Ebay sales falling

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I sell on eBay all the time (I’m a silver power seller). A large portion of my income is generated from these sales, so unfortunately I haven’t worked out yet how I can participate in the eBay boycott (which I desperately feel I need to do – any ideas?).

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that this week, sales have been incredibly slow. I don’t know if it’s related to the Catholic boycott or not, but no one seems to be bidding or buying items that usually sell immediately.

Note: I’m not complaining–I’m glad the boycott is going on. Keep it up! Ebay will start to hurt before long.
Dr. Colossus:
I sell on eBay all the time (I’m a silver power seller). A large portion of my income is generated from these sales, so unfortunately I haven’t worked out yet how I can participate in the eBay boycott (which I desperately feel I need to do – any ideas?).

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that this week, sales have been incredibly slow. I don’t know if it’s related to the Catholic boycott or not, but no one seems to be bidding or buying items that usually sell immediately.

Note: I’m not complaining–I’m glad the boycott is going on. Keep it up! Ebay will start to hurt before long.
I am sorry that an honest person like you is getting hurt in this. What we are asking Ebay is to put the Eucharist on a definite banned list so that we don’t go through this all the time. I didn’t cancel my membership yet, and I haven’t done that much anyway so I could afford to do it on principal. I have some days off next week and I am going to pursue it and perhpas cancel at that time. I want to make sure they get some letters too so that they understand how many people they offended.
Yahoo Auction

MSN auctions
amazon.com auction
I did a majority of my business through eBay up until last week. I am currently looking into these as my top picks. I believe you do not have to suffer through this. If you have regular clients let them know you are leaving and why and tell them where they can find you. I found that several of my buyers, dropped their eBay accounts and signed the petition as well and were happy that I let them know. If you do a search on google you will find there are many auction sites. Just as you have said the sales have dropped off at eBay so they are probably picking up elsewhere.

Yahoo Auction
MSN auctions
amazon.com auction
I did a majority of my business through eBay up until last week. I am currently looking into these as my top picks. I believe you do not have to suffer through this. If you have regular clients let them know you are leaving and why and tell them where they can find you. I found that several of my buyers, dropped their eBay accounts and signed the petition as well and were happy that I let them know. If you do a search on google you will find there are many auction sites. Just as you have said the sales have dropped off at eBay so they are probably picking up elsewhere.

Thanks volleygirl for your support through this. I am glad that you are making the transition to sell on other auctions. Ebay might just be starting to realize that they awakened a sleeping giant. I hope so.
I’m sorry that honest people are getting hurt, but as I teach my 1st Grade CCD students “doing the right thing is usually the harder thing.”

As a heavy user of eBay, (by the way I cancelled my account and I purchased an $8K motorcycle over eBay) why don’t you scream like heck to the following:
Contact Ebay=Evil-Bay management with your objections by snail mail, email and phone. Let the deluge of objections make them add the Eucharist to their prohibited items page!!! (They won’t sell Native Prayer sticks, but the Eucharist is auctionable!)

How dare they!

See the eBay prohibited items page:

Let the deluge begin to:
Mr. Pierre Omidyar, Founder and Chairman of the Board
Ms. Meg Whitman, President and CEO
Mr. Jeff Jordan, President, PayPal
2145 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, California 95125

To express your objection to eBay:
eBay Customer Support:
Or call:

I’ll pray for you and your business, but you know that Jesus won’t let you down as you are defending HIM in HIS most vunerable state!

VG, so good to see you here! Little did I know you have taken the bull by the horns!
I have used Amazon auctions for textbooks and have always had good transactions. That is where I would look, to do business; Amazon is a large organization and has a lot of users. They also sell quite a few Catholic books.
Thanks you so much for the support my friend, I searched your posts they are great! http://pages.prodigy.net/indianahawkeye/newpage12/10.gif
See you next week!
Thanks for your support everyone. Like I said, I didn’t start this thread to complain. I can afford to lose business over this (considering what it amounts to is a few thousand dollars vs. My Lord and My God). I just wanted to give an update from the field and let you know that the boycott is working.

I did email eBay (at several different email addresses) and received 1 reply which appeared to be a form letter. I replied to that and am currently waiting for a response. I am also looking into alternative auction sites. uBid.com and Overstock.com Auctions seem to be good leads. I’m going to look into the other sites listed.

I hope very much that eBay will do the right thing and ban the sale of the Eucharist (all sacred religious items would be better, IMO). I just think it’s sad that it’s taken this kind of outcry to get eBay’s attention.
I’m sorry that honest people are getting hurt, but as I teach my 1st Grade CCD students “doing the right thing is usually the harder thing.”

