Reply to porthos11: #174
As far as I’m concerned, taking all cultural and historical facts:
Think like a Jew:
Eating flesh != believing
Eating flesh is NEVER associated with believing in teachings; it is a violent expression of inflicting physical harm, as already cited several times.
Context is definitive, in Christ’s preaching elsewhere “Eating the Bread of” = “Believing the Doctrine of”:
Matthew 16:11-12 11 Why do you not understand that it was not concerning bread I said to you: Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? 12 Then they understood that he said not that they should beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Spirit != symbolic
Nowhere in the NT does spirit ever equal symbolic. In fact, “the words I spoke to you are spirit and life” for a Catholic only serves to REINFORCE the literalness of Jesus’ words. The flesh that “profits nothing” is not HIS flesh, it’s our flesh. It means that in our own human understanding, we cannot grasp the mystery, we need to see it with spiritual understanding.
Jesus said of his flesh that is is “food indeed” that we should eat lest we be deprived of eternal life. Then he goes on to say that HIS flesh actually profits nothing?
So how do we understand that Jesus’ words are spirit and life? He has given us a teaching that enables us to spiritually understand how his flesh will give us life. This not reading in any interpretation, THIS is what the entire context says.
No Jesus was not talking symbolically. Jesus was a Jewish rabbi, rabbis were obligated to correct misunderstandings. Jesus was no exception. In fact, he had to correct his dimwitted disciples on several occasions (the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod; “our friend Lazarus is sleeping,” incidentally, also in John’s Gospel). He did not do so in this case.
At first read your interpretation seems reasonable, but when one carefully observes the context it becomes less likely than what I proposed.
It should be noted you contradict yourself, against your assertion “spirit” cannot be symbolic your argument is using both “spirit” and “flesh,” (nouns) SYMBOLICLY to mean “spiritual” and “carnal, fleshly” understanding and not referring to literal spirit and flesh.
“It is the spiritual understanding that quickens, the fleshly understanding profits nothing.”
Thus you rewrote the nouns as adjectives and inserted the word “understanding.”
Rewriting scripture is not interpreting it.
However what tips the scale against your interpretation is the next words Christ says:
DRA John 6:64 It is the spirit that quickeneth: the flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
The subject is NOT their carnal understanding as opposed to a spiritual understanding, Christ’s own words are being described as spirit and life.
That means what preceded this was in reference to His own words (eat my flesh &c) and not their understanding.
His words cannot mean the flesh quickens or that eating flesh profits as it is the Spirit who quickens so eating literal flesh would not profit in this regard at all.
Context “thinking like a Jew.” Eating literal blood (Gn 9:4; Lv 7:27; 17:14 ) for life and spiritual profit, is against the law of Moses therefore Christ would not force these disciples to do what their conscience told them is sinful (1 Cor 10:29 cp Ac 15:20).
PLUS, the witness of the early Church, especially Ignatius who was already a bishop when at least one apostle was STILL ALIVE!
Ignatius’ figures of speech makes it more likely he interprets the Eucharist symbolically:
…there is no fire in me desiring to be fed; but there is within me a water that liveth and speaketh, saying to me inwardly, Come to the Father. I have no delight in corruptible food, nor in the pleasures of this life.
As far as I’m concerned, taking all cultural and historical facts:
Think like a Jew:
Eating flesh != believing
Eating flesh is NEVER associated with believing in teachings; it is a violent expression of inflicting physical harm, as already cited several times.
Context is definitive, in Christ’s preaching elsewhere “Eating the Bread of” = “Believing the Doctrine of”:
Matthew 16:11-12 11 Why do you not understand that it was not concerning bread I said to you: Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? 12 Then they understood that he said not that they should beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Spirit != symbolic
Nowhere in the NT does spirit ever equal symbolic. In fact, “the words I spoke to you are spirit and life” for a Catholic only serves to REINFORCE the literalness of Jesus’ words. The flesh that “profits nothing” is not HIS flesh, it’s our flesh. It means that in our own human understanding, we cannot grasp the mystery, we need to see it with spiritual understanding.
Jesus said of his flesh that is is “food indeed” that we should eat lest we be deprived of eternal life. Then he goes on to say that HIS flesh actually profits nothing?
So how do we understand that Jesus’ words are spirit and life? He has given us a teaching that enables us to spiritually understand how his flesh will give us life. This not reading in any interpretation, THIS is what the entire context says.
No Jesus was not talking symbolically. Jesus was a Jewish rabbi, rabbis were obligated to correct misunderstandings. Jesus was no exception. In fact, he had to correct his dimwitted disciples on several occasions (the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod; “our friend Lazarus is sleeping,” incidentally, also in John’s Gospel). He did not do so in this case.
At first read your interpretation seems reasonable, but when one carefully observes the context it becomes less likely than what I proposed.
It should be noted you contradict yourself, against your assertion “spirit” cannot be symbolic your argument is using both “spirit” and “flesh,” (nouns) SYMBOLICLY to mean “spiritual” and “carnal, fleshly” understanding and not referring to literal spirit and flesh.
“It is the spiritual understanding that quickens, the fleshly understanding profits nothing.”
Thus you rewrote the nouns as adjectives and inserted the word “understanding.”
Rewriting scripture is not interpreting it.
However what tips the scale against your interpretation is the next words Christ says:
DRA John 6:64 It is the spirit that quickeneth: the flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
The subject is NOT their carnal understanding as opposed to a spiritual understanding, Christ’s own words are being described as spirit and life.
That means what preceded this was in reference to His own words (eat my flesh &c) and not their understanding.
His words cannot mean the flesh quickens or that eating flesh profits as it is the Spirit who quickens so eating literal flesh would not profit in this regard at all.
Context “thinking like a Jew.” Eating literal blood (Gn 9:4; Lv 7:27; 17:14 ) for life and spiritual profit, is against the law of Moses therefore Christ would not force these disciples to do what their conscience told them is sinful (1 Cor 10:29 cp Ac 15:20).
PLUS, the witness of the early Church, especially Ignatius who was already a bishop when at least one apostle was STILL ALIVE!
Ignatius’ figures of speech makes it more likely he interprets the Eucharist symbolically:
…there is no fire in me desiring to be fed; but there is within me a water that liveth and speaketh, saying to me inwardly, Come to the Father. I have no delight in corruptible food, nor in the pleasures of this life.