Ellen fan, but is it right?

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If you are going to make a choice not to watch a homosexual’s show on T.V. because the person lives a gay lifestyle, then you should also avoid watching shows hosted by heterosexuals (i.e. Oprah) who also do not live up to the moral teachings of the church (she and boyfriend Stedman live together and most certainly engage in premarital sex, which is a sin in the Catholic church). It would seem to me hypocritical to avoid watching shows like Ellen’s but then turn around and endorse shows like Oprah.
I quit watching Oprah for that very reason. When people are living sinful lives, and they defend their sin, then I won’t watch them. I figure that I can’t trust that I’m going to get the truth from them, because everything they say will be tainted by their sin. Their consciences have been deadened, and I don’t want mine confused by theirs. It’s hard enough work these days to form a good conscience.

Your immortal soul is at stake, and it’s not worth it for a moment of fun.
I quit watching Oprah for that very reason. When people are living sinful lives, and they defend their sin, then I won’t watch them. I figure that I can’t trust that I’m going to get the truth from them, because everything they say will be tainted by their sin. Their consciences have been deadened, and I don’t want mine confused by theirs. It’s hard enough work these days to form a good conscience.

Your immortal soul is at stake, and it’s not worth it for a moment of fun.
What a great and insightful post. Ellen is not only a hollywood personality, but she openly flaunts her “gay” agenda. It would be one thing if she were an entertainer who had SSAD and no one knew, but she flaunts it and that is one more scandal that is not received as scandalous by our dulled society.
What a great and insightful post. Ellen is not only a hollywood personality, but she openly flaunts her “gay” agenda. It would be one thing if she were an entertainer who had SSAD and no one knew, but she flaunts it and that is one more scandal that is not received as scandalous by our dulled society.
I am a big fan of the show as well, however, I definitely disagree with the above post. I have been really impressed with the fact that her sexual activity comes up in her show, basically never. She keeps it pretty clean, and she is authentically funny. I love watching her dance, and I think that she honestly is a good person who is mistaken. Isn’t that what sin is?
I think that if she was constantly talking about being gay, or how it was ok, or pushing her opinions in any way, we would have a moral obligation to turn it off. But I have never heard her do anything like this. If you didn’t know she was gay before you started watching, you wouldn’t after. So I say watch and pray.

I’m with Karl: I suggest not watching TV. It’s becoming more and more dehumanizing. Reality TV shows, for example. Reality? Who in the real world lies down in a box of scorpions? Or shoves worms in their mouth? It’s not really real, is it? It’s purpose must not be to show reality, it must be to titilate, amuse, etc. How does it do it? By asking the question “what over the top thing can we get a human being to do for cash?” The human who participates in it is thus dehumanized, reduced to less than what the Christ created him or her to be. I watch TLC (The Learning Channel) some, but the c**p is creeping over into that as well. Best to read a book. If you bring Bea up in a house full of books, she’ll be the smartest kid you can imagine. Her teachers will thank you (I’m a teacher, so my animosity to television is deeply rooted!).
I am a big fan of the show as well, however, I definitely disagree with the above post. I have been really impressed with the fact that her sexual activity comes up in her show, basically never. She keeps it pretty clean, and she is authentically funny. I love watching her dance, and I think that she honestly is a good person who is mistaken. Isn’t that what sin is?
I think that if she was constantly talking about being gay, or how it was ok, or pushing her opinions in any way, we would have a moral obligation to turn it off. But I have never heard her do anything like this. If you didn’t know she was gay before you started watching, you wouldn’t after. So I say watch and pray.

Her last show was very much pro gay agenda and her private life was all over TV until very recently. Her interviews mostly discuss her gay lifestyle. I can find no reason to patronize her new show. It seems absurd to waste time watching a show whose host is so antithetical to Christian living.

