I think we should be making them better – look at the programs that are working and use them as models for those that are struggling (in business speak, “best practices”).
You sound so…republican.
The most you could argue is that the expansion of social welfare occurred at the same time as the increase in illegitimacy and fatherlessness, not that it caused it.
And the most you can do is say it’s just a wierd coincendence…??
We never really stood down from WWII, for instance, remaining highly militarized, while at the same time we pulled a lot of resources out of our cities, leading to the collapse of formerly robust neighborhoods
Sorry. Gobilygook. Yeah, that National Security thing is so unnecessary, eh?? And “pulling resources out of cities”?? Huh?You mean people wanted to move away from traffic, crime, and noise?? How dare they!
(cities are coming back now, but remain disturbingly childless).
Rich, political (and thusly moral) liberals live in cities. They contracept (again, not for economic “can’t afford it” reasons, as
Lisa N points out rightly) more than conservatives do?? Or less open to children, and less open to marriage?? Stats would indicate this is true.
Conservatives live less often in condos stacked on top of each other, and more often in houses with yards for CHILDREN to play in and
be safe (in the suburbs or exurbs).
We also never properly integrated minorities into general society – the racial violence of the 60s and 70s speaks to this failure, and we remain very segregated in many ways today.
A worthy comment on it’s face, but it has LITTLE to do with abortion. But, to reply, the black family unit was relatively intact and the black middle class was GROWING at a decent clip in the early sixties DESPITE racism. When do the growth of the black middle class begin to sputter??? You guessed it!! Not only The Great Society, but also affirmative action, believe it or not.
…it’s not surprising that so many young men act out of no higher motive than self interest, even and especially in their relations with women.
Because they have been growing up with cr-ppy male role models!!! If a boy grows up seeing men disrespecting women, or women objectifying themselves with multiple male partners, his idea of manhood and womanhood would be quite twisted, eh??
Let’s be clear – social welfare did not empty out our cities. Social welfare did not close our schools. Social welfare did not insist that a big house, or a large car, or a plasma TV, are the goals by which we judge the worth of a person.
Certainly excess materialism plays apart. But I see NOTHING wrong with wanting more space (for a family), more security, cleaner and quieter air, and OWNING a house and land.
Schools close because the tax base (
married parents?) leaves for the suburbs and exurbs to be sure. BUT the problems with inner city schools have to do with uninvolved parents (single abandoned moms gotta work!?), wasted funds, and less-than-adequate curriculums!! This is for another thread.
Yet when more and more people have found themselves unable to measure up to these standards of material wealth, working longer hours for less pay in crumbling neighborhoods, social welfare has been one of the few resources available to give them a fighting chance.
Fighting chance to “measure up to these standards of material wealth”??? You give yourself a fighting chance by making good choices! Whether it is about sex, education, or money.
Plenty of “poor” people I know
personally, who have a satellite dish, wear the newest trendy clothes, have TWO television sets, cell phones, and are SMART, yet don’t utilize their obvious talents because of the stigma it may bring from their fellow “hood” mates…
You might rightly say "jlw, my friend, that’s
anecdotal." Fair enough. But the fact remains that we can’t blame some
standard of materialism! No, we should blame materialism itself. We should blame bad personal choices, and point to the good, better, or best personal choices as first solutions, not governmental collectivism as the first solution.
A part of a just society, yes, but not a prerequisite to a moral one. Nope.