Election Officials in Baghdad Executed

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Yes…and this Country’s mentally challenged President still used the word “thugs” yesterday…

S’cuse me Georgie boy… a lttle lesson on words and their meanings…

a THUG is someone who pushes down little old women and grabs their purses…STOP trying to diminish the CHAOS and telling LIES as to what is going on over there Mr President :mad:
This “war” is a disaster. I am sorry that I had supported it when the President and his associates were telling us that Iraq was a looming and grave threat to our national security. What was I thinking? Maybe it was the “shell shock” from 9-11.

endthewar.org 😦
Faithful 2 Rome:
Yes…and this Country’s mentally challenged President still used the word “thugs” yesterday…

S’cuse me Georgie boy… a lttle lesson on words and their meanings…

a THUG is someone who pushes down little old women and grabs their purses…STOP trying to diminish the CHAOS and telling LIES as to what is going on over there Mr President :mad:
Thug… a tough or violent gangster… according to the dictionary I have. And, that thug that pushes down that little old lady to me can cause chaos in that little old ladies life.

Please ask me for an example…
Faithful 2 Rome:
Yes…and this Country’s mentally challenged President still used the word “thugs” yesterday…

S’cuse me Georgie boy… a lttle lesson on words and their meanings…

a THUG is someone who pushes down little old women and grabs their purses…STOP trying to diminish the CHAOS and telling LIES as to what is going on over there Mr President :mad:

Actually, the Baathists are reminiscent of the American Mafia. They use very similar tactics (updated to today). I think Thugs is a good word.

Chaos isn’t, IMHO, because chaos infers anarchy. What we are seeing in Iraq is not anarchy.
4 marks:
This “war” is a disaster. I am sorry that I had supported it when the President and his associates were telling us that Iraq was a looming and grave threat to our national security. What was I thinking? Maybe it was the “shell shock” from 9-11.


The war was a complete success. The occupation has been a disaster. Lots of mistakes made. Our choice now is:
  1. leave and let terrorism brew until we are attacked again (which will come not only to the US but to Europe as well) and may very well be catestrophic.
  2. get our act together in Iraq, adapt and overcome
Personally, I pick #2
I think you all need to read up on some history and get a grip on what freedom is all about. This is Iraq’s Iraq Revolution against the imperial terrorist based regimes.

How many people were killed in the American Revolution? What was the result? 230+ years and counting of freedom.

Simply because the media reports 100% of the problems and 1% of the suceesses doesn’t mean that there are no successes.

When a country hasn’t been free in say, forever, it takes many years to adapt to a free society - it doesn’t happen overnight and we shouldn’t get angry if it doesn’t - just like we shouldn’t get angry if our hamburger isn’t ready in 2 minutes.

You want freedom? You have to crave it, desire it, sweat for it, proclam it, fight for it, agonize for it, pray for it, love for it, and yes, die for it.

God Bless the freedom fighters in Iraq, Afghanistan, and not the Ukraine.

Long live freedom. Long live Christianity.
Faithful 2 Rome:
Yes…and this Country’s mentally challenged President still used the word “thugs” yesterday…

S’cuse me Georgie boy… a lttle lesson on words and their meanings…

a THUG is someone who pushes down little old women and grabs their purses…STOP trying to diminish the CHAOS and telling LIES as to what is going on over there Mr President :mad:
Etymology: Hindi thag, literally, thief
Date: 1810
: a brutal ruffian or assassin : GANGSTER, KILLER
4 marks:
This “war” is a disaster. I am sorry that I had supported it when the President and his associates were telling us that Iraq was a looming and grave threat to our national security. What was I thinking? Maybe it was the “shell shock” from 9-11.

endthewar.org 😦
and your source is:

“…The National Grassroots Peace Network is a nation-wide network of over 300 peace and justice, student and faith-based organizations united to work for a common cause.* Our original mission was to end the illegal, unjust, and inhumane war being waged against the people of Iraq by member states of the United Nations, led by the United States in the form of 13 years of sanctions and ongoing bombings.* [Note: We are currently in the process of re-drafting our mission statement.]”

Yet another missive from your average “Mad-Lib” activist group:

The ___________(Location) _______________(organization) for ___________(noun) and ________________(noun) for __________(country) against ______________(adjective) _____________(verb) by The ________ __________ (Country)

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

I think you all need to read up on some history and get a grip on what freedom is all about. This is Iraq’s Iraq Revolution against the imperial terrorist based regimes.