BTW, taking a pro gay stand is not a mere mistake like buying the wrong salad dressing at the supermarket. She not only sins, as we all do, but claims she is not sinning and thinks others should do the same. That is not a mere mistake.
Remember…she was popular before she ever “came out.” She “made it” before she ever announced her disordered thought process to the world.
Obviously you know very little about her stand up comedy days that landed her job on TV or forgot all about the scandalous seduction of Anne hesch(sp?). She got on TV because she was gay and she stays on TV because she is gay. Her sitcom was kept afloat for far to long because of the gay lobby in spite of dismal ratings. Her unending support of gay lifestyle lobbyists is manifest. Your post proves the point that the best propaganda is 95% true. Your anger with me demonstrates the power of the immoral to subvert seemingly normal peoples judgments. Think back to the culture of the 1950’s I don’t know one self respecting man or woman who would not have walked their TV to the side of the road and smashed it with a sledgehammer if they thought for a second that homosexual entertainers would use it as a medium to promote their lifestyle. Some say we are more enlightened the church says we are more immoral in the areas of sexual propriety. I think the church is right, take a stand do not support anyone financially who advocates gay lifestyles to your children overtly or as a role model.

God Bless
This is a group who are very immature spiritually.

If you like her show, watch it. If you don’t, don’t.
This is a group who are very immature spiritually.

If you like her show, watch it. If you don’t, don’t.
Thank you oh wise sage of all knowledge.:rolleyes:
If I were to stop watching and listening to entertainers, actors and actressess cause they live either amoral or immoral lifestyles, or those who either dont practice or have left their Catholic faith… then I’d have to give up the pleasure and enjoyment that:

Sammy Davis Jr
Frank Sinatra
Dean Martin
Ian Mccallom
Tom Jones
Robbie Williams
Martin Scorcese
Tom Cruise
John Travolta

and a HOST of others…have brought to me

and THAT isnt about to happen…their personal lives dont effect how I live mine and I feel sorry for people who need to avoid them cause they fear somehow that their lifestyles will “rub off” on them.

I sure hope that those who do stop watching media types cause your more interested in their persoanl lives and how they dont measure up to YOU…no longer watch or listen to Rush “oxycontin” Limbaugh…or Bill “Loufa” O Reilly…cause if ya dont have problems when Conservatives show how double standard, flawed and hypocritacal they can be…but do have problems with a Liberals lifestyle…then thats just 100% hypocrisy.

Their private lives are between them and God… they have a right to make a living as much as the next person…sure, I hang my head in sorrow when I read or hear about what they do or believe in…but if I like them on a level of entertainment and as long as they aint waging wars and committing murder…I will continue to endorse their TALENT.
Publicly endorsing sin is very different manner from privately sinning. Ellen is a notorious sinner and invites others to sin. Many entertainers should be avoided. Including many on your list.

While I personally can’t stand Limbaugh, as an example, I am not aware he has publiclly endorsed drug addiction as a moral good and encouraged others to get addicted if they “feel” they were born that way.
I just got done watching Ellen today…guess what? She didnt mention her sexuality at all…I watched her yesterday…guess what? didnt happen then either…as a matter of fact, I’ve been watching her show off and on since it debuted…not one peep about her being gay… as a matter of fact…i cant recall watching a show where she had on a celebrity who was even remotely rumored to be gay…what she does have is her mom in the audience everyday and I think thats nice… but Conan Obrian had on Ian McCallum last night and hes gay…should I stop watching Conan now? Isnt he endorsing homosexuality by having a gay man on? Or is he simply not overreacting and just endorsing the mans performance in The Lord of the Rings…should I not watch ANY movies cause there may be gays, lesbians or bisexuals in them? Hope nobody likes Cary Grant, Rock Hudson, Errol Flynn or Tyrone Power…you know,…the stars from the days of “innocence” :rolleyes: Hope nobody lets their kids watch the Old Superman serials with George Reeves…he was a philanderer…Jimmie Olsen is gay in real life! Oh my! :eek:

