’t think we should have Easter eggs, well, OK. Easter eggs are profane? So are Christmas trees, I suppose. But none of that bothers me in the slightest, because I have Christian reasons to celebrate.
Why celebrate it on a day other than when it happened?
Why then chose a pagan holiday to celebrate it when you chose a day other than the God appointed day?
Are not mans reasonings what lead us into sin in the first place?
People who use this argument have not studied language, even their own.

Does she say the days of the week in English? If so, by her logic, she is worshipping Norse gods. I don’t remember them all, but Tuesday came from the word “Thor’s Day”, and Thor was the Norse god of thunder.
the Quakers took this line of thinking quite seriously, as a logical extension of their theology, at least in the 18th & 19th century and referred to First Day, SecondDay and so forth
Im neither. I hope that the church reclaims its Hebriac roots, instead of its pagan roots. My beef with Catholicism is its compromise with paganism and the world system.
The New Moon festivals and Firstfruit festivals are God appointed times.Pagan festivals are not.
You are full of low quality lunchmeat…LOL
Easter, with its bunny rabbits and eggs do have Pagan roots, as does Santa Claus (half St. Nick and half Odin) and wedding rings. I spent approx 14 years of my life as a practioner of the Asatru, or Wodanist religion. I even ran my own group as a pagan priest for the last three years.Christmas trees, easter bunnies and such are traditions handed down from European Pagan cultures, that in the fullness of time, became Christian. However, colored eggs and decorated trees are cultural traditions, not Sacred Traditions. They do not contaminate the Faith, in my opinion, as they have lost any real connection to the distant pagan past. Retro-pagan religions are trying to reclaim some of these holidays and traditions, but are doomed to failure because the cultures that gave them meaning and purpose have long been extinct. God has a way of sanctifying things that once served pagan religions (I am living proof of that!!!). Calling the date of Christ’s Paschal mystery by a name derived from some ancient source, long since forgotten except by scholars and neopagan wannabes, is hardly an affront to our Lord and Savior, in my opinion.
Church Militant:
You are full of low quality lunchmeat…LOL
Can you be specific?
You disagree with me so your arguement is to atack me?
Did God not give you an intellect?
Can you be specific?
You disagree with me so your arguement is to atack me?
Did God not give you an intellect?
My intellect works fine…in fact it works well enough for me to remember lies that are taken from antiCatholic books and articles from persons who make outrageous allegations that have absolutely NO basis in fact, but are “dressed up” as factual. I consider it shameful that anyone who would call themselves Christian would so heinously violate the commandment against false witness.

This is not an attack…this is a simple statement of opinion as to your insulting and rude posts on a religious forum. You post trash from “the Great Controversy” and other blatantly antiCatholic materials and have done NOTHING but attack Catholic beliefs since your first post…I look forward to your departure and the advent of people with honest hearts and valid reasons for being here.
Clearly Christ “the Passover Lamb” was not crucified on the day following Passover-------opppps my bad.
Clearly there was no anti-Semitism involved when a pagan holiday
eastore was chosen as opposed to a Jewish holiday -Firstfurits.
After all Jesus the firstfruit of the New Covenant is beter represented by mixing in pagan festivals as opposed to the God apppointed feasts. But then again it is better to have an answer for those who would say this is just another mixing of the holy with the profane in Catholic tradition than it is to know the truth and to obey the Lord God Almighty.
What are you saying?

Easter is merely the modern pronunciation of an old Anglo Saxon name for a month in spring no more no less

I’m sure the pagan Anglo Saxons had no information about the Jews one way or another

They were the pagan rulers of a formerly Christian country who preserved some of their linguistic identity after their conversion

Clearly Easter was different from the other pagan holidays that were co-opted by the early church
As I said its link to the lunar calendar ad the equinox (i.e. Passover) as well as a day of the week made it unique
People who use this argument have not studied language, even their own.