As a heavy user of eBay, (by the way I cancelled my account and I purchased an $8K motorcycle over eBay) why don’t you scream like heck to the following:
Contact Ebay=Evil-Bay management with your objections by snail mail, email and phone. Let the deluge of objections make them add the Eucharist to their prohibited items page!!! (They won’t sell Native Prayer sticks, but the Eucharist is auctionable!)

How dare they!

See the eBay prohibited items page:

Let the deluge begin to:
Mr. Pierre Omidyar, Founder and Chairman of the Board
Ms. Meg Whitman, President and CEO
Mr. Jeff Jordan, President, PayPal
2145 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, California 95125

To express your objection to eBay:
eBay Customer Support:
Or call:

I’ll pray for you and your business, but you know that Jesus won’t let you down as you are defending HIM in HIS most vunerable state!

AWESOME! thanks!
I also found a site called Catholic Auction it does not appear to get much traffic, but someone posted it on the eBay thread. Maybe with people disgruntled that could change. I think it was opened in response to the eBay Boycott. The thread over there is still going strong.

Outstanding! I was just sitting here wondering why there wouldn’t be a Catholic auction site…
I also found a site called Catholic Auction it does not appear to get much traffic, but someone posted it on the eBay thread. Maybe with people disgruntled that could change. I think it was opened in response to the eBay Boycott. The thread over there is still going strong.

Thanks for the post, and we now have 130 posts on an Ebay message board that is in complaint of selling the Eucharist. Someone posted this article and it is good:
It seems the petition we have signed has many signatures. Check it out.

A petition asking EBay to add the Eucharist to its list of items prohibited for sale has been circulating by e-mail. Organizers have collected 12,896 signatures.
I checked the site (www.catholicauction.com) and it looks like it’s not quite complete yet. A lot of the links are broken. I hope whoever is working on it can get it up and running quickly. I’d love to do my business there.
I also found a site called Catholic Auction it does not appear to get much traffic, but someone posted it on the eBay thread. Maybe with people disgruntled that could change. I think it was opened in response to the eBay Boycott. The thread over there is still going strong.

Hello. That would be me that made that post on eBay. Pumpkin invited me to join this group to give out more information. Thank you for the invitation! I personally know the owner of Catholic Auctions as I used to have them resell my Rosaries on their main site, Aquinas and More. His name is Ian, and he will put up ANY category and subcategory (as long as it’s Catholic oriented) if you just ask him. I tried selling there several times. It’s nice because if the auction doesn’t sell (which right now they never do), he automatically lists it for 3x in a row. It’s pretty simple to list, too, and anyone that goes to Aquinas and More can see a link to the Auction site so the traffic could be there if anyone listed.

eBay is pretty scary. If you do anything that diverges from their capitalistic site, they threaten you. I’ve gotten threatened for putting my URL to putting URLs about information on different Saints or about different information on the apparitions of Our Lady because it takes people off their precious eBay site. When they did that huge increase for no reason in February I was forced to close my store. I started listing my auctions for very low and increasing my shipping/handling fees with an explanation to customers that I did that because it was the only way I could keep my prices low with eBay’s and Paypal’s (remember that eBay owns Paypal) increase in fees. I was told I was circumventing the fees eventhough 99% of my payments are made via Paypal. And don’t think that eBay needs the money, they were ranked in a November Issue of Fortune as the top business in the US again and Paypal is not much lower. The reason they say their business works? The CEO said it’s because they are there for the little people and they want their small business owners and people who work from home to be successful so they cater to those businesses. Yeah right! eBay has turned into a complete monopoly and they know it, but it’s our own fault. No one takes a stand for too long, and I’m the first to admit my guilt. I quit eBay for almost two months after I closed my store, but when the bills got tight and I couldn’t generate enough business from my own site, and I received absolutely zero sales at Overstock and Catholic Auctions, I put my tail between my legs and went back to eBay. Now, I’m doing pretty well again, though 10% of my gross sales goes to eBay after fees and listings and 3%+.30 of my sales (and shipping costs) go to Paypal after I sell something, too. Basically, all of my money goes to the same eBay pot.

So, if anyone wants to learn more about Catholic Auctions and says they’ll start shopping for their Catholic goods there, I will be more than happy to list there. I don’t have a lot of funds to pay someone to put my website to the top search engines, so for me, eBay is the only way to get exposure, and I do sneak my name in here and there such as on my About Me page.

God bless and I look forward to being an active member of this new community.

