I do understand this. I believe that this is not fair treatment. There has to be an accommodation for all Catholics, within the rules of the Church of course. I do not agree with people leaving the true Church of Christ because the form of the mass changes. That to me speaks of little understanding of Catholic theology and philosophy.I don’t disagree with this.
Understand that there are those of us who want SOME access to the old Mass but we don’t get that and are dismissed as trying to be superior, or trying to exert our own authority,etc. etc. When that’s not the case at all. If I were to go to my local area parish … well, I’d endure the Mass for communion, but I tell you, it did keep me away for a long time. I’m lucky I have another parish to go to. But, as many others, I do have a ways to go.
I think many complain because WE feel like we’ve been left out in an effort to get others in. Part of why I left was because of how the Mass was changing over the course of just a small period of time (for me, in the 80’s alone.)
I hope you and others can understand that.
I remained, despite many changes in religious life and in the life of the liturgy, because the Catholic Church’s philosophy and theology was so rational that I could not turn my back on it. The continuity between Judaism and Christianity is so solid in Catholicism that I could not deny the Catholic faith. The philosophy and metaphysics in the Christological arguments of Catholicism are too rational to be ignored. The logic and mathematical precision of Catholic moral theology is like no other moral school in the world. Catholicism is truly a rational faith. That’s why I put up with changes and mistakes, because of pure reason. The Truths of the Cathoilc faith defy anyone to rationally contradict them.
But I also know that not every Catholic has this kind of philosophical and theological background. And that most Catholics are attached to their parish, their liturgy and their religious piety as they have known it for many years. This deserves charity and some accommodation with education too.