Does she say the days of the week in English? If so, by her logic, she is worshipping Norse gods. I don’t remember them all, but Tuesday came from the word “Thor’s Day”, and Thor was the Norse god of thunder.
Moon-day [These first two are straightfoward]
Tiw’s day [Tiw is the one I forget]
Woden’s day [Odin being the principal Norse god, & father of Thor]
Thor’s day [Thor, god of thunder]
Frey’s day [Frey being the husband of Frigga]
Saturnus-day [a Latin influence here]
What about the planets or certain elements? Mercury, a planet and a metal, Venus, the Roman goddess of love (or was she hunting?), Diana, a common girl’s name, Athena, another name I’ve seen used as a girl’s name in the modern world. Does saying all these names or deritives of these names condemn us to hell? If so, then she needs to stop speaking or writing altogether for fear she offend God through the derivitive of some pagan practice.

Watches, legal practice, land surveying, mathematics, poetry, literacy, the arch, metal-working, the alphabet, astronomy, astrology, coffins, make-up, and just about everything else, were invented by heathens 🙂

Though the book is a Christian invention. ##
Can anyone help out here? In the OT, God told the Israelites to turn a pagan celebration into one pleasing to God. Does anyone remember where that was in the Bible?

It is this long tradition, of taking something ungodly and turning it into something godly that Catholic Christians have continued as God decreed in the OT.

A modern Protestant example is Harvest Day Parties. Since Halloween is originally a pagan celebration, Christians today have reclaimed it by doing harvest parties. Lost upon them is that Catholics already had reclaimed that day for God through all Saints and All Souls Day.

God Bless,
the Quakers took this line of thinking quite seriously, as a logical extension of their theology, at least in the 18th & 19th century and referred to First Day, SecondDay and so forth
## The Liturgy of the Hours in Latin calls them:
  • Dies Dominica Sunday
  • Feria Prima First Feast-day
  • Feria Secunda Second "
  • ** " Tertia Third "**
  • ** " Quarta Fourth " **
  • ** " Quinta Fifth "**
  • **Sabbatum Saturday **
** ##**
the Quakers took this line of thinking quite seriously, as a logical extension of their theology, at least in the 18th & 19th century and referred to First Day, SecondDay and so forth
## The Liturgy of the Hours in Latin calls them:
  • Dies Dominica Sunday
  • Feria Prima First Feast-day
  • Feria Secunda Second "
  • " Tertia Third "
  • **" Quarta Fourth " **
  • " Quinta Fifth "
  • Sabbatum Sabbath
** ****(which means “seventh”) ****## **
Mixing the sacred with the profane:

Constantine believed that the Church and the State should be as close as possible. From 312-320 Constantine was tolerant of paganism, keeping pagan gods on coins and retaining his pagan high priest title “Pontifex Maximus” in order to maintain popularity with his subjects, possibly indicating that he never understood the theology of Christianity. From 320-330 he began to attack paganism through the government but in many cases persuaded people to follow the laws by combining pagan worship with Christianity. He made December 25th, the birthday of the pagan Unconquered Sun god, the official holiday it is now–the birthday of Jesus. It is likely that he also instituted celebrating Easter and Lent based on pagan holidays. From 330-337 Constantine stepped up his destruction of paganism, and during this time his mother, Helen, made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and began excavations to recover artifacts in the city. This popularized the tradition of pilgrimages in Christianity.
Church Militant:
My intellect works fine…in fact it works well enough for me to remember lies that are taken from antiCatholic books and articles from persons who make outrageous allegations that have absolutely NO basis in fact, but are “dressed up” as factual. I consider it shameful that anyone who would call themselves Christian would so heinously violate the commandment against false witness.

This is not an attack…this is a simple statement of opinion as to your insulting and rude posts on a religious forum. You post trash from “the Great Controversy” and other blatantly antiCatholic materials and have done NOTHING but attack Catholic beliefs since your first post…I look forward to your departure and the advent of people with honest hearts and valid reasons for being here.
Can you answer me my simple questions?
Why if Christ celebrated Passover and we now call it Holy Thursday do we celebrate it on a day other than Passover?
My question is not from a SDA perspective but of a Hebriac roots perspective.
I know Catholic beliefs, I was raised one.
I now raise up Christ as He is raised all will come to Him.
Im not antiCatholic Im pro thruth.
Your attacks are only a diversion from the real issue.
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