
Ok, ok. I won’t watch Ellen anymore… I think by watching programs like this we support that type of life style, and the adverstisers see that. 10 years ago we would not have had a program called queer eye for the straight guy, but because we supported other programs heading down that path we now have this program, at some point we have to say to the people with the money enough, and one tv at a time we can do that. Who knows it may even get to the point you can turn on the tv without having to advert your eyes every time a sexmerical comes on.
You have to use your conscience, and what I found is the more I started to learn about the Church teaching the more alive, and formed my conscience became and I now enjoy turning off the TV and picking up a good book. It is so cool starting to have a conscience that talks back to me instead of being beat into submission by my sins.
God Bless and Be Safe

BTW, I’m really impressed with all your (name removed by moderator)uts! I love getting a definitive answer from the pros at CA and was afraid I’d get too many mixed messages from the gallery by placing this question in the General forum, but even though you all provided many opinions on both sides, it really helped me make my own conscious decision and one that I’m happy with

Should we end this thread? If so, how?