Dear Max,It seems plenty of people have responded by saying that they too have wept like that during Mass…that’s truly an admirable thing, a “gift” as most of you have put it. But, I have a question…do any of you know when and how exactly this started? When did it begin have more meaning in your life, or have you had it since the beginning?
I ask because I, in a way, envy that feeling the “weepers” get during Mass. See, I’m the type that…well, I just stare off into space and end up paying very little attention to anything that’s going on. I’m ashamed to say it, but when I do pay attention…I’m still almost completely unmoved. I wish I had the experience most of you have when you go to mass, because I really don’t feel anything at all…not even when I take the Eucharist. So really, to all of you weepers…it’s not you who should be ashamed. It’s those of us who feel nothing who should, if anybody.
I used to share the same problem, inattention, day dreaming, Inability to remember the homily or readings after mass.
I’m alot older than you, so I hope you don’t wait as long as I did to appreciate the Mass.
I got so fed-up with myself one Sunday, I vowed to follow all the words at mass in the missalette, to strictly be aware of my wandering mind, and quiz myself on the homily afterwords.
It took about a year, and one Sunday, I realized I was reciting the words of the Eucharistic Prayer. It was after this point that I started to recieve the gift of tears.
I guess what I am saying is how bad do you want to appreciate the Mass? For me it was more than worth the inconvenience and discipline. I don’t know if you’ll recieve the gift of tears, but you will certainly be drawn neareer to Our Lord.
God bless You!!
Hey, I hope this post finds you doing well, lo these many years later.