Eating for pleasure is gluttony?

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Lol, yes. Of course there are many of his views which are unwarranted to say the least, but even a broken watch is right twice a day.
I think a more appropriate analogy would be a calender rather than a watch. And the good father’s views are more applicable to a calender that was correct a very long time ago.
With all due respect to Fr. Ripperger, it sounds like he’s stripped one of the purposes of eating out of the act. I’d be similarly skeptical of a priest who said that a husband and wife shouldn’t have sex if one of them wasn’t fertile.

Yes, nutrition is one purpose of eating but community and socialization are another. I’ll certainly admit sitting at home getting your clothes dirty with cheetos dust sounds a great deal like gluttony, but a bunch of friends enjoying cheetos and coke while watching a game does not. Food is not just for feeding us physically.

It is no coincidence that when Christ gives Himself to us He does so in the form of the Eucharistic Feast. Food is not just about nutrition but about fulfillment.
And didn’t someone turn water into wine at some wedding if memory serves? I trust Ripperger is teetotal. Actually, anything other than water for him would be hypocritical.
Dark chocolate is healthy for the heart, at least that’s what my doctor says - although we probably shouldn’t eat a lot of them in one sitting because they still have significant amounts of calories.

So when I eat one, I tell my heart I’m taking one for the team.
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So eating sweets is off limits, gluttony-wise?
Edit: “Candy”. 😋
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I would bet that one of the things Fr. is trying to do (I didn’t read it) is to bring some balance to our thinking. I’m guessing that a lot of young people are his main demographic readers. And as has been already mentioned here, Cheetos and Coke as a means of “snacking” is so common, and is done so thoughtlessly, that it’s a good idea to remind people of what gluttony is.

If gluttony is not the cause of so much disease and obesity then what is? You could throw laziness in there too.

The point is that it’s getting harder and harder for people to identify things as being harmful. Like consistently eating poor quality food just because it tastes good.

Grocery stores are pretty much filled with foods that aren’t good for you. So what’s the message there? And why can’t a priest say that there is a danger of gluttony there?
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And didn’t someone turn water into wine at some wedding if memory serves?
I’m not sure what your point is here. I mean, Jesus didn’t turn a sack of corn into a bag of Doritos.
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And didn’t someone turn water into wine at some wedding if memory serves?
I’m not sure what your point is here. I mean, Jesus didn’t turn a sack of corn into a bag of Doritos.
I thought it was pointing out that people drink wine for pleasure and Jesus had no problem with it. Too obscure?
God created tasty food for a reason. Food is suppose to fill us when hungry but also taste good and be enjoyable.

That’s like saying reading a book for any reason other than gaining knowledge is a sin because you shouldn’t enjoy reading when you could read a different book about knowledge.
I don’t understand this. Our food comes from God. That is why we say grace. Why shouldn’t we enjoy what God gives us?
Nothing wrong with enjoying one’s food.

Heaven help us from the frozen chosen or sour Saints.

We’re not Puritans. Enjoying life isn’t sin especially if one’s appetites are rightly ordered.
Well I’ll take what he says with a grain of salt.

Nothing wrong with enjoying a perfectly ripe strawberry 🍓.

I give thanks to God while eating it.
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The traditional understanding of gluttony is twofold: 1) gluttony from excess, and 2) gluttony from luxury.

Gluttony from excess is when we don’t moderate our behavior or what we consume.

Gluttony from luxury is when we are unduly particular about things having to be a certain way.

Both of these things are opposed to Christian virtue and to the way Our Lord lived. A good way to develop the corresponding virtue is to practice intermittent fasting and this is something that has been practiced for 2000+ years and it does work.

Does this mean that it’s “gluttony from luxury” to want your steak medium rare instead of well done? Or is it “gluttony from luxury” to eat steak at all?
Then I’ve lost interest in his opinions. I’ll stay with Fr. Mike Schmitz
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Well I’ll take what he says with a grain of salt.

Nothing wrong with enjoying a perfectly ripe strawberry 🍓.

I give thanks to God while eating it.
I do believe there’s some in the fridge. A little treat before bed I think.
And didn’t someone turn water into wine at some wedding if memory serves?
I’m not sure what your point is here. I mean, Jesus didn’t turn a sack of corn into a bag of Doritos.
I thought it was pointing out that people drink wine for pleasure and Jesus had no problem with it. Too obscure?
Not too obscure but a little out of context. He did so for a wedding. It wasn’t simply “for pleasure”. A Jewish wedding wasn’t just some excuse to throw a party, it was an event in which God was witness to a very important ritual.

I don’t know if there is any significance to wine being served at a Jewish wedding in 30 AD but there may be. It may have had significance beyond just “drinking”.

So I don’t think that there is any particular reason to bring up Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana.
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@sealabeag @Lucy_1

Only my memories from reading thru the first 30 volumes (each 800-ish pages) of the fathers. There were many mentions, but if I spent all my reading time taking notes on things that might pop up as a topic of discussion on CAF, I wouldn’t be nearly as far along as I am now.

I did mention this in a thread I started some years ago; if you search under my handle and the keyterm “sauce” or “sauces,” you should be able to find it, if that thread didn’t get dropped in the changeover.

It’s not about if he’s right or not, if it’s good for you, why not do it? There will only be benefit. No one needs unhealthy food.
Eating the occasional treat is also a “good.” It’s okay to do something occasionally for no other reason than you enjoy it. You just have to remember moderation and proportion. The occasional scoop of ice cream is fine. Eating a bucket of it nightly and destroying your health is not.
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