Eating their god

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Rom. 12:1 - some Protestants argue that the Eucharist is not really the sacrifice of Christ, but a symbolic offering, because the Lord’s blood is not shed. However, Paul instructs us to present ourselves as a “living sacrifice” to God. This verse demonstrates that not all sacrifices are bloody and result in death. The Eucharistic sacrifice is unbloody and lifegiving, mysteriously presented in a sacramental way, but neverthless the actual one eternal sacrifice of Christ. Moreover, our bodies cannot be a holy sacrifice unless they are united with Christ’s sacrifice made present on the altar of the Holy Mass. bless you all 🙂
Reformed Rob:

I visited Rebecca Sexton’s web-page. Yikes, it’s scary. But, it’s still not even close to the one with the black background, and WWF Undertaker or whatever music, that had quotes from Popes in blood red font, and all these claims that the Roman Catholic Church worships pagan deities and supresses the Bible amongst its churches! I don’t know what web page that is, but if you ever came across it, you’d have nightmares!

Anyways. I sent her a nice email, asking her if she believed in the Trinity. I was nice, I told her who I am, and that I’m Presbyterian, and that I hope she believes in the Trinity because if you deny the Trinitarian God, then your Scriptural interpretation will quickly run amuck, and you will be led to idolatry and looking for salvation from the Civil Government.

So, she wrote me back a few hours later, and politely replied that she doesn’t use the word Trinity because it’s not in the Bible.
However, I believe in the “Godhead” (Father, Son and Holy Spirit. the true Biblical term!)

That’s what she said. But what does it mean? You can be an anti-Trinitarian and believe that! I kind of want to email her back and, nicely, ask her if she uses the term “liturgy” since that is in the Bible (the original Greek of course). II Cor. 9:12 for example.
Sometimes “minister” and “service” are from that word.

Anyways, is that what extreme anti-Catholics always pick at if you ask them a doctrinal question that has a little bit of philosophy inherent in it?

I do think I’ll write her back and tell her that she and her crew would have much more credance with Catholics if they would just discuss and listen to the Catholic side of things. Like, why should you Catholics listen to her if she won’t listen to you? Of course, she used to be Catholic, so she’s probably listened all she wants to.
Reformed Rob

Maybe you should write her back and ask her why she uses the word BIBLE??? You won’t find that word in Sacred Scripture either!!!
…I’ve found websites like this and e-mailed the people and tried to talk to them and explain our position and just gotten nasty e-mails back. So it doesn’t do any good to argue with them. Just pray for them and hope God can get through because we certainly can’t.

I too have emailed anti-Christian/Catholic sites like and and and and others. When I state what they say is incorrect and I support myself with proof they just write spitefull return email or say they “KNOW” the truth and don’t have to prove anything. You might as well talk to a deaf wall. So much for truth and an open mind.:banghead:

Others should try it as the return emails are interesting to say the least. Sometimes it is hard to believe that people who “claim” to be Christian could write such hatefull and untrue bable. I know i would never write bable?:whistle:

Here’s the update on the emails. I’m not putting this here for gossip, rather I think some may be interested in how they actually respond to me. I think I’m done though, they’ve been nice and I"m not Catholic, so I’m not going to stir them up too much.

Well, unless I can get some great answers to a question they presented to me. In response to my pro-Trinity message, she asked me “how many Gods will you see in heaven?” What is she trying to imply? Anyways, I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about it, at least not the way she means it. She said she’s asked lots of Trinitarians that question, and hardly anybody agrees with anybody else and she’s got so many different answers. Maybe I’ll start a thread about that.

I’ll tell her to give me some time to look into how to answer.

Jack Chick’s website…wow. I just wanted to take this time to thank Mr. Chick for the entertainment. Personally, I do not understand how people attack things that they obviously know nothing about. If these people really believe that all Catholics are going to hell and since they are wonderful people and good Christians you would think that instead of condeming us they would try to help ‘save us.’ But then again, I’m just a Catholic so what would I know.
Didn’t Pliny the younger write all this about the 1st or 2nd century Christians? How about some originality?
If anyone hates the Eucharist it is Rebecca Sexton. I believe she stays awake at night thinking of new ways to poke fun and ridicule the doctrine.
Just looged on and must have missed the beginning of this thread. Could someone please give me the address of Rebecca Sexton’s website? I need to see this for myself. Am a faculty advisor for a college Catholic student group and I need to know what all is out there that may be attempting to poison the minds of our impressionable young people, not to mention others that might not be well-grounded in the faith.
Just looged on and must have missed the beginning of this thread. Could someone please give me the address of Rebecca Sexton’s website? I need to see this for myself. Am a faculty advisor for a college Catholic student group and I need to know what all is out there that may be attempting to poison the minds of our impressionable young people, not to mention others that might not be well-grounded in the faith.
Hello Lisa, and welcome to the forum. You will find all you want to know about Rebecca here

You will also find Mary Ann Collins site interesting too and Dave Hunt’s . Dave’s site isn’t specifically directed toward targeting the Catholic Church as the other two lady’s are, though alot of his material is, he gives you a good idea of where they as strict Sola Scriptura Evangelicals come from theologically. These sites cover most of the bases, but sadly I can give you many more. Anti-Catholicism is still alive and well in Protestant circles, though ironically alot of it seems to be coming from disgruntled ex-Catholics who have latched onto Fundamentalist theology as a way to get back at the Church.

