Election Officials in Baghdad Executed

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Faithful 2 Rome:
Sorry, but for Catholics to refuse to see that this war is NOT a success but in fact an unmitigated disaster are only lying to themselves. Bush is even gearing people up for the fact (except for those of us who already know) …these elections in January arent gonna change anything… he can prepare and try to cover himself and sell this propaganda all he wants… every day…he and this administration are being proven WRONG…and every day he tries to sell the notion (that I aint buying any longer) that these soldiers are fighting for MY or OUR way of life here…they arent…that is a lie…they are being used for the furthering of greed and power for the control of Oil and reshaping the mideast for even more control of oil… the sooner Catholics and all Christians realize this, the sooner the scales will fall from their eyes. God Bless…and may he keep America, her Soldiers and other Countries safe from the tyranny of G .W Bush & Co.
So as Catholics and Christians were are called to care… only about our way of life?

I assume you no longer drive any cars that use oil or heat your home using oil? I mean, how can you justify using blood oil?
Is it true that if there are free elections a party like the one they have in Iran will win?

At least Saddam was a secularist.

Syria is also baathist and it is probably the best muslim country in the middle east for christians.

Now other groups of people will be opressed, Sunnies and christians, apostasy laws, Did someone believe Iraq would become a liberal democracy?

I guess a horrible cruel government by the shiite majority is better than a horrible cruel government by the sunni minority anyway… less people will suffer at least.

I think this whole war was wrong, I supported the Americans in Afghanistan, because they attacked the USA, and they were probably the most horrible country in the world, the way they treated women.

But Iraq didnt attack the USA, you dont invade a country unless they attack you, that is just war I think.

Saddam being bad to his own people isnt justificative for war, there are lots of countries worse than Iraq, what do we need to do to get the USA to invade Saudi Arabia for example? they are very very bad, but they are friends of the USA, and why are they friends?

Saudi Arabia supports terrorism and the guys who made the september 11 attacks were from Arabia.

Why are they friends I ask again? why not invading them?

Is it up to the USA to decide which country run by a horrible government is a menace and which one is a friend of the USA?

That doesnt make me feel safe.

Anybody remembers Hans Blix, he used to say all the time there are no weapons there are no weapons and everybody shitted on him, I think he deserves an apology because he was right and his reputation was damaged.

I am from Argentina btw, sorry If my english isnt so good.
Which web site did you get these talking points from - is it perhaps kitchensinkargumentsagainstgreedybushwar.com?

Had you noticed how Iraq treated women prior to the war?

What you think just war is is not just war - look it up in the Catechism.
Psalm 21

In thy strength the king rejoices, O LORD; and in thy help how greatly he exults!
Thou hast given him his heart’s desire, and hast not withheld the request of his lips.
For thou dost meet him with goodly blessings; thou dost set a crown of fine gold upon his head.
He asked life of thee; thou gavest it to him, length of days for ever and ever.
His glory is great through thy help; splendor and majesty thou dost bestow upon him.
Yea, thou dost make him most blessed for ever; thou dost make him glad with the joy of thy presence.
For the king trusts in the LORD; and through the steadfast love of the Most High he shall not be moved.
Your hand will find out all your enemies; your right hand will find out those who hate you.
You will make them as a blazing oven when you appear. The LORD will swallow them up in his wrath; and fire will consume them.
You will destroy their offspring from the earth, and their children from among the sons of men.
If they plan evil against you, if they devise mischief, they will not succeed.
For you will put them to flight; you will aim at their faces with your bows.
Be exalted, O LORD, in thy strength! We will sing and praise thy power.

God Bless the people of Iraq and God Bless George Bush!
And turn the hearts of those silly libs! 😃
Faithful 2 Rome:
Sorry, but for Catholics to refuse to see that this war is NOT a success but in fact an unmitigated disaster are only lying to themselves. Bush is even gearing people up for the fact (except for those of us who already know) …these elections in January arent gonna change anything… he can prepare and try to cover himself and sell this propaganda all he wants… every day…he and this administration are being proven WRONG…and every day he tries to sell the notion (that I aint buying any longer) that these soldiers are fighting for MY or OUR way of life here…they arent…that is a lie…they are being used for the furthering of greed and power for the control of Oil and reshaping the mideast for even more control of oil… the sooner Catholics and all Christians realize this, the sooner the scales will fall from their eyes. God Bless…and may he keep America, her Soldiers and other Countries safe from the tyranny of G .W Bush & Co.
I encourage you to look beyond what the media is telling you and to stop letting your hatred for George Bush cloud your judgement and reason.

If you do some historical research, you’ll find that post-war Germany was in a similar state as that of Iraq due to Nazi holdouts and insurgents of various stripes. Casualty counts from the time period after the war ended in Germany are actually higher per capita than they are presently since the cessation of major ground combat.
Bush is even gearing people up for the fact (except for those of us who already know).
Here you betray your elitism. What do you really know? Have you been over there? What first person resources do you have to verify your statements?
and every day he tries to sell the notion (that I aint buying any longer) that these soldiers are fighting for MY or OUR way of life here…they arent…that is a lie…they are being used for the furthering of greed and power for the control of Oil and reshaping the mideast for even more control of oil
If oil was all it was about, we’d drill in ANWAR and occupy Kuwait, it would have been much easier. Do you really want to know what’s going on? think strategically and not emotionally. Take a look at where Iraq sits on a map. It is the linchpin of the middle east, it always has been. In order to wage an effective war against our enemies, it is essential to control key lines of supply, communication, trade, and transportation. Taking Iraq out of play as a terrosist sponsoring nation state has done this. Syria now has the Israelis on one side and us on the other. Iran faces the same situation with us on both their western and southeastern borders and a Russia that is unhappy with their sponsorship of Chechnya on their north. It makes sense.
the sooner Catholics and all Christians realize this, the sooner the scales will fall from their eyes. God Bless…and may he keep America, her Soldiers and other Countries safe from the tyranny of G .W Bush
Here we go again the scales will fall off of our eyes like they have already fallen from yours (elitist rhetoric again)…“tyranny of G.W. Bush” yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. He was re-elected by a majority of the people both popular vote and electoral college. Deal with it. I am rather tired of the same played out arguments from the same talking heads and doomsayers (most of whom had positions in the previous administration) who have condemnation but not one, single, solitary, positive, constructive, thought to offer.

I am waiting to hear what you would differently in this war on terror.
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