Ellen isnt using her show as a platform to endorse lesbianism and if she ever does, I guess the public will respond like they did when her show got cancelled…which when she didnt use it as a platform was funny and supported by me as a viewer. Does Ellen use her celebrity status as a platform? Of course… but I aint gonna condemn her with my remote control…I’ll do that when I need to vote the issues…until then God Bless ALL people…gays and lesbians alike… and may they use their God given gifts and talents to help others with their wealth…here is how God brings good out of bad… and may their good hearts give them Gods grace to help them with their flawed vision of Christainity. Look to the “notorious sinners” in Congress, the Senate and the White House…THEIR decsions bring about more suffering to this world and Country than the individual citizen or hollywood celebrities…if people wanna stay away from HW or their celebs…fine…I support that right…but when those who try to become My self appointed moralists and dictate to me BEYOND what the Church herself doesnt even get messed up in, is when I become defensive…I wont tell anyone they’re nuts and overreacting as long as they dont try to accuse me of supporting a sinners sin just cause I like them…the Church doesnt do it and neither should anyone else…its borderline radical fundamentalism…NOT Catholicism.
People with same sex attraction disorder deserve our prayers and good medical help. They do not need to be like Ellen promoting their disorder as normal and spreading error.

Some can’t see there is a big difference between struggling with sin and publicly promoting scandal and error. The hollywood types have greater influence in pop culture than do most people. Watch her vapid show or not. My point is she is a blantant homosexualist with an agenda that is counter to Christianity.
Again…I disgree with the way you have stated these issues…you are somehow claiming that Ellen somehow believes she is promoting a disordered lifestyle…personally…to promote something means one has to be saying its good for everyone and all should try it at least once…she doesnt do that…If you think that…you need to review the entire issue of homosexuality…but I truly believe she doesnt think she is harming society…in Ellens or almost any gay persons mind…they are born this way… even the Church isnt sure…but more evidence points to BOTH causes…being born with this attraction as well as environmental…they dont view themselves as disordered or immoral…we need to stop trying to place ALL homosexuals in the same basket…ie…think that they ALL support radical gays who march on churches and spit out hosts…or march half naked in parades…you cannot lump them all into that category…it cannot be done…just cause a gay is living an immoral lifestyle doesnt mean they are evil and immoral people at heart…they cannot be painted with such a broad brush… I got a question…if you were forced to make a choice as to a babysitter for your child… and the ONLY two choices were Ellen and Howard Stern…who would ya pick? Howard is VERY HETERO btw… me…I’m going with Ellen… heck…if I had to choose…I’d rather have Ellen AND her gay lover live next door to me than that evil creep Howard Stern…

Please dont mistake my charity for actually condoning the practice of gay sex… I am a huge advocate of banning gay marriage and civil unions that drain my SS benefits and health care…even for banning hetero civil unions that do the same. Iam also for banning gays from being able to adopt and teach children… but at the same time… there are many more sins in the bible that we should be getting worked up over…like Murder, WAR, ABORTION…and stuff like that… violence needs to be addressed MORE SO than peoples personal sexual habits…and again…thats not to say we should diminish the fight for morality and proper sexuality…but decent acting gays (not radicals) deserve love and respect and not to be looked at as the MAIN culprits of societys ills…pray for them and let them live their lives in peace and quiet… and if they happen to be funny comedians, great actors or awesome singers…support them if you like (or dont ) but dont condemn others who wanna be entertained by them.
I vehemently disagree. You are minimizing a serious moral issue that is helping to destroy our society. Just because one that lives a “gay” lifestyle does not think they are promoting sin does not mean they are not. St. Augustine tells us serious sin dulls our conscience and darkens are intellect.

Any young person who is confused and sees Ellen can easily be led to think that she has a good life and can be mistaken into thinking that way of life leads to joy in this life and eternal happiness.

Sodomy is only one of a handful of sins specifically mentioned in Scripture that call out to heaven for justice. God does not take sodomy lightly. It is a serious sin, it can murder one’s soul and is no less important than any other sin you mentioned.

As for Stern or Ellen, that is Hobson’s choice, or no choice at all. A false question. Neither one should be around children IMO.

Again I say you minize the grave sin of homosexual conduct by claiming other sins are more important than “sexual habits”. That is rubbish. Contraception and the wide acceptence by so many since the 1960s has ushered in all the depravity we see today. Things like abortion, adultery, sodomy, IVF, etc are all embraced as normal today due to the separation of love from sex.