How many people were killed in the American Revolution?
The revolutionary war lasted for 8 years. Approximately 217,000 men served in the war. Approx. 4,435 died and 6,188 were wounded.

So far, over 300,000 of our armed forces have served in Iraq. Iraq is a much larger country (both in land mass and in population) than the original 13 colonies.
Faithful 2 Rome:
Yes…and this Country’s mentally challenged President still used the word “thugs” yesterday…

S’cuse me Georgie boy… a lttle lesson on words and their meanings…

a THUG is someone who pushes down little old women and grabs their purses…STOP trying to diminish the CHAOS and telling LIES as to what is going on over there Mr President :mad:
It’s funny when someone, like Faithful 2 Rome, tries to give others a lesson about the meaning of a word when the supposed teacher doesn’t have the facts straight to begin with.


As has already been pointed, but bears repeating:

Function: noun
Etymology: Hindi *thag, *literally, thief
: a brutal ruffian or assassin : GANGSTER, KILLER

– Mark L. Chance.
The word thug comes from an Inidan group called the Thugee.
The thugee were members of a religious sect in India believed to have been wiped out in the late 1800’s. They travelled in groups, strangling and robbing victims in the name of their goddess Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction. Substitute Baathist for goddess or Wahabbist radical Islam for goddess Kali and I’d say you’ve got a pretty fair comparison.
The word thug comes from an Inidan group called the Thugee.
The thugee were members of a religious sect in India believed to have been wiped out in the late 1800’s. They travelled in groups, strangling and robbing victims in the name of their goddess Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction. Substitute Baathist for goddess or Wahabbist radical Islam for goddess Kali and I’d say you’ve got a pretty fair comparison.
Which is why I included the date of common usage into the English language in my provided defiintion - the Brits had to remove suttee and thugery from the Hindu religion during their “colonial days”.
Sorry, but for Catholics to refuse to see that this war is NOT a success but in fact an unmitigated disaster are only lying to themselves. Bush is even gearing people up for the fact (except for those of us who already know) …these elections in January arent gonna change anything… he can prepare and try to cover himself and sell this propaganda all he wants… every day…he and this administration are being proven WRONG…and every day he tries to sell the notion (that I aint buying any longer) that these soldiers are fighting for MY or OUR way of life here…they arent…that is a lie…they are being used for the furthering of greed and power for the control of Oil and reshaping the mideast for even more control of oil… the sooner Catholics and all Christians realize this, the sooner the scales will fall from their eyes. God Bless…and may he keep America, her Soldiers and other Countries safe from the tyranny of G .W Bush & Co.
Faithful 2 Rome:
Sorry, but for Catholics to refuse to see that this war is NOT a success but in fact an unmitigated disaster are only lying to themselves. Bush is even gearing people up for the fact (except for those of us who already know) …these elections in January arent gonna change anything… he can prepare and try to cover himself and sell this propaganda all he wants… every day…he and this administration are being proven WRONG…and every day he tries to sell the notion (that I aint buying any longer) that these soldiers are fighting for MY or OUR way of life here…they arent…that is a lie…they are being used for the furthering of greed and power for the control of Oil and reshaping the mideast for even more control of oil… the sooner Catholics and all Christians realize this, the sooner the scales will fall from their eyes. God Bless…and may he keep America, her Soldiers and other Countries safe from the tyranny of G .W Bush & Co.
  1. Could I offer a suggestion? Your posts would be so much easier to read if you used some paragraphs.
2)How do you know that is for greed, power and oil? What FACTS lead you to this conclusion? What do you KNOW that the rest of us do not? Where did you get your information?
  1. Tyranny? My friend may you never have to live or be repatriated elsewhere - when and if you return you will do like the pope and kiss the ground to see your country again.
PS - if you find cheap gas and oil anywhwere please let me know where - my family could use some. We’re paying highly escalated prices for it.

PPS – I am curious about your signature - One phrase does not mean the other - or did you mean to have both phrases included?
Faithful 2 Rome:
Sorry, but for Catholics to refuse to see that this war is NOT a success but in fact an unmitigated disaster are only lying to themselves. Bush is even gearing people up for the fact (except for those of us who already know) …these elections in January arent gonna change anything… he can prepare and try to cover himself and sell this propaganda all he wants… every day…he and this administration are being proven WRONG…and every day he tries to sell the notion (that I aint buying any longer) that these soldiers are fighting for MY or OUR way of life here…they arent…that is a lie…they are being used for the furthering of greed and power for the control of Oil and reshaping the mideast for even more control of oil… the sooner Catholics and all Christians realize this, the sooner the scales will fall from their eyes. God Bless…and may he keep America, her Soldiers and other Countries safe from the tyranny of G .W Bush & Co.
So far, I haven’t heard any solution from you, just a bunch of complaints. Do you actually have any ideas to rectify the situation, or are you only going to sit around and complain?
Is it true that if there are free elections a party like the one they have in Iran will win?

