Obviously nothing anyone can say here will change LOC’s mind, and likewise he won’t change ours. What it comes down to is his interpretation of the Gospel vs the Church’s.
I’m Baptist waiting for RCIA classes to begin. I could not get over this issue by looking at how different Christians interpret the Bible. So many Biblical Scholars disagree and I am not better than all of them. However, the Eucharist was the most important issue for me to resolve in deciding about the Roman Catholic Church.
Please see my post to “To Protestants becoming/ have became Catholic,Why the Catholic Church?” in “SPIRITUALITY” #7, #8 & #9.
If Protestants are correct (such as Jack Chick – whose “This Was Your Life” tract I ordered at least once by the box of 1,000), then “Eucharistic Adoration” is idol worship. And much of the Roman Catholic religion pertaining to their Holy Eucharist is repugnant to God.
So I tried ignoring the Bible and looking at the fruit. I looked at those Roman Catholics who have indeed influenced my life by their writing or by their lives.
Bishop Sheen. Bishop Sheen wrote that he especially drew his Christian strength from spending a “Holy Hour” each day in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Bishop Sheen’s Christian writings (most seem non-denominational) held significant answers to some major issues in my life.
Father Damian. I incurably became an admirer of Father Damian when I happened to visit Kalapapa during the summer of 1976. Father Damian clearly demonstrated Christ’s Agape love in choosing to go to Kalapapa and eventually contracting leprosy himself.
And the local Benedictine Sisters whom I know have some of the best Christian ministries in Prince William County Virginia. Most Protestant Churches here have contributed to their BARN ministry (temporary shelter for battered or homeless women). I attended a divorce workshop soon after my first wife left me years ago. They didn’t limit it to only Roman Catholics.
I conclude that those Roman Catholics had displayed the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Idol worshipers don’t display the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Heretics don’t either. So their lives to me are the proof. It is illogical to me to conclude that these who think transubstantiation are frying in hell for heresy or idol worship. When they showed so much of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
The scriptural backing for this method of determination is John 7:15-20. The context of John 7:15-20 is set up in John 7:13-14. I’m paraphrasing: The correct way that leads to life is narrow. Those who find it are few. There are false prophets. And how can I determine the right way if I am lost. If I am a lost sheep, how can I find the Good Shepherd?
“A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit.”
“So by their fruits you will know them.”
The scriptures in John 7:13-20 are not subject to debate. They are plain. So God forgive me if I am wrong. Because I am not a Bible Scholar. I decided to go where I see some have borne much fruit.
I was taught as a Protestant that it is perfectly valid to pray the scriptures. Benedictines don’t disagree (they pray the Psalms). I can honestly say that it wasn’t three or four days of praying 10 “Hail Mary” prayers each night before going to sleep – that I began to see much more about Mary. That she was the Ark of the New Covenant. Of course, I have read through the Old Testament and have read the Bible a bit (Protestant versions).
The first few lines of “Hail Mary” are word-for-word scriptures.
LOC. I think this – don’t let me or any man convince you. You must let God convince you.