If you want to watch a empty show like Ellen, you are free to do so, but please do not make the argument publicly “gay” people are not a scandal and ruinous to souls. They help lead others astray.
See…now you had to make it personal…why do you accuse me of minimizing… when I said I dont… so now I ACCUSE YOU of showing a great lack of charity towards these people…you cant even decipher my posts properly… End of discussion with you…as for me…I’ll be watchng Ellen AGAIN today and tomorrow and I hope her show is blessed to succeed as long as she dont use it as a platform for her lifestyle…as a matter of fact I’ll tune in ALL my TVs in my home to maximize her ratings just to counter you not watching. I pity you…you think cause someone is gay they dont deserve a talk show cause they refuse to stay in the closet…as long as Ellen or any gays arent marching on the Vatican and calling the Pope names in public or verbally attacking the faith… she and all of them in the field of entertaiment get my support … your problem is you think a talk show such as hers is undermining society…I see nothing wrong…and I WAS gonna entitle you to your opinion…but since you accuse me of supporting that lifestyle… I must diminish your opinion and call it ignorant and uneducated…seriously, some of you people should apply for the job of dictator Pope…cause you seem to wish to impose your overly strict views upon other Catholics BEYOND what Rome herself doesnt do… so…a little lesson in apologetics…until Rome says watching something with gay people equates to supporting their lifestyle, I’ll keep watching…you keep on with your Fundie attitudes and dont forget to write the Pope and tell him he should be condemning gays to the point of denying them a living in the field of entertainment… and for him to get cracking on figuring out a way to mix fascism into Catholicism and get them queers into FORCED medical therapy 😛 I’ll simply add them BRIEFLY to my prayers and prayer MORE for unjust war, genocide, abortion and murder…cause they deserve more attention. God Bless.
Faithful 2 Rome:
Again…I disgree with the way you have stated these issues…you are somehow claiming that Ellen somehow believes she is promoting a disordered lifestyle…personally…to promote something means one has to be saying its good for everyone and all should try it at least once…she doesnt do that…If you think that…you need to review the entire issue of homosexuality…but I truly believe she doesnt think she is harming society
. there are many more sins in the bible that we should be getting worked up over…like Murder, WAR, ABORTION…and stuff like that… violence needs to be addressed MORE SO than peoples personal sexual habits…
I will let your words speak for you.
Faithful 2 Rome:
See…now you had to make it personal…why do you accuse me of minimizing… when I said I dont… so now I ACCUSE YOU of showing a great lack of charity towards these people…you cant even decipher my posts properly… End of discussion with you…as for me…I’ll be watchng Ellen AGAIN today and tomorrow and I hope her show is blessed to succeed as long as she dont use it as a platform for her lifestyle…as a matter of fact I’ll tune in ALL my TVs in my home to maximize her ratings just to counter you not watching. I pity you…you think cause someone is gay they dont deserve a talk show cause they refuse to stay in the closet…as long as Ellen or any gays arent marching on the Vatican and calling the Pope names in public or verbally attacking the faith… she and all of them in the field of entertaiment get my support … your problem is you think a talk show such as hers is undermining society…I see nothing wrong…and I WAS gonna entitle you to your opinion…but since you accuse me of supporting that lifestyle… I must diminish your opinion and call it ignorant and uneducated. God Bless.
You have been co opted by pop culture. Even your phrases like …“stay in the closet” give you away. My opinion is informed by my faith and charity for the souls involved. Your’s appears to be one that is equal to our pagan society.

Error has no rights. No one has any right to give public scandal.
Yeah…I’m co opted…actually, I unlike YOU arent afraid to live in the world and still know how to not be part of it…some cant…and I aint making fun of them…it is hard for them…but since you accuse me of being co opted, I think I now must question your ability to live among sinners without getting yourself into a tizzy and knowing how to put things into PROPER PERSPECTIVE…you are obviously one of the weak ones… which is fine…but dont start lamblasting others who arent weak and know how to COPE and DEAL properly with these issues.

