Embryos created with DNA from 3 people

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I know there have been many threads on this topic, but see this Yahoo story.


I am not one who thinks science is remotely an affront to my faith, however there is a real disregard for human life in these experiments. While the desire to eliminate genetic disease is laudable on the surface, apparently in an effort to improve life for some, the lives of other’s are casually disregarded. I find this disturbing because such a mindset could be used to justify any number of things, including genocide.

I’m sure Mengele’s experiments on Jewish twins could have yielded interesting medical information, but they were a moral abomination.
Wow, that’s pretty disgusting. Didn’t British researchers create some human-animal hybrids a few months ago?
Watch this turn into a justification for polygamy. Just becasue science can do something doesn’t mean it must be done. Of course, now I’m an uneducated antiscientific fanatic for saying that.
Watch this turn into a justification for polygamy.
You’d really have to explain why that would seem the logical outcome - I mean, I could imagine that a polygamous triad might want to use the method to produce a joint child but quite why the process becomes a justification for polygamy I can’t imagine.

There’s nothing to stop polygamous relationships anyway, polygamy is just not recognized as a unit for legal purposes.
Like i said before, these secularist homophile coddling baby-killers are getting more and more demonic every day.

First contraception then abortion then homophilia, then in vitro, then ESCR , after that its making sperm from women and eggs from men, now this.

Its getting more and more demonic every day.

We’re all getting a glimpse of what hell is really like.
Like i said before, these secularist homophile coddling baby-killers are getting more and more demonic every day.

First contraception then abortion then homophilia, then in vitro, then ESCR , after that its making sperm from women and eggs from men, now this.

Its getting more and more demonic every day.

We’re all getting a glimpse of what hell is really like.
Hell doesn’t have mp3 players though, I expect.
If this was in an adult I would not consider this evil in anyway. It gets evil only because of IVF and the many embroys that would die because of it.

However I think you should understand something.

A mitochondrial genome is not the same as a nuclear genome, its not even linear and it is sooo biased! 😃

A mitochondrial is “sort of” an enslaved bacterial race living in your cells. If you kill the bacteria and replace it with another bacteria Its ok. You do not suddenly become the person who you got the bacteria from.

All you are doing is replacing a nonfuctional mitochondria. It would be equavalent to killing all the bone marrow, in a person that has cancer, and replacing it with his sisters, which is more than acceptable. It will also not make you a girl.

Also on a side not polygamy is not against Natural law! You can not use that arguement against Polygamy.
If this was in an adult I would not consider this evil in anyway. It gets evil only because of IVF and the many embroys that would die because of it.

However I think you should understand something.

A mitochondrial genome is not the same as a nuclear genome, its not even linear and it is sooo biased! 😃

A mitochondrial is “sort of” an enslaved bacterial race living in your cells. If you kill the bacteria and replace it with another bacteria Its ok. You do not suddenly become the person who you got the bacteria from.

All you are doing is replacing a nonfuctional mitochondria. It would be equavalent to killing all the bone marrow, in a person that has cancer, and replacing it with his sisters, which is more than acceptable. It will also not make you a girl.
I didn’t have a problem with them using genetic manipulation to cure diseases. That’s certainly commendable. The problem is the creation and destruction of embryos in doing so. This really bothers me. And let me be clear, I have been a lifetime pro-choice advocate. It’s only been recently that I’ve begun to switch my position on this issue - because of the Church primarily. And the consequences of abortion for women (but that’s another thread).

But even given my history, I find the flagrant disregard for human life here to be beyond disturbing. Embryos are nothing more than fodder in this case. “It’s not like they’re people.” By what standard can they make this statement? Because the embryo is incapable of rational thought, incapable of speech. By that reasoning, any number of people should be killed - the people who produced Waterworld for example.

PETA loudly decries any type of animal experimentation. And yet they could care less if we experiment on human embryos. If the embryo has no value, then what value does human life itself have?
This is another step toward reproductive cloning, manipulating DNA around to produce an embryo. So far, far, they don’t let the embryos live past 5 days, so it’s “only” therapeutic cloning so far.

Did you catch the wording in the article? Something about eventually allowing the embryos to implant & develop. Translation? After years of research & reports like this, the general public will be lulled into complaceny & we’ll forget what our original revulsion was with cloning. After years of embryonic stem cell research & therapeutic cloning, it won’t seem like such a big deal.

Whenever there is a story in the media about cloning, they always say, something like, at least it’s not reproductive cloning, something which almost all researchers are against… I guess these “researchers” didn’t get the memo.
Like i said before, these secularist homophile coddling baby-killers are getting more and more demonic every day.

First contraception then abortion then homophilia, then in vitro, then ESCR , after that its making sperm from women and eggs from men, now this.

Its getting more and more demonic every day.

We’re all getting a glimpse of what hell is really like.
Tell us how you really feel. 🤷 :rolleyes: :eek:
I know there have been many threads on this topic, but see this Yahoo story.


I am not one who thinks science is remotely an affront to my faith, however there is a real disregard for human life in these experiments. While the desire to eliminate genetic disease is laudable on the surface, apparently in an effort to improve life for some, the lives of other’s are casually disregarded. I find this disturbing because such a mindset could be used to justify any number of things, including genocide.

I’m sure Mengele’s experiments on Jewish twins could have yielded interesting medical information, but they were a moral abomination.
The only way this will be held back in real life is to see real life outcomes (e.g. grown person). When the concept is still in embryonic form it is in a form that most people cannot relate to. Otherwise the precepetion is this is just a bunch of cells (which is partly true as not every embryo makes it to term).
When the concept is still in embryonic form it is in a form that most people cannot relate to. Otherwise the precepetion is this is just a bunch of cells (which is partly true as not every embryo makes it to term).
I agree with you that there is less outrage because this concerns embryos, & less people can relate to them. That doesn’t make it right, though.

Just because significant numbers of pregnancies end in miscarriage does not somehow imply that they are not a precious human life. Many infants do not reach adulthood, but do we consider them unworthy of protection? Thousands of lives have unfortunately been lost in seconds during tsunamis & earthquakes. Are those lives not valuable either?
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