
You’re begging the question – asking me to accept that the two methods are different enough to make two different arguments.Actually, the question is how can your suggestion NOT be construed as the ends justify the means. Again, we are not YET talking about my version, one at a time.
I don’t accept that – the surgery is abortion.

And since the surgeon is actually removing the child and holding the little corpse in his hand, his action is abortion.Means and ends must be defined through intent AND action. And it must work on all levels. If your intent is to save the mother, that is good. But your action must also be good, even if an indirect evil could occur (sorry, this last sentance was post edited, forgot to complete my sentance)

Whereas by your definition, by holding your fingers crossed you can claim the action is good.Actually, the morality must be defined by intent and action. By your definition, lying to yourself becomes easier, since you can justify any action and claim your intent is good.
That’s like the Thai fishermen drying out those poor, wet fish.

The most rigorous definition is “killing an unborn baby is abortion.”I realize we are both saying this to each other. You will simply say the same thing to me. But which is more rigorous a definition?

How is intruding into the mother’s body and cutting out the child – in or outside the fallopian tube NOT a direct death?Forcing your action to result in an indirect death
yochumjy said:(I’m still waiting for the information on why relocating is so bad),
I have been able to find exactly one claimed success for “relocating.” That was years ago, and it was not well-documented. According to the skimpy reports I can find, the same surgeon tried it several times, and was finally forced to stop because of a death to a mother.

We aren’t talking about an apendectomy here – nor is the child an “organ” of the mother’s body. It’s a separate living human being.Intruding into a mothers body is not allways bad, especially say for surgery that doesn’t hurt the child, say an apendectomy.

It’s part of an act that directly kills the child.The intrusion into the mothers body is not the highest moral issue here.

By deliberately intruding into the mother’s body and surgically removing the child – in or out of the fallopian tube.The morality of the death of the child and how it is accomplished is what I am claiming the issue to be. How does death result?