Dianna Polzin
Novena Rosary
Hello. That would be me that made that post on eBay. Pumpkin invited me to join this group to give out more information. Thank you for the invitation! I personally know the owner of Catholic Auctions as I used to have them resell my Rosaries on their main site, Aquinas and More.
Hello, I am so glad you came over here. I am relatively new to posting here too, but thought you may want to come over for some support! Infact a lot of the posters on the eBay thread are members here.
When they did that huge increase for no reason in February I was forced to close my store. I started listing my auctions for very low and increasing my shipping/handling fees with an explanation to customers that I did that because it was the only way I could keep my prices low with eBay’s and Paypal’s (remember that eBay owns Paypal) increase in fees. I was told I was circumventing the fees eventhough 99% of my payments are made via Paypal.
You will certianly be in my prayers. Hopefully your business will turn around and my hope is that it does so through either your friends site or another ethically sound site.
Thanks for the post, and we now have 130 posts on an Ebay message board that is in complaint of selling the Eucharist. Someone posted this article and it is good:
It seems the petition we have signed has many signatures. Check it out.

A petition asking EBay to add the Eucharist to its list of items prohibited for sale has been circulating by e-mail. Organizers have collected 12,896 signatures.
Until it’s listed on their prohibited items site, I guess we follow eBay’s advice:
“We understood it would offend some people, but it’s a legitimate listing. If it were to be put up again, we’d let it stay there,” said Hanzi Durzy, an EBay spokesman. “We didn’t pull the listing because of what it was. We pulled it because bidding got into an outrageous price range with no bidder preapproval.”
Their prohibited items site lists “prayer sticks” and masks of certain Southwestern Native American tribes. eBay can prohibit whatever they want, yet they choose to honor a small religion and desecrate others. What hypocrites!
I have officially quit ebay with this final email.

Please close my account. I have complained about the sale of the Eucharist and I have started a message that has over 130 posts to date to complain about it in Collectibles Message Center. I have been sent you form letters letting me know you don’t intend to stop the sale of future Holy Eucharist. Since I believe this is Christ, I can no longer participate in this auction center. I am saddened by your lack of response. Since I believe that the Catholic Faith is the last area in this country that people don’t care if they discriminate against, I will take a stand when it is this blatant. This is getting great coverage on Catholic websites, and on Catholic radio. You are doing yourself great harm. So be it. You have decided. Sincerely, XXXXXXXXX
I don’t know if their sales or falling…but I tried to get on their site to see if anyone was selling anymore Eucharist…and it is down!!! I can’t get it to come up…I wonder if some over zealous Catholic took it down with a virus LOL…
I have something else that is bothering me on eBay and that’s the supposed blessed Rosaries from Pope John Paul II that minutes after he died were selling on eBay for literally thousands of dollars. There is one up right now asking $25,000 and stating that if he becomes beatified the price will go up even higher. Higher than $25,000? True Cross relics don’t even sell for that high!

But that is not what is bothering me. It’s my belief that blessings can’t be passed or sold from one person to another. Also, I had never heard of a COA coming with a blessed Rosary, but these people are selling supposed Certificates of Authenticity stating that JPII blessed their $5.00 Rosary on a certain day. Is this true? I, personally, have blessed articles from the Pope, some from my grandmother who was there when he became Pope in 1978. Never in all of my life did I even contemplate selling them, and I sell Rosaries for a living! Sometimes I make a Rosary that I just can’t give up and I have my priest bless it for me. For me, once a Rosary is blessed, it’s unsellable (I know that’s not a real word…LOL!). Who knows what kind of person might purchase it. Now, if someone has a good reason as to why they need to have something I make blessed before I send it (like once to a husband’s wife who was called onto active duty in the Middle East), then I’m more than happy to oblige, but it’s not something I automatically do.

Back to Catholic Auctions. I’m going to give Ian the link to this thread. Once he sees how many people are interested in his site, I’m sure he’ll get excited about it again, and fix it up so we’re ready to go. He does all of his own web work, and his mother mails out the orders and handles the phone. Sweet people.

Blessings and Peace,
Novena Rosary
So, I contacted Ian and sent him a link to this forum. The Catholic Auction site is working fine, but you can’t seem to get there by just typing the URL for some reason.

Try this: aquinasandmore.com/

Then look under Special Features and there is a bold hyperlink called **Auction. **Then it takes you to Catholic Auction. Maybe that’s why no one is listing. Hmmm.

Novena Rosary
You may be interested to know that the Ebay boycott now has a website at www.boycottebay.org, where Catholics can get information about the boycott, the facts that led up to it, and how they can join the effort.

Vincent DiCarlo
A Decent Respect
1331 Garden Highway, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95833-9773

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