At least Saddam was a secularist.

Syria is also baathist and it is probably the best muslim country in the middle east for christians.

Now other groups of people will be opressed, Sunnies and christians, apostasy laws, Did someone believe Iraq would become a liberal democracy?

I guess a horrible cruel government by the shiite majority is better than a horrible cruel government by the sunni minority anyway… less people will suffer at least.

I think this whole war was wrong, I supported the Americans in Afghanistan, because they attacked the USA, and they were probably the most horrible country in the world, the way they treated women.

But Iraq didnt attack the USA, you dont invade a country unless they attack you, that is just war I think.

Saddam being bad to his own people isnt justificative for war, there are lots of countries worse than Iraq, what do we need to do to get the USA to invade Saudi Arabia for example? they are very very bad, but they are friends of the USA, and why are they friends?

Saudi Arabia supports terrorism and the guys who made the september 11 attacks were from Arabia.

Why are they friends I ask again? why not invading them?

Is it up to the USA to decide which country run by a horrible government is a menace and which one is a friend of the USA?

That doesnt make me feel safe.

Anybody remembers Hans Blix, he used to say all the time there are no weapons there are no weapons and everybody shitted on him, I think he deserves an apology because he was right and his reputation was damaged.

I am from Argentina btw, sorry If my english isnt so good.
Anybody remembers Hans Blix, he used to say all the time there are no weapons there are no weapons and everybody shitted on him, I think he deserves an apology because he was right and his reputation was damaged.
Hmmm- not quite accurate per the article below and he had no reputation to damage, even his former employer stated that he never could understand how Hans got the job in Iraq as he was so dumb.,

By: Stewart Stogel, NewsMax.com
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004
Documents Show That U.N. Inspector Believed Saddam Was Hiding Secret Weapons

UNITED NATIONS – U.N. chief Iraq arms inspector Dr. Hans Blix believed that Baghdad may have been hiding as much as 10,000 liters of deadly anthrax before the U.S.- and British-led coalition invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

According to experts, if properly weaponized, that amount of anthrax could neutralize a city the size of New York.

The admission by Blix was found in a private report sent to the UNMOVIC (U.N. Monitoring, Observation and Verification Commission) College of Commissioners just weeks before the invasion. The college is the U.N. body’s executive board.

In his report Blix said that he had a “strong suspicion” that Iraq “is hiding” as much as 10,000 liters of the exotic poison.

The private proclamation went further than Blix’s public statements where he insisted that weapons Baghdad could not account for was not proof they existed and were hidden.

A senior official at the French foreign ministry in Paris told NewsMax that he was aware of the assertion by Blix and believed it was made “under pressure from Washington.”

On Thursday, CIA Director George Tenet told an audience at Georgetown University that his agency’s assessment on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction was shared by numerous intelligence agencies other than the CIA.

Blix’s report would seem to corroborate the Tenet claim.

Former U.N. chief arms inspector Rolf Ekeus had explained that anthrax is one form of WMD that is easily hidden and stored.

“In a spore form you can hide it in a cool cellar and perhaps keep it for as long as 15 years,” Ekeus proclaimed.

Ekeus went on to explain that in such a form, anthrax is fairly safe and would be difficult for arms inspectors to track down.

“You can store it in a person’s home. How can we search every home in Iraq?” Ekeus once asked.

In his speech, Tenet took exception with the claim made by the United States’ recently departed Iraq arms hunter David Kay that the Iraq Survey Group, which has not found WMD, had completed “85 percent” of its work.

Tenet told the Georgetown audience that the Iraq group “has nowhere even close to completing 85 percent of its work.”

Kay’s successor, former deputy chief U.N. Iraq arms inspector Charles Duelfer, is expected to take up his new duties in Baghdad this week.

Based on statements by Blix and his predecessor Rolf Ekeus, Tenet’s claims may be accurate, in a strict technical sense.

Questioned by NewsMax, Blix explained from his home in Stockholm, Sweden:

“We [the U.N.] had strong suspicions that some anthrax was still hidden, but we did not find the evidence to assert its existence…”
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