Embarrassing Question

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It seems plenty of people have responded by saying that they too have wept like that during Mass…that’s truly an admirable thing, a “gift” as most of you have put it. But, I have a question…do any of you know when and how exactly this started? When did it begin have more meaning in your life, or have you had it since the beginning?

I ask because I, in a way, envy that feeling the “weepers” get during Mass. See, I’m the type that…well, I just stare off into space and end up paying very little attention to anything that’s going on. I’m ashamed to say it, but when I do pay attention…I’m still almost completely unmoved. I wish I had the experience most of you have when you go to mass, because I really don’t feel anything at all…not even when I take the Eucharist. So really, to all of you weepers…it’s not you who should be ashamed. It’s those of us who feel nothing who should, if anybody.
Dear Max,
I used to share the same problem, inattention, day dreaming, Inability to remember the homily or readings after mass.
I’m alot older than you, so I hope you don’t wait as long as I did to appreciate the Mass.

I got so fed-up with myself one Sunday, I vowed to follow all the words at mass in the missalette, to strictly be aware of my wandering mind, and quiz myself on the homily afterwords.
It took about a year, and one Sunday, I realized I was reciting the words of the Eucharistic Prayer. It was after this point that I started to recieve the gift of tears.

I guess what I am saying is how bad do you want to appreciate the Mass? For me it was more than worth the inconvenience and discipline. I don’t know if you’ll recieve the gift of tears, but you will certainly be drawn neareer to Our Lord.

God bless You!!

Hey, I hope this post finds you doing well, lo these many years later.
You need not be embarrassed. Padre Pio would sometimes cry all the way through the canon when he celebrated Mass. This is not at all foreign to the spirit of the Mass–after all, the maniple essentially originated as a sort of handkerchief.

The Mass is calvary re-presented for us, and the Passion is a sad affair. I don’t cry very often, but I sobbed my way through much of The Passion of the Christ.
I have a slighly embarrassing question: this always happens to me during mass and it’s difficult for me to ask anyone about it, but I become very emotional during certain parts of the mass, particularlly during the song of forgiveness: Lamb of God…you take away the sins of the world…have mercy on us. Prince of Peace: you take away the sins of the world…
***As hard as try and tell myself “I’ll be able to hold back”, the tears just start falling like someone turned on a facet:o …if I don’t have tissue I’m in trouble:eek: ***
Does anyone else have this happen??
Sometimes I feel Jesus is trying to tell me something! I’m not particularlly a over -emtional person, but at times I can be moved by somethings.
One thing that I have noticed when I walk into chruch…is a very wonderfull peace that comes over me…I love that feeling!
thanks fo all who read my post and resond,
Have a great day, God Bless!
I thought that I was the only one! The tears come heavy after I receive communion. I immedietly feel embarassed- then I feel bad for feeling embarassed. My girlfriend told me it was a gift of the Holy Spirit- so I am trying to view it as a blessing.
I’ve had this experience a few times. I don’t remember it happening at a Mass, but it did happen during a praise and worship concert held the first night of the F.O.C.U.S. (Fellowship Of Catholic University Students) conference back in January '06. After singing some uplifting songs, the lead singer (a wonderful Catholic recording artist named Martin Doman) invited people to come forward if they wished to rededicate their lives to God. As he and the instrumentalists behind him continued playing and he was praying at the same time, asking the Lord to look with love on us, His children, many of us began praying and calling out to the Lord. I remember kneeling with tears streaming down my face, my arms lifted to Heaven, crying out, “Abba! Father!” Tears are running from my eyes even at this moment as I recall it, because it was such a powerful experience.

MaryCatherine has described “the gift of tears” as being given by the Holy Spirit. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit a few years ago, and while not proficient with the gift of speaking in tongues, I do think that the Spirit gave me the gift of tears instead. I’ve found myself with slow, silent tears coming down my face while praying before the Blessed Sacrament. I take a look at the image of Divine Mercy on the front of my prayer booklet (with the words “Speak Lord…your servant listens” written on the page), and I’m overcome that Jesus wishes to give mercy and forgiveness, even though I’m a poor sinner who is often unable to forgive others. I cry while meditating on the prayer written in the booklet and using it to converse with the Lord in my heart.

The only pitfall I’ve experienced (especially since this has mostly happened to me late at night) is that I end up feeling very exhausted the next morning. 😊
God Bless you George! I’ve done the same i places that discourage kneeling. I suggest you take this question to the Apologist Forum and get expert advise. No one can prevent you from using proper reverence in Mass. As for the “letter” no mere priest can change anything about the Mass on his own. That’s the Holy See’s job.

Peace and all good,

Thomas & George:

The GIRM IS THE GIRM - I’d ask to see the “Letter”, and then show him this:


And this:


And then this:
General Instruction of the Roman Missal*

The Structure of  the Mass, Its Elements and Its Parts**

Movements and Posture

*43. The faithful should stand from the beginning of the Entrance chant, or while the priest approaches the altar, until the end of the collect; for the ** Alleluia chant before the Gospel; while the Gospel itself is proclaimed; during the Profession of Faith and the Prayer of the Faithful; from the invitation, *Orate, fratres (Pray, brethren), before the prayer over the offerings until the end of Mass, except at the places indicated below.

They should, however, sit while the readings before the Gospel and the responsorial Psalm are proclaimed and for the homily and while the Preparation of the Gifts at the Offertory is taking place; and, as circumstances allow, they may sit or kneel while the period of sacred silence after Communion is observed.

*In the dioceses of the United States of America, they should kneel beginning after the singing or recitation of the *Sanctus until after the Amen of the Eucharistic Prayer, except when prevented on occasion by reasons of health, lack of space, the large number of people present, or some other good reason. Those who do not kneel ought to make a profound bow when the priest genuflects after the consecration. The faithful kneel after the Agnus Dei unless the diocesan Bishop determines otherwise.[53]


I think the last one will surprise anyone stuck in “The Spirit of Vatican II” the most.
I hope this helps to settle the argument, and if the parish priest is allowing any abuses, to cure the abuses.

Your Borther in Christ, Michael
This happens to me too all the time. My eyes are tearing up as I read your post. Many times during Mass, I can barely recite, “Lord, I’m not worthy to receive you, but say the word and I shall be healed” because I’m so choked-up.
I have a slighly embarrassing question: this always happens to me during mass and it’s difficult for me to ask anyone about it, but I become very emotional during certain parts of the mass, particularlly during the song of forgiveness: Lamb of God…you take away the sins of the world…have mercy on us. Prince of Peace: you take away the sins of the world…
***As hard as try and tell myself “I’ll be able to hold back”, the tears just start falling like someone turned on a facet:o …if I don’t have tissue I’m in trouble:eek: ***
Does anyone else have this happen??
Sometimes I feel Jesus is trying to tell me something! I’m not particularlly a over -emtional person, but at times I can be moved by somethings.
One thing that I have noticed when I walk into chruch…is a very wonderfull peace that comes over me…I love that feeling!
thanks fo all who read my post and resond,
Have a great day, God Bless!
This is known as a spiritual consolation.

See Teresa of Avila for more details.
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