Ebay sales falling

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As regard to the blessings, selling a blessed object does lose the blessing on it, it would need to be re-blessed 🙂
Yeah but blessed items and consecrated hosts are two different things…once a Host is consecrated…it can not lose it by selling it…
As regard to the blessings, selling a blessed object does lose the blessing on it, it would need to be re-blessed 🙂
Dr. Colossus:
I sell on eBay all the time (I’m a silver power seller). A large portion of my income is generated from these sales, so unfortunately I haven’t worked out yet how I can participate in the eBay boycott (which I desperately feel I need to do – any ideas?).

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that this week, sales have been incredibly slow. I don’t know if it’s related to the Catholic boycott or not, but no one seems to be bidding or buying items that usually sell immediately.

Note: I’m not complaining–I’m glad the boycott is going on. Keep it up! Ebay will start to hurt before long.
One of the suggestions that I had put forward was to eMail people like you who use eBay as a storefront saying that they would not buy from you as long as eBay continues their policy on the Eucharist.

It looks like some are thinking the same thing. I hope you find another site or that eBay does change their policy.

Sent to ebay 2x - thanks to all who posted how to contact them! (Hopefully they won’t notice my spelling and punctuation errors!! 😃 )

To whom it may concern,

I ask you to please do the right thing and ban the sale of the Holy Eucharist. According to Catholic belief, it is the body, blood, soul and divinty of our savior, Jesus Christ. You and others may not believe that, but that isn’t the point.
The point is that it is highly offensive to 1.1 billion Catholics, 1/5 of the entire world’s population. It is the highest Sacrament we have in our religion, and its sale is considered to be sacriledge. By the way, Catholic beliefs also feel the sale of blessed items is sacriledge as well.
You are putting honest business people in a very hard position, as it is our duty as Catholics to unfortunately boycott your organization until this issue is resolved. Honest men and women are now being put in the unfortunate position of losing sales that support children and families because you have chosen to turn a blind eye to Catholics and our beliefs. These people who will be put in this position due your bureaucratic negligence are people who believed in your mission! For shame.
It would not be difficult to ban the sale of sacred or blessed items, regardless of religious origin. To not do so just because others don’t seem to care seems to be quite insensitive. You are sensitive to the needs of people of Jewish origin, and people of color, why leave out those with other religious beliefs? Are we to believe its due to bigotry?
Here is an excerpt from a reply from eBay that I received yesterday evening:

We understand that the listing of the Eucharist was highly upsetting to
Catholic members of the eBay community and Catholics globally. Once
this completed sale was brought to our attention, we consulted with a
number of our users, including members of the Catholic Church,
concerning what course we should take in the future should a similar
listing appear on our site. We also consulted with members of other
religions about items that might also be highly sacred and inappropriate
for sale. As a result of this dialogue, we have concluded that sales of
the Eucharist, and similar highly sacred items, are not appropriate on
eBay. We have, therefore, broadened our policies and will remove those
types of listings should they appear on the site in the future.

As always, we welcome and appreciate the assistance of the community in
upholding the rules of our site. Should you see another Eucharist
listed on our site, we encourage you to notify us so we can take
appropriate action. Further, we encourage you to directly communicate
with the seller. Members are often unaware that a particular item is
offensive to others. A respectful e-mail to the seller is often all
that is needed for the seller to voluntarily remove the item. We
believe this modification strikes the appropriate balance between
respect for our community’s values and our goal of providing an open
marketplace offering practically anything on earth.
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