However good as it might sound to those who are not well grounded their Catholic faith, finding unity in Sola Scriptura(Bible alone) in practicality doesn’t work. Dave Armstrong’s 150 Reasons Why I am a Catholic does very well at dispelling virtually all the claims and myths Evangelicals have against our Catholic faith. And don’t forget the Catholic Answers homepage 😉 .
Hello Lisa, and welcome to the forum. You will find all you want to know about Rebecca here

You will also find Mary Ann Collins site interesting too and Dave Hunt’s . Dave’s site isn’t specifically directed toward targeting the Catholic Church as the other two lady’s are, though alot of his material is, he gives you a good idea of where they as strict Sola Scriptura Evangelicals come from theologically. These sites cover most of the bases, but sadly I can give you many more. Anti-Catholicism is still alive and well in Protestant circles, though ironically alot of it seems to be coming from disgruntled ex-Catholics who have latched onto Fundamentalist theology as a way to get back at the Church.

However good as it might sound to those who are not well grounded their Catholic faith, finding unity in Sola Scriptura(Bible alone) in practicality doesn’t work. Dave Armstrong’s 150 Reasons Why I am a Catholic does very well at dispelling virtually all the claims and myths Evangelicals have against our Catholic faith. And don’t forget the Catholic Answers homepage 😉 .
Reformed Rob:
Anyways, is that what extreme anti-Catholics always pick at if you ask them a doctrinal question that has a little bit of philosophy inherent in it?

Yes this is what extreme anti-Catholics always pick at if you ask them doctrinal questions with a bit of philosophy. They say well the word doesn’t exist in the bible so it is not biblical. For example they say that since the word purgatory isn’t in the bible it is an unbiblical doctrine, same goes for the Assumption and a few others. The Trinity one is different because many anti-Catholics are Christians and they believe in the Trinity so that is usually what I refer to when they say that since the word purgatory isn’t there the doctrine is false. This Sexton person that you have been e-mailing has obviously been stung with that retort before so she has had to make up a way around it. If that mean denying the Holy Trinity she doesn’t care because she is ‘god’ in her world.

God Bless,
Reformed Rob:
This thread is really unraveling, in a good way! For me, realizing that the Catholic Church has very reasonable, convincing, challenging, and maybe even TRUE answers to so many genres of anti-Catholic claims, really has made me take the Catholic faith seriously.

I have thought in the past – Why is it that I can come face to face with Mormons, JW’s, Seventh Day Adventists, Church of Christ, Apostolic type Pentecostals, and not be drawn in by them? Not that they don’t have strong emotional arguments and plenty of Scripture passages to supposedly support their views, but rather that it’s just not convincing. But the RCC, supposedly 100x worse than any of those groups, actually has an “aura” of purity and holiness about it, despite what the nay-sayers say!

Anyways, that’s just me, but apparently I’m not alone in thinking that.

Thanks for defending the Catholic church in your e-mails. God Bless you in what you say in this post and it sounds like the Spirit is stirring in you. Did you know that 2 of the more popular Catholic Apologists today are Scott Hahn and Steve Wood. Both were Presbyterian ministers before coming home. I noticed that you mentioned in one of your posts that you too are Presbyterian.

I’m just saying is all.

God Bless,
Thanks, Catholic29 for replying. You’ve given me some very good information and I will check it all out. I’m really happy to have found this forum. At the same time, I have to wonder why people who are not Catholic or, I should say, are anti-Catholic come on here and lambaste us. I just can’t imagine me going to a Methodist or Baptist, etc. website and doing anything like that. Maybe they are actually seeking the truth and just don’t know it? At any rate, I’ll be praying for them and all the Rebecca Sextons and Jack Chicks out there.

Thanks again!
Lisa C.
Reformed Rob:
Hopefully nobody will mind me briefly keeping you up to date with my email coorespondence with Rebecca Sexton! I can’t believe it, she’s emailed me 2 times!