Yeah…I’m co opted…I think ya better go research ALL my posts…I was once a big time demonizer and demagoger when it came to gays and thos who disagreed with this war…now I properly put things into proper perspective… question: does a pop culture co opted person (such as me… 😛 )advocate literally RIPPING adopted babies and children from the arms of their gay parents? I do…does a pop culture co opted person (such as me… 😛 ) advocate DENYING teaching jobs from the grades of kindergarten thru grammar school to ALL homosexuals? I Do… let the gays have their entertainment… btw…Britany Spears, Madonna, Paris Hilton and Christina Aguilara are more of a threat to children than Ellen or Hollywood gays like her… I just think you havent a clue of WHERE to wage your battles with the homosexual culture…AS WELL as the equally degenerate STRAIGHT culture…you strike me as someone who could easily borderline and sympathize with those who carry, “GOD HATES FAGS” signs…I hope not…I also have a question for you…A certain poster here once stated they would “weep for joy” if all celebrities were to die and hollywood ceased to exist…do you support such hate speech? Do you think wishing death on people is Christian? Did God burning Sodom and Gommorah cure the world? Sin exists…learn to choose your battles wisely so they count for something… a harmless talk show is a waste of energy & battle strategy… geez… :rolleyes:
Btw…Ellen is on right now and I am watching and gladly giving her the ratings…which I will ALSO be doing tonite when I watch Will & Grace…not only that…I am looking forward to getting seasons 4 & 5 of the Sopranos on dvd for Christmas…since I already happily own seasons 1, 2 & 3 👍

Another question I have for you…unless I am mistaken, in one of your early posts you accused the Ellen Show of having a pro gay program recently…I cant seem to find that episode nor can I recall a pro gay agenda show…odd…since I watch the show most of the time… so could you please be so kind as to give me the DATE this supposed event aired…I wish to locate the transcript to see if that was true or not…if it was I will do my part and contact the station and complain…which I am almost SURE you did after this alleged show aired…RIGHT? :rolleyes: …cause after all, you are waging such a holy war against this show and those like it…I’d hate to think you as a Christian LIED in order to get your point across. 😉
Faithful 2 Rome:
Yeah…I’m co opted…actually, I unlike YOU arent afraid to live in the world and still know how to not be part of it…some cant…and I aint making fun of them…it is hard for them…but since you accuse me of being co opted, I think I now must question your ability to live among sinners without getting yourself into a tizzy and knowing how to put things into PROPER PERSPECTIVE…you are obviously one of the weak ones… which is fine…but dont start lamblasting others who arent weak and know how to COPE and DEAL properly with these issues.
I guess I hit a nerve. We have lost the concept of scandal. It is hard to be scandalized when we take our cues from pop culture, rather than the Church.
Yeah…I’m co opted…I think ya better go research ALL my posts…I was once a big time demonizer and demagoger when it came to gays and thos who disagreed with this war…now I properly put things into proper perspective…
You sound like a secularist. Who has “demonized” those who are afflicted with SSAD?.
…Britany Spears, Madonna, Paris Hilton and Christina Aguilara are more of a threat to children than Ellen or Hollywood gays like her…
IMO, they are an equal threat.
I just think you havent a clue of WHERE to wage your battles with the homosexual culture…
We do not compromise. Sin is always wrong. Scandal is always wrong. You may be lukewarm and that is ytour choice.
you strike me as someone who could easily borderline and sympathize with those who carry, “GOD HATES FAGS” signs…
Again, you may think that because you are a pop culture wisdom kinda girl. None of my posts have ever said any such thing.
A certain poster here once stated they would “weep for joy” if all celebrities were to die and hollywood ceased to exist…do you support such hate speech?
I support authentic charity. I hope and pray all reach eternal salvation, that does not mean I will not fight hammer and tong against any who would lead others, especially children, into sin.
Do you think wishing death on people is Christian?
Of course not, please cite any post anywhere from me that would provoke such a question.
Did God burning Sodom and Gommorah cure the world?
Your fight is not with me, but with God. Ask Him.
Sin exists…learn to choose your battles wisely so they count for something… a harmless talk show is a waste of energy & battle strategy… geez… :rolleyes:
I will say it one more time. You are free to watch vapid TV shows hosted by public homosexualists. Please do not try to say it is good for people like Ellen act as they do.
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