Deacon Ed:
Correct – but whether one receives communion on the tongue or in the hand, it eventually winds up “in the mouth.” Nothing here prohibits communion in the hand.
By this truism, I could take communion using my toes…or sniffed up my nasal passage. The same applies equally to potato chips and chicken strips.
I can’t find the records of this synod, but I’ll admit it’s probably accurate. However, the later Council of Trullo (692) didn’t support it. It excommunicated those who brought gold or silver vessels instead of receiving in the hand.
“In Trullo” in 692 A.D. prohibited the faithful from giving Communion to themselves.
Src: Can. 2 (Mansi, X, 1199). Apud Jungmann-Brunner, The Mass of the Roman Rite, vol. 2, pp. 381f, New York, Benziger Bros., 1955.
This also does not condemn the practice of receiving communion in the hand. It does require a priest to give communion.
Correct, as communion in the hand by definition, is giving ONESELF communion, known commonly as self-communicating.
However, as Pope John Paul II noted – that is a privilege that may be delegated as needed.
Excellent point:
A mark of liberal liturgical instruction (or even items De Ffide) is stating something obvious as true, then nullifying it with “however, except as needed”, nevertheless, but, wherever it is practiced otherwise, unless by competent authority, notwithstanding…"
That imprint of ambiguity and uncertainty like JPII is throughout the VATII document on the liturgy. THAT is the very reason no one can agree on anything in it. They kiss the feet of the heretics, and the hands of the Catholic… …at the same time. Pleasing neither.
As St Pius X said: Ambiguity (an ambivolence) is their trademark. Sooo true.
**In Summary, Communion on the tongue is historically Roman Catholic. Communion in the hand outside conditions of persecution, is historically Protestant.
I remain Historically by tongue, by veil, by knee, by sign of the cross, as my father and his, Roman Catholic.
** Proceed to evolve and mutate as you wish.
How can you destroy a religion without first severing its perennial traditions?