Ok, my response email to her after she emailed me, I said basically, in response to her “Trinity is not in the Bible” statement, that neither is the word “Bible” but the word “Scriptures” is, and that I don’t think it’s wrong for people to use terms to describe things (doctrine, beliefs, whatever) taught in Scripture, that we do not need to necessarily be limited by the words Scripture uses.

Side thought, Scripture is not written in our vulgar language. So why do we put so much emphasis on the way Hebrew and Greek words are translated? Why not demand that we all learn the original languages, and then use only the original language? Words are just a formality, necessary as they are!

Anyways, so she responded and said she doesn’t know if I have the “Catholic” or “Christian” understanding of the Trinity in my mind. She asked me if I believe “the Trinity is a mystery that no man can understand.” I told her basically:

"I know, personally, even though maybe I can come to grasp (to some degree) the teaching that Christ was eternally begotten of the Father, but is coeternal with Him (I John 1:1,2 / Gen 1:1-3 / Col. 1:15-17, and things like that, it’s totally mind blowing and awes me to think of it. … But is it a mystery that no man can understand? It seems to me that I can have faith to the utmost (full faith) and still only understand it only the smallest fraction of the whole that there is to know (limited mental understanding). "

Anyways I’m rambling now> I asked her if that was the Christian or Catholic understanding of the Trinity, and to tell me the difference. What’s happening here? Is she going to pounce on me?

I think she may. Brace yourself.

God Bless,
I’ve heard that Ghandi thought that the Christian God was a very wise God to come to His people in the form of food – in such a way that they would be naturally attracted to Him.

This was foretold and foreshadowed by the manna in the desert as the Jews wandered in the desert. Some of the manna was preserved and reserved in the Ark of the Covenant.

It beats the pants off of injecting our God into our bloodstream or sniffing or snorting Him or shooting ourself in the head with Him, or having a Jesus patch on our upper arm to absorb Him. It works.
Reformed Rob:
Well,…she asked me “how many Gods will you see in heaven?”
Oh Rob, and you missed the chance!

I’d have told her: “Well sister, I’m obviously going to see more Gods than you will!” 🙂

All kidding aside, remember, these folks are angry with the Catholic Church!

Some of them have good reason to be angry with the church. Did you ever stop to think that perhaps one of these folks is a former alter boy - if you catch my meaning.

Still others may be angry without good reason. How about someone whose parent was a ‘soaked in holy water’ Catholic, then one day changed stripes and walked out on the family for ever!

I know a fellow who was hurt deeply by a priest as a small parochial schooler. And it took him twenty years to get over it. And during all that time, he didn’t have too many good words for Catholics either.

By thanks be to God, He’s still in control. And in His own good time, He reached out, brought His lost 30 year old kid back to Himself, and said: “Welcome home, son.”

So while these characters sometime freak you out, remember, they too may have stories to tell. And they too may need the peace that only reconciliation brings.

Pray for them. Ask God to heal whatever pains their souls. And trust Him to do what we cannot.

It really works! :amen:

This woman can’t even put a sentence together, and she expects us to believe that her insightful reading of scripture is worth heeding?

From the site:
Catholicism, like their pagan predecessors, take a somewhat literal interpretation, while Christianity understand the words Jesus spoke “they are spirit, and they are life”.
How about a little subject/verb agreement?

Thanks for defending the Catholic church in your e-mails. God Bless you in what you say in this post and it sounds like the Spirit is stirring in you. Did you know that 2 of the more popular Catholic Apologists today are Scott Hahn and Steve Wood. Both were Presbyterian ministers before coming home. I noticed that you mentioned in one of your posts that you too are Presbyterian.

I’m just saying is all.

God Bless,
Yeah, I’m familiar with Scott Hahn, but Steve Wood is a new name for me.

I’m working up a reply to the “how many Gods” question, and I’ve got a thread on it. I’m mainly explaining the Trinity to her, and using as an aid, the Westminster Conf of Faith. You know, one of the main Confessions from the Protestant Reformation. That way, she can’t accuse me of being a Papist, since I’m using one of the most theological “anti-Catholic” works, and as far as I know, it’s in line with the Catholic Trinity. Maybe not as deep, like the “economy of the Godhead” and such as that.
However, Gerry Matatics was the first PCA (presbyterian) minister to convert to Roman Catholicism, and his apologetic is much better than Scott Hahn. Matatics is a more consistent Roman Catholic.


Jay Dyer
However, in the interest of overthrowing Catholic reasoning, doesn’t it seem appalling to you to think that you’re drinking somebody’s blood? Like, I know you say “it’s Christ, not a mere human, so it’s not the same.” But it’s BLOOD. That’s something vampires do, or people who think they are vampires or something like that.

Ok, I’m not totally serious about this objection, but what do you say? That’s something that makes Protestant’s “blood curl.”
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