Eating their god

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Anti-catholics almost all fall under the sin of pride. And their pride won’t let them admit that they are ever wrong. No matter what your argument is they will not pay heed except to try and have a clever reply to make you look stupid. They try and draw people away from the true God and His Church because they think it streightens their position and proves them right.
None of us here has the power to convert anyone. Only the Holy Spirit can convert. All we can hope to be is one of the tools the Holy Spirit uses for this job.
Dear Reformed Rob,

On the subject of “drinking someone’s blood”…

I am a Catholic and I can honestly say it has never bothered me even though I have contemplated it.
I am really glad that Jesus took our sensibilities into consideration and allowed us to experience the “accidentals”-outward properties of bread/wine-taste,smell,appearance etc while the SUBSTANCE is that of Our Lord Jesus in the risen form. True Body and Blood.

We are able to attend Holy Mass on a daily basis and receive so many graces and blessings. I have been able to be a loving and caring, calm and patient mother, despite my emotional problems I “learned” from being raised by a post-abortive mom who was grossly self-centered, angry, immature and abusive. She lives with me now and is recovering!! with the help of a complete Confession of her past abortion(in her early adulthood-pre-Catholic days) and the Holy Eucahrist coupled with daily Bible readings and reflection.
Without the help of Jesus in the Eucharist, I would be lost!

I don’t just choose to go to Mass daily…I need to go for my sake and my husband & four children’s sake. Jesus is clearly there on the altar waiting for all of His children to come to Him!

Love in Jesus,
Shelby Grace
“Thank God for our enemies”

True words indeed!

One of the best arguments for the Real Presence in the Eucharist is that Satanists love to get their hands on Him. Something worthy of research - but that would involve studying the occult.
Reformed Rob:
However, in the interest of overthrowing Catholic reasoning, doesn’t it seem appalling to you to think that you’re drinking somebody’s blood? Like, I know you say “it’s Christ, not a mere human, so it’s not the same.” But it’s BLOOD. That’s something vampires do, or people who think they are vampires or something like that.

Ok, I’m not totally serious about this objection, but what do you say? That’s something that makes Protestant’s “blood curl.”
Question: Didn’t Jesus break the Law of God by commanding his disciples to drink blood?

Answer: Nope. He fulfilled it. “The blood is the life” as Genesis 9:4 taught the Jews and the life of a creature belongs to God. Hence the Jews were to pour the blood out on the earth, not because it was too vile but because it was too sacred. They were to seek their life, not from any creature, but from God himself.

How fitting then that when Jesus (Who is the Life [Jn 14:6]) comes we are commanded to drink his blood (Mt. 26:27-28). His is the blood we not only may, but must drink if we are to have life in us (Jn. 6:53). It is the reality of which all other blood is an image (Heb. 9).

-Mark Shea
It seems to me that Rebecca may belong to one of the “Jesus only” sects. From what I understand, such sects believe that God is one Person rather than three Persons in one God; i.e., the Father is the Son and is the Holy Spirit; the Son is the Father and is the Holy Spirit, etc. Wouldn’t such a belief be completely contrary to Christianity and make one something other than a Christian?

I haven’t read all of the posts on this thread and if this has already been addressed, I apologize.


Through Him, with Him and in Him
Oh Rob, and you missed the chance!

I’d have told her: “Well sister, I’m obviously going to see more Gods than you will!” 🙂

All kidding aside, remember, these folks are angry with the Catholic Church!

Some of them have good reason to be angry with the church. Did you ever stop to think that perhaps one of these folks is a former alter boy - if you catch my meaning.

Still others may be angry without good reason. How about someone whose parent was a ‘soaked in holy water’ Catholic, then one day changed stripes and walked out on the family for ever!

I know a fellow who was hurt deeply by a priest as a small parochial schooler. And it took him twenty years to get over it. And during all that time, he didn’t have too many good words for Catholics either.

By thanks be to God, He’s still in control. And in His own good time, He reached out, brought His lost 30 year old kid back to Himself, and said: “Welcome home, son.”

So while these characters sometime freak you out, remember, they too may have stories to tell. And they too may need the peace that only reconciliation brings.

Pray for them. Ask God to heal whatever pains their souls. And trust Him to do what we cannot.

It really works! :amen:


:blessyou: :amen: 🙂

Reformed Rob:
Yeah, I’m familiar with Scott Hahn, but Steve Wood is a new name for me.

I’m working up a reply to the “how many Gods” question, and I’ve got a thread on it. I’m mainly explaining the Trinity to her, and using as an aid, the Westminster Conf of Faith. You know, one of the main Confessions from the Protestant Reformation. That way, she can’t accuse me of being a Papist, since I’m using one of the most theological “anti-Catholic” works, and as far as I know, it’s in line with the Catholic Trinity. Maybe not as deep, like the “economy of the Godhead” and such as that.

The Westminster Confession always reminds me of the Council of Trent - and that is definitely a compliment 🙂

The section in chapter 1 on Scripture deserves to be much better known to Catholics IMO. It explains a lot.

Unfortunately, it won’t impress those Christians who think of theology, creeds, and, in short, anything Christian outside the Bible as “off limits” or even “bad”. And these seem to be the ones who are most vigorously “anti” Catholicism, Episcopalianism, etc., etc., etc. ##
Reformed Rob:
However, in the interest of overthrowing Catholic reasoning, doesn’t it seem appalling to you to think that you’re drinking somebody’s blood? Like, I know you say “it’s Christ, not a mere human, so it’s not the same.” But it’s BLOOD. That’s something vampires do, or people who think they are vampires or something like that.

Ok, I’m not totally serious about this objection, but what do you say? That’s something that makes Protestant’s “blood curl.”
You know, it doesn’t- but I was raised on a farm 😃
Seriously though, about two months ago at mass, right before recieving the cup, I had a vision, well, imagined anyway, (I’m not Emerich) his blood dripping from the cross. I don’t know where it came from- I guess i was just thinking about it. But it just mad e the recieving that much more special, thinking of what